Well Well Well Podcast

How to Get Crap Done: With Ceri Payne

Brittney & Cassaundra, Ceri Payne Season 1 Episode 41

Ceri Payne is a certified life coach from The Life Coach School who specializes in helping people get their crap done. In more PC terms, Ceri is a life coach that works with moms helping them balance the demands of life and motherhood while growing their successful business. She helps them create the possibility that they can have both a great motherhood and thriving business without sacrificing the things they value most.  She's a huge believer that there's time for everything that you desire, as long as it's a true priority. 

She is the personal coach of Brooke White, one of our former guests who spoke on time management and also of our own Cassaundra.

She tackles some of our biggest questions like:

Why are we hating our to do list?

How to stop hating our to do list.

Why aren’t we doing our to do list?
And many more. It is a don't miss!

Ceri's Website
Ceri's Instagram @Organizedlife.coach 

Generic Crystal Light, Grape flavor
Lime Spindrift

Well Looky Here:
Ceri: Journal
Britt: Sweats from Zara
Cassaundra: Geometry Kitchen Towels