CAM podcast
Catholics Against Militarism (CAM) is an informal, grassroots, Internet-based movement of lay Catholics that seeks to identify and respectfully challenge militaristic attitudes in the U.S. Catholic Church. We conduct interviews with Catholics and other Catholic groups who are: 1) successfully registering dissent at the parish level, 2) raising awareness of the dangers of militarism through dialogue with fellow believers, and 3) spurring deeper, more honest reflection on the role of violence in our world.
Podcasting since 2019 • 114 episodes
CAM podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 114: More Catholic Conscientious Objection, Please
On this World Day of Peace, Jack Gilroy (guest Ep. 6) and Mark Scibilia-Carver (guest Ep. 34) return to the podcast to give us an update on the project to get Ben Salmon recognized a saint, and Mark's new initiative to start a nationwide Cathol...
Season 1
Episode 114

Episode 113: Roger LaPorte (July 16, 1943 - November 10, 1965)
Roger LaPorte (July 16, 1943 - November 10, 1965)A Reflection by Fr. Emmanuel McCarthy Roger La Porte immolated himself on November 9, 1965, as his response to the high tech and financially profitable massacre of the people...
Season 1
Episode 113

Episode 112: On Lying
This talk, called "In Search of the Truth," is the third talk by Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy in his 3-part series "Theology of Christian Nonviolence." Find the entire three-part series here: https://www.emmanuelcharlesmccarthy.org/re...
Season 1
Episode 112