Talking D&T

TD&T080 Supporting the podcast

October 18, 2021 Dr Alison Hardy Episode 80

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I will keep podcasting anyway, but your contribution will give me time to be creative.

As ever, thanks for listening and engaging with the podcast.

Episode transcript

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Alison Hardy:

This week's podcast is the 80th episode that I've published, since I started doing the podcast in July 2019, I can't believe that I've got to 80. That means what, just under 40 a year I've been publishing, and that's after taking quite a considerable break, if you've been following for a while, over the summer. So it's given me time to take stock. And think about where I'm going with this and what I'm doing and whether I am kind of being the most efficient I can with this. So each podcast episode, just to give you some insight, if I interview, somebody can take up to two, two and a half hours of time to set up. If I do just one like this, where it's just me, that can kind of take between 45 minutes and an hour to set up, record, edit, get a transcript and publish. Now, I'm not moaning about the time because I enjoy doing it. But one of the things that I've had to do to fund the podcast is to take on extra work and take on workshops, consultancy, things like that, to kind of fund this because because it costs money to run the podcast. Now I don't want to stop doing it. I don't want to charge for the podcast. And I don't want advertisers. I don't want any sponsors. It's been a really deliberate choice right from the start for me not to do that. Because I want the podcast to be free from ties of what other companies other individuals might say that I should do on the podcast. That's why I've taken some decisions not to get involved in certain things. Because I want the podcast, and me and people have come on to feel free and able to share their opinions, ideas, thoughts and news in a way that they're not constrained by having to be answerable to another organisation or another person. So that's kind of some of the background around it, or, you know, I set up the podcast, as I said, to reach out to the DMT community. And I love design and technology, I love doing research about it, I love writing about it, I love talking about it. And I want to keep this going and I want to keep it free. So it's also give myself myself a little bit of time back because you know, setting up the podcast can take quite a bit of time, I'm reaching out and asking people if they would like to support the podcast through a Patreon website that I've set up. And that's where people who are listening like yourselves can sign up to contribute a small amount every month. There, there is a little bit of the morgy contraband contribute, the more you might get from me or where you can shape the podcast. But that's really not what it's about. It's about asking people to help keep this going. I don't want to run this at a profit. And I do other things in my working life, that give me some extra money to do things and to to pay for the stuff. But this I don't want to do at a loss, which is kind of what I'm doing by having to take on extra work to keep it going. So if you're interested in doing that, I put a link in the show notes. It's Patreon is the website, you can just go on there. It's pa T, ar e o If you search for me for Alison Hardy, or you'll find my page, and there's all the options. And it'd be really great to get that support. Anything that I do make above and beyond what it costs to run the podcast. First of all, I'd like to try and get some extra support for editing. So again, that would give me back some more time to be more creative around the podcast, and what I'm doing and sharing here. But also, anything over and above. I will keep in a separate pot and to my patrons I'll share with you what I'm what I'll do with that. And one of the ways that I'd like to do that is some of the events that I run for teachers which have a cost attributed them. Some people can't afford to pay for those things. And some student teachers, different people with different circumstances can't afford to pay but I don't want to rule out the option of them coming along and taking part in that. So my idea would be is any profit that comes from patron, not profit, but excess. I would use that to enable people to attend things when they can't afford to pay the full price. So I'd kind of use it as a subsidy. And on the Patreon website, I would share that obviously I wouldn't name names about who I was supporting or who the money would been used to support. And but I would be making that quite public about about what was going on. This is a transparent process. That's why I'm doing this week's episode in this format. It's quite risk taking thing for me to do sort of been upfront about how I fund this and what I have to do to keep it going. So I'm going to stop there before I start waffling on far too much. As usual, thanks for taking the time to listen. It's a short podcast this week. I'll be back back next week with an update about the debates book and a chapter that we've taken in a different direction which is really exciting. The contributions are coming in for that this week. So I'm looking forward to sharing that with you next week.

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