The Adventure Stache

Off-season Adventures: Keegan Swenson, Russell Finsterwald, Savilia Blunk, and Chris Blevins

Payson McElveen Season 1 Episode 203

This week, Payson chats to some fellow pros about what they’ve been up to during the off-season. From snorkeling in Hawaii to meditation retreats, they’ve used their brief period of unstructured time to do the things they couldn’t do during their busy race season. Russell Finsterwald and Keegan Swenson talk about their adventures in Tucson that require meticulous route building and asking permission from local ranchers to use their land. Savilia Blunk talks about her trip to Hawaii with her partner, Cole Paton, and getting to know her new European-based team. And Chris Blevins talks about surf culture in Santa Monica and the creative outlets he’s using to unwind from a challenging season. 

Instagram: @theadventurestache
YouTube: Payson McElveen