Talking D&T

TD&T087 Introducing some guest hosts for 2022

Dr Alison Hardy Episode 87

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The final episode of 2021 and I've plans for taking things in a new direction for 2022. 

Listen to previous episodes with the new guest hosts:

TD&T076 Talking about design education in schools and higher ed with Max Pownall

TD&T053 Talking gender and D&T with Ulrika Sultan

TD&T21 Talking with Liam Anderson

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Alison Hardy:

So this is the last podcast for 2021. And I'm really excited to share some news that I've been mulling over and working on for about six weeks now is that I'm going to be opening the podcast up next year to having some guest hosts do two or three a mini series about something related design and technology education that they are interested in, or an expert in or have something to say about. Because you may well have already got fed up of listening to me on 85 episodes so far, talking about design and technology. But also, they'll be just great to, to kind of broaden out the community and get other people involved. So I've invited a group of people to come together. And we've met this evening for the first time to talk about how it might work and to talk about ideas. There's some other people that have been invited that weren't able to make it this evening. So there's three here this evening. So I thought would be really nice. If they could give a little bit of an introduction, you have actually heard their voices before on the podcast, and a bit of introduction about who they are and kind of what their preliminary thoughts are about what they're going to do in their mini series in 2022. So I'm going to start with Ulrikadnt.

Ulrika Sultan:

Thank you, Alison. I am a PhD student at Linkopping University in Sweden. And I research girls interest in technology. So for me, it feels close to talk about maybe role models in design and technology, about children's books, maybe how to find technology in children's books, and how to use actually the cultures that are surrounding our pupils to learn technology, and maybe also something about decolonization and how to create your own design and technology curriculum from have been colonised. So these are your samples that I have, from our discussions tonight.

Alison Hardy:

You've almost got three mini episodes, they're potentially in a mini series, you've got the same problem that I had when I started. It's like masses of ideas. What could I, what could I do? But no, it's great to have you on board. And it's great that you're going to be talking about some stuff that you're really knowledgeable about and bringing that to the isness. So next we have Max Pownall on he was on a recent podcast. So Max over to you who you are and what you're thinking about at the moment.

Max Pownall:

Yes, hi, everybody. My name is Max. For those of you didn't see my cap my podcast, I was. I'm a senior lecturer in product design, at Nottingham Trent University. And I'm kind of coming from the other world from the product design industry world and then coming down into higher education and then began to upper and lower secondary education. And my view of kind of what we're doing with my series, hopefully series a podcast is to look at some different perspectives from those people coming from my world. So people who've been through the secondary education system in the UK, and their perspective of their journey, and how they think that's impacted their life going forward. And what they think we can do to kind of have a good transition between the two things really. So different perspectives, some interesting conversations, hopefully.

Alison Hardy:

And I think that's really exciting, Max, because it's very difficult to find evidence of the impact of design and technology on people's lives beyond secondary school. And you know, people talk about what they think the benefits will be, but actually to have people who can talk about the benefits had on them, and how it shaped what they're doing, whether it's a career or the way they are in their lives. I think it'll be, they'll just be great. It'll be great. And I'm really thrilled that you're going to come in and talk about share it share your experience a little bit more without me asking you grilling questions about what you think about design and technology. And then finally with us this evening, it's Liam Anderson. Liam's been on a couple of podcasts, and is going to talk about well, I'll leave Liam, you can talk about to talk about what you're going to think about doing in your mini series Liam.

Liam Anderson:

Training School in Newbury. So you're interested in exploring, design thinking human centred design in design and technology in its place in the D&T classroom? That's kind of come from taking part in the V&A, Innovate National School Challenge for the past couple of years. And some of the work that my students have done around that and how that's impacted their ability around Yeah, design thinking and bringing that instead work in the classroom. And also actually if we think about with changes in the exam specifications, recent few years about how that's there's a bigger focus on those elements. So yeah, interesting exploring that place of design thinking human centred design in the D&T classroom.

Alison Hardy:

That'd be great. Liam, I think we Really great for you to share that experience. I know you, you put out on social media a lot about the Innovate work and the impact that's had on on the pupils in your school? And did you mention at one point that you even considered that you might have a pupil from your school kind of come on the podcast or they get, you might have to twist their arm, I think to bribe them with chocolate cake to get them on. But yeah, that'd be, that'd be really great. That'd be really great. So hopefully, people are kind of getting an idea about some new ways of talking about design and technology that we're going to do on the podcast. If you have some ideas, or if you have an opinion about this, then please do drop me an email at Alison at Dr. Alison Hardy calm or you can find me on on Twitter. But also, please do put a review on Apple podcasts about things that you've listened to recently or so far. And we're going to hopefully start sharing some of the reviewers comments from Apple podcasts about about the episodes Max is currently his eyebrows are suddenly shot above his glasses. In kind of we're kind of what edit though. We won't edit them. We won't edit the reviews, we will we will be selective about which reviews we might share on all their the podcast but No, it'd be it's always good fun to read what people say. And I do get regular emails from people saying how useful they found things or which ones they've listened to, or I get comments and questions. So that really does shape the content. And so please do that on Apple podcasts. And hopefully we'll be sharing those. In the new year on as we're kind of trying to try something out. That's different, and hopefully people will like it. So thanks very much for listening to all the podcasts this year, everybody. It's been a really successful year. For the podcast. It's been a really challenging year for people working in education. Whether you've been working with school based children or university students, it's been a real challenge. And I have great admiration for people who've worked in those very trying situations, as well as doing homeschooling themselves along the way. And I hope that people have kept safe and have had a healthier and have a good Christmas in whatever way we're able to celebrate the holidays and have a good break. And we will see you back again. I'll be doing a podcast for the week beginning the 10th of January in 2022. There we go

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