CAM podcast

Episode 41: Women and the Draft

Edward Hasbrouck Season 1 Episode 41

The United States has reached an impasse: Either end the draft entirely, and abolish the Selective Service system, or expand the draft to include women. Edward Hasbrouck joins us today to explain the outcome of last year's National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (NCMNPS) and to inform us about the bill to abolish the draft (H.R.5492), as well as the possibility of a medical draft in the near future if the draft is not abolished.

Go here to send a letter to your representatives in favor of H.R. 5492:

Go here to send a letter to your representatives in favor of H.R. 5492:

0:00 The "stalemate" on the draft since the early 80s
10:33 The 2019 NCMNPS
--where things stand now
--the bill that has been introduced in Congress
17:04 The many objections to the draft
20:30 H.R.5492 to abolish the draft
22:32 a Medical Draft
26:25 Conscientious objection
28:24 The fantasy of limitless power
32:05 The "sexist, pro-war perspective"
34:50 Feminists in favor of requiring women to register
36:46 The "poverty draft" (and the pandemic)
37:42 How the existence of the draft shapes military planning
38:48 What you can do
40:42 Edward has faith in the young!

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Also mentioned in this podcast:
H.R. 6415 - "Inspire to Serve Act of 2020"

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