Business Her Way

#40: The 3 Key Metrics You Need to Monitor on Your New Website

Stephanie Jiroch Episode 40

You know you need an MVP website (see episode #39) but what exactly are you testing or measuring when it goes live? 

For most early-stage startups, you’re testing your minimum viable product, spending time in R&D, and engaging in conversation to raise capital. That doesn’t leave much time for marketing, let alone analyzing your KPIs when you’re just getting numbers on the board.

In this episode, I'll share the 3 key metrics you need to monitor on your new website so you can monitor your progress and report back to investors with confidence.

Ready to Build Your Minimum Viable Website?

At BrandPsyche, we take the guesswork out of building your MVP website. Our Website in A Week and Done-In-A-Day packages provide you access to simple one and multi-page builds that look polished, professional, and ready to convert your ideal target market, impress investors, and acquire those early customers.

No more high-priced agencies pitching $30k+ for your first stage website design.

No more back and forth resulting in delays and scope creep.

No more embarrassment or confusion when an investor wants to see your homepage. 

Instead, you’ll walk away with a beautifully designed site that meets your minimum viable brand standards as your startup grows.

Book a 20-minute discovery call to learn more or learn more at