Talking D&T

TD&T115 Shamelessly plugging my new book!

β€’ Dr Alison Hardy β€’ Episode 115

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I have a new book out and I'm offering you a chance to win a copy.  In other words, I'm shamelessly plugging it πŸ˜‰
In all seriousness, I'm actually recommending it to read. There are 16 chapters written by different authors, so you get to hear lots of views about D&T.

Episode transcript

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Buy the book from Routledge

Enter by 28th February 2023 to win a copy of the new Debates in D&T book by either (or do all 3!):

  1. Signing up to my newsletter via my website
  2. Leaving me a voice memo on Speakpipe
  3. Writing a review on Apple Podcasts (use your real name so I can find you!)

The winner will be announced in March on my podcast, in my newsletter and on social media. 

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Alison Hardy:

Today's episode is a shameless plug of the new book that I've got, which came out on the 27th of December 2022. That's the debates in design and technology book. It's the second edition. And I picked up the mantle of editing this book from Gwyneth Oh, and Jackson, who is a fabulous editor and author. And I know many of you will have also been trained by Gwyneth in design and technology teaching through the Open University. So I've really enjoyed doing this book, we began it back in 2020. So during the pandemic, it is quite different from the first book I've brought in some new authors. It's, it's been lovely for me. So I've met new people. Because one of the challenges that I took on board in this book was to expand the range of contributors to the book. I've previously talked about the learn to teach book, the fourth edition, which came out I think, in October 2021, though, actually, and the lovely rose Sinclair, very gently came alongside me and challenged me and said, Allison, all of the authors in the learn to teach book, our white, you're not representing the full community of Design and Technology Education. So I took that on board. And she said that to me, at a time when I started to record some episodes about decolonizing, the design and technology curriculum. And I thought, yeah, I've got to do something about this, I can't just talk about it, I've got to do something about it. So it took me a while to look beyond my white circle of contacts, and find other authors from different nations, and also have different colour to me, and different backgrounds to me and different perspectives to bring into the book. And it has made the book all the richer, that's my perspective. But it's also made me richer in terms of my view and understanding of design and technology. So I hope people enjoy that. And don't think, Oh, why am I reading something written by somebody from South Africa? What's the what do they know about how we do design and technology in the UK, was a couple of things I'm going to challenge you there is, I think it is healthy to get different perspectives from across the globe. The book isn't just sold in the UK, there's primarily UK market. And thirdly, I think, if we do think like that, we have to kind of put a mirror back to ourselves and go hang on a minute, why am I rejecting these different perspectives, because actually, the UK at one point did really lead internationally on the nature of design and technology. And you can still see that influence in the way design and technology or however the sound, it is now manifested in different countries, in in those curriculum. And so I think it's now great that we're hearing back from other countries that might then influence what we do in the UK in design and technology. So to me, it's a really rich book, new new chapters, old chapters updated, as well, and some different perspectives. As usual, it's been a real privilege for people to allow me to edit what they've written. And I've really enjoyed that. So as part of the shameless plug, I'm going to offer a free copy of the book, I as the editor, I get, I get a number of copies that I can, I can give away, and I want to give away some of them. And to be able to enter into that opportunity to get that you need to sign up to my newsletter, which you can do via my website. So really, that's the first way you can do it. So you're going to draw by signing up to my newsletter. Or you can go into it by leaving me a SpeakPipe message on the for the about the podcast, and there'll be a link in the show notes to that as well as to my website where you can send a newsletter, or thirdly, and this is where it's a little bit more tricky is that you leave a review on Apple podcasts, but you have to use your real name rather than a pseudonym. Because if you use a pseudonym, I don't know how I'm gonna find you, really. And so what are those three ways? Either science, my newsletter, if you signed up my newsletter already, you can do another two things, you can leave me a SpeakPipe message. Again, you'll have to leave your name. And thirdly, leave a review on Apple podcasts. But you'll need to use your real name so that I can when I announce you, I can put your name out there and you're easily identifiable. So I did kind of think of other ways of doing this. So there's one of three ways you don't have to do all three things. But that way you can enter into the draw to win a copy of the debate. It's in TNT book. And I might also throw in some other books or other bits and pieces that I've got to do with design and technology into that parcel for you. So I'm kind of being shameless. I've never done this before. But I thought I'd give it a go and see what happens. Hopefully it works, I will be transparent about doing the draw, or get a couple of my DNTPs to be involved in the draw and double checking everything. And I'll announce who's one that after this closing date, which I didn't give everybody, which is the 28th of February 2023. So you have to have done one of those three things if you want to enter the draw, by the 28th of February 2023. And I will do the draw early in March and announce it on a podcast, and also via my newsletter. So I'll put the name of the person who's won the one the book in that bit of fun. I'm hoping it all works out doesn't become too complicated. Let's see how it goes. But I'd also just be really interested, if you do get a copy of the debates in TNT book, I'd be really interested to hear your feedback. And to read your reviews, you can write a review for the book, wherever you like, I'm saying that with a slight wins, because I'm kind of quite anti Amazon. But I appreciate that for some people that works. So you might end up leaving a review on Amazon. But hey, ho. But yeah, those feedback, those comments. And those reviews do feed into future editions, so so please don't think it kind of it falls on deaf ears. Anyway, bit of fun, hope you enjoy the book, hope it makes you think we are doing some book club meets. And there's an opportunity to join those at the moment. We're doing four of those in January and February 2023. And we're thinking about recording those and publish them as a podcast episode for other people to listen to the discussions that we have about four of the chapters in the book. So that's it, bit of a shameless plug. Why not? I've enjoyed doing it. It's a great book. I think people should read it, not just because I've edited in fact, not even because I've edited it because the stuff that's in there will really get you to think about how you do what you think about understanding why we are where we are in design and technology. So thanks for listening. I'll leave links in the show notes to the SpeakPipe and also to my website where you can sign up to the newsletter.

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