Holistic Life Navigation

[Ep. 17] Using Grief To Transform Your Life | Loren Michelle

Holistic Life Navigation Episode 17

Grief is the somatic experience of overwhelming love & overwhelming loss hitting the body at once. This episode explores Loren Michelle's story of grief. A story that is radical, unusual, yet deeply moving & inspiring.

Her story is about the death of her son & acclaimed professional skateboarder Pablo Ramirez on April 23rd 2019. Loren was a client of mine at the time. Our work, which was originally about balancing her work/life identity, was quickly propelled into something much deeper: giving herself permission to do whatever the fuck she wanted to do.

To her surprise, it was adopting a lot of what her son did: skateboarding, graffiti, chopping off her hair and bleaching it, and selling her company. From the outside, some might think Loren was having a breakdown or regressing. However, she was and is more alive than ever before.

She went on to create the Pablo Ramirez Foundation which, as the website states, "promotes a positive lifestyle through skateboarding, music and art for kids and young adults. We are devoted to helping youth grow positively and with confidence, to create, to respect and to express themselves."

For more information, and to donate, please visit www.pabloramirez.org. You can also follow Loren on Instagram @mammasplifff.

You can read more about, and register for, the Embodied Masculinity webinar here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/embodying-masculinity

You can read more about, and register for, the retreat here: https://bluespiritcostarica.com/retreat/luis-mojica-somatic-therapist-nutritionist/

You can register for the August Community Somatics here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/events/community-somatics-october