Serenbe Stories

Introducing Season 5 of Serenbe Stories

February 15, 2021 Serenbe Season 5 Episode 1

Stop any resident on the streets of Serenbe, and they’ll have a story to tell you about how they got here. How they first discovered Serenbe and the friends they’ve made. Parents will share why they’re raising their children, and others share how they’ve built their own extended family. Some have started a business, built a new home, or found creative inspiration to write a book or create art. Others have found solace on the trails or taken up a new hobby with new friends.

 All of these stories have a common thread: a curiosity and a willingness to learn, an openness to new people, ideas, and a desire for connection, to build a community and a hope for a better world.

 In past seasons we’ve told stories about what Serenbe is, how it was built and how Steve Nygren’s vision has inspired a biophilic movement. This season goes straight to the best source for Serenbe Stories, Serenbe residents. Subscribe today to hear their stories and learn why the best reason to live here are the people here.

Hey guys, it's Monica here. I wanted to tell you about a new podcast that I've started with my very good friend, Jennifer Walsh called Biophilic Solutions. Our last season of Serenbe Stories, building a biophilic movement was so popular that we decided to dedicate an entire podcast to it every other week. Jennifer and I will sit down with leaders in the growing field of biophilia. We'll talk about local and global solutions to help nurture the living social and economic systems that we all need to sustain future generations more often than not. Nature has the answers. You can find biophilic solutions on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts, subscribe and follow us today. So you don't miss an episode. All right, now let's go back to Serenbe Stories. 

Monica (10s): 
Stop any resident on the streets of Serenbe, and they’ll have a story to tell you about how they got here. How they first discovered Serenbe and the friends they’ve made. Parents will share why they’re raising their children, and others share how they’ve built their own extended family. Some have started a business, built a new home, or found creative inspiration to write a book or create art. Others have found solace on the trails or taken up a new hobby with new friends.

Monica (33s):
All of these stories have a common thread: a curiosity and a willingness to learn, an openness to new people, ideas, and a desire for connection, to build a community and a hope for a better world.

Monica (44s): 
In past seasons we’ve told stories about what Serenbe is, how it was built and how Steve Nygren’s vision has inspired a biophilic movement. This season goes straight to the best source for Serenbe Stories, Serenbe residents. Subscribe today to hear their stories and learn why the best reason to live here are the people here.

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