Anything But Vanilla Podcast

Episode 172: Better Late Than Never Bitches

September 27, 2020 Anything But Vanilla Season 1 Episode 72

The world is divided into two types of people… those who procrastinate and those who do not. If you haven’t guessed yet, Fran and Claire are of the former group, as evidenced by this weeks late episode. HOWEVER, research has also shown that individuals who procrastinate are generally; more creative, have better taste, exhibit greater intelligence, have wlcked senses of humor and are extremely witty, when compared to their timely counterparts. Oh you haven’t read this research? Well, an influencer we follow shared these facts on instagram, so they must be true, right??  JKJKJKJK we get our news strictly from facebook. 

Welcome in to episode 72, where we will not let go of summer and refuse to accept that it is now officially fall.  This week in review brings listeners the Glorious (fun Sundays with both of our kiddos and “normal” summer evenings teaching outside) and the shitty (Claire has a thorn this week, whaaaaaat?!?!)). News of the week is teaching Claire and Fran about parenting triads (its a thing of beauty) and the recently updated Rolling Stone magazines top 500 albums of all time (let the guessing games begin!). A listener is seeking our advice this week regarding her friends employment struggle. And let’s be real, bitch just because you have a job, doesn’t make you gods gift. The ladies are spilling their guts and sharing their controversial, against the grain opinions (wait isn’t that this whole show?) in this weeks, ask us anything.  The gals are continuing to share shit they like and this week it is (drumroll please…) alcohol and TV documentaries. Lord, are we predictable.  Lastly, this weeks hater is the whole lot of racist grand jurors Louisville. YOU ARE ALL TERRIBLE.  

Rum (as much as you want, to your taste)
Banana Liqueur (Splash)
Grenadine (Splash) 
Coconut Creme (to your taste)

Blend with ice and enjoy in honor of one bad ass woman

 Did you enjoy the shows intro song? Thomas Castillo and his band Creamline, created ABV’s spectacular music. If you want to hear more from Creamline, you can find them on instagram @creamline916. In need of some advice? Want to ask us something weird or embarrassing and have us answer it live? Looking to slide into our DM’s?

Find us @abvpodcast on insta and twitter