Holistic Life Navigation

[Ep. 102] Healing Through Self-Relating w/ Maureen Gallagher

July 10, 2022 Episode 102

In this episode, we are joined by Maureen Gallagher, PhD. Maureen is a licensed psychologist, Somatic Experiencing faculty member, and Inner Relationship Focusing trainer. She is also a teacher of Luis.

Maureen and Luis explore what it means for us to relate to our body's and sensations vs identifying with them. They discuss how transitioning to a place of witness or observer of their bodies supported them in becoming a compassionate guide on their own healing journeys.

For more information on Maureen's work, visit: https://embodyingpsychotherapy.com/.

For more information on Luis' work, visit: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/

You can read more about, and register for, the Embodied Masculinity webinar here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/embodying-masculinity

You can read more about, and register for, the retreat here: https://bluespiritcostarica.com/retreat/luis-mojica-somatic-therapist-nutritionist/

You can register for the August Community Somatics here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/events/community-somatics-october