Mind Your Own Dog Business

Impactful Marketing

Kristen Lee Episode 5

Marketing and MORE MARKETING!

Something I see so many of you guys, the incredible dog trainers and walkers out there, so super focused on and excited about. And that awesome. I LOVEEEE me some well-executed marketing. Marketing geeks me the hell out since it's an art AND science. 

The majority of Dog Trainers and Dog Walkers are making the same dog business marketing mistake. Over and over. 

It's Dog Business Marketing Inception. 

The thing is:

You can do all the marketing for your dog business:

  • All the videos
  • All the pics
  • All the testimonials
  • All the awards
  • All the business cards, flyers, and brochures all over town
  • All the posts in apps and community groups


If you're not focusing on the connection to your fantastic audience of dog owners, you're leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars off the table.

In this episode, Kristen Lee takes you through the process to create impactful marketing. She'll give you the exact five steps to take to truly create content no matter where it is, from business cards to sales pages, to connect, spawn conversations and convert your most ideal clients.


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The Post and the apps and the community groups, the community groups in your town or whatever, and the free Facebook groups. But the thing is guys, if you're not focusing on the connection to your fantastic audience of dog owners, you are legit, legit, leaving hundreds of thousands of fucking dollars off the God damn table and not to mention your Saturday to do I have your attention now you're listening to the mind your own dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategic. Is Kristin late guys yet ready for your journey, your jury to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business and brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all these glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was as to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever sliced the pet industry you find yourself in. But as that bad ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was his industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored. And it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

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hey guys, welcome to today's episode. Oh holy grab another marketing episode because I know all of you dog walkers and dog trainers. Y'All are some marketing motherfucking fiends out there. And did you hear my, y'all? Um, New Jersey and I've been living in North Carolina for three years and I just said y'all, that's hysterical. Anyway, so today's going to be a really good episode. I just finished up the other episode. You probably listened to it about the two marketing super powers that are elements in your business and they should it be used where you want to attract and repel people at the same time. So if you'd done your homework on that one, fucking awesome. You are on the way to being a mother Fucking Power House Dog Business Entrepreneur, attracting the most amazing and most ideal clients in your business. The ones that are going to pay you. Um, what you are worth, what you are free and worth the ones that are not going to cross your boundaries. The ones that you're going to wake up every morning bouncing out of bed and having the most amazing time in your business where you feel fulfilled and you're able to focus on what's next, next, next, next and have a more impactful, a dog training business or a more impactful dog walking business. Why? Finding a wealth and freedom and all that great stuff that every single dog business owner or a dog business entrepreneur like yourself and deserve guys, because it's time to rightfully clean what is yours and you deserve it. So I talked about all the different things that why it's important to attract and repel, right? So a lot of you guys are probably like, okay, cool, I got it. I'm shifting my mind around that. Kristen Lee, that's great. So how do we actually create that type of marketing? Well, Mama Christian Lee has got your back, my dog pros, so we're going to talk about that today. I'm going to give you the exact steps on how to start to create that type of messaging, how to start to create that type of marketing had actually ooze it from every part of your business for your business branding from your website, even if it's SEO out, how we can start just putting out this messaging that's going to be so impactful that people are just going to be so drawn to it, where you're going to be fucking unstoppable, unstoppable as a dog owner, a dog business owner, unstoppable as a dog walker, unstoppable as a dog trainer, pets that are, or whatever slice of the market you find yourself in. So let's hop right into it. And then also too at the bottom of this episode. So make sure you go in and click. There's a link where you can get this beautiful and guide of everything that I'm going to connect with you today of all the different marketing steps you can take and start using and download it and get all the good stuff. It'd be able to start working on the worksheets and all that fun stuff so you can start changing. Oh my God. All right, cool. So this is the one, one thing before we really kick off is something I want to say and again it, I am a marketing geek. I love marketing, I love it. I love it. I love it. I love the science of it. I love some really good executed strategy. I love everything about it because your girl has got an Mba with a market marketing focused. So I love it. The thing though I see is a lot of the times as dog trainers and dog walkers, we have an overfocus on marketing and I get it. But the thing is, you know, we have to take an honest look and we're not going to talk about this in this episode. I just want to bring it up here because I feel it's important is is it a marketing issue or is it maybe a program design issue? Maybe it is a customer relations type issue, so just keep that in the back of your head when you are just getting cracked out. Totally a marketing because a lot of the times when you think you need marketing, you might actually just need maybe a sales process. You might just maybe need a new different acquisition system. So if you are like just consistently on the marketing cycle and you're always running around on it and you're always feeling like there's no results, what I want you to do is take an honest look with yourself, download this guide, fill that out and then listen to my a hundred k dog sales episode because that might be where you're at. And again, I promise there's going to be more stuff on our on program design and kind of teaching that stuff around and all that fun stuff. Anyway, so the majority of dog walkers and dog trainers out there today in this industry, which is beautiful that I love and I have so many amazing clients. We're making the same dog as his marketing mistake over and fucking over again and instead of empowering ourselves through marketing, which it should do, it should highlight who your most amazing clients are. We make these mistakes and again it goes back to the previous episode when we talked about kind of having that neutral ground, that middle ground not being really polarizing, really not connecting with who we are installing. I call it basically dog business marketing inception. Like it literally is like its inception. Like you have to wake yourself up every day. You're on the same cycle. The thing is you can do all the marketing stuff and things and that's a running inside joke. In my coaching clients, the stuff in the things, because the details and the stuff and the things, but you can do all the marketing you want for your dog business. All the videos, all the videos, the live videos, they recorded videos before and after videos, videos. Are you talking the videos of everything like that? You can do all those. You can do all the pictures, all the pictures you want, all the testimonials. Oh my God, the overreliance on testimonials, guys. That's both. I don't want, I'm not going to go down that road right now. We can talk about that later on. Although words, you can be the most amazing award winning dog business, all the business cards, all the flyers, all the brochures everywhere, all town, all the posts and the apps and the community groups, the community groups in your town or whatever, and the free Facebook groups. But the thing is, guys, if you're not focusing on the connection to your fantastic audience of dog owners, you are legit, legit, leaving hundreds of thousands of fucking dollars off the God damn table and not to mention your sanity to do I have your attention now. Crickets or cardinals tripping. Now you're probably thinking like, okay, I got this. I don't want to attract everybody in. We got this figured out, Chris and I didn't like it, but I'm, I'm listening to you now. You got my attention. Good. How do you build that connection to your ideal dog owner clients? You're probably thinking, well, you know Kristen, I really just show up. I do the service, I do the dog walking service, I do the class service, I do the private service. They do the board and train. That's what people want. Yes and no. The thing is guys, the thing is my dog walkers and my dog trainers out there, your perspective clients crave connection. They legit crave connection. It's just a human element. They crave to be listened to and spoken with compassion, understanding and at such a deep level. And the thing is when you just show up to do the service, when you just show up and be at a middle ground, there is no inherent connection which does not build your value and what is made my clients really fucking successful. What has made me successful as a non dog trainer that owns a dog training business is your connection. It's your business evolution guys and the process that it's going to allow you to create stuff that people are going to be like, holy crap, I am so ready to connect with them. I'm so ready to make a change in my life. I'm so ready to make a transformation sign. I want to sign up for your dog training. I want to set him free dog walking. I want to sign up your pack hikes. I want to set for your pet sitting right and you're probably like, okay, what do I do now? Because like you just said, I just do the services they told me to do cause that's all I've been told to do. It's like okay, I have 20 minutes. I'll walk with 30 minutes, I'll walk 60 minute dog walk, I can fill in anything else. Or I do born trains and private classes and yeah, so how the fuck do I care? Connection Crystal. That is great. That is really great. And as you hear and the motorcycle and my background, it's totally cool. So let's get to business Chally. And again, just a reminder that this guide I'm going to go through really briefly with you. The full guide plus a bonus worksheet is going to be connected below. So make sure you check that motherfucker out and any information you put in there, it's secure and you're going to be connected to the most amazing marketing tools and kits and strategies that you can just start changing your business with. All right, so let's hop right into wit. So you want to start building marketing with connection. So this is what your first step is. Your first step to crafting connection is to dump the quantity marketing mindset. Remember we talked about the more eyes on your stuff, the more potential clients, yes and no, but it's also dependent on the quality of the messaging. You're putting out the better focus and branding and intention of your messaging. Plus strategically putting in front of the next step of your niece, which is non negotiable. That's where the mother fuck and platinum Unicorns and magic and sparkles and glitter lay. The second step guys, the second step is to create that niche. Now I talk about niche a lot guys. Niche work is the mother fucking dreamwork guys. The first thing that if you became a client tomorrow, right? If you became one of my clients tomorrow, the first thing I'm going to do is make you create a niche and this is a elite level stuff here guys. You have to develop a niche. The niche is the foundation of a prospective client, Aka not just all dog owners that you want to work with as a dog professional. You have control to define and redefine the people you want to work with. The next thing, the step number three after you create a niche is what you want to do is you want to understand your niche, understand your niche. The gold and the marketing UNICORNS and glitter, butterflies and carnivals and and all that fun stuff is having a complex understanding of what the fuck is going on with your niche. Carson, and when we talk about going deep, I mean go deep because it's not about their dog. It's not the pain point. It's a manifestation of the pain point, but you want to tell them the story. They're not telling themselves, right? You want to tell them the story. They're not telling themselves, what does that person going through? Deep down, go deep. What's a story you're not telling yourself? Think about that because I can probably tell you the story of you're not telling yourself or the story you don't want to face, but I'm not going to go into your psyche today. Your subconscious. I'm just planting seeds there. The next step, step number four is you're going to create the content that connects to your niche. Again, drop the basic bitch stuff. Drop it. I don't care if you did it for Seo and and got your fucking website on Google first page, that is great. That is important. Yes, but you should also have other lead generation type things by the way. But you want to stop the drop the basic shit. Guys like tests before and afters are awesome, but I could probably tell you you're not doing them right. But this goes for everything from your business cards to your website content. If you sound like every other professional out there, because that is the quote unquote correct way to do it. You are not standing out like you are. So not sanding out because if you see another business or another person told you to do your website this way on this platform, but this, you know, whatever, you're not standing out, you just blending in. It's just going to bring in the quantity clients guys, it's huge. So what we want to talk about is we want to go back to step number three, understand your niche, which goes back to step number two and connect with them on a human level. Share share with them, share stories. Share pain points, share the transformations, but stop looking for the basic vanilla services just to get eyes on your shit. That shit don't work. Well. It does. Okay. I'm going to back up and kind of throw my words back because it does, but it's not making the connection and I can pretty much guarantee you're not getting, you're missing out. You're missing out on those hundreds of thousands of dollars people. People are craving connection. They are in this connected world, guys in this fucking over connected world of Facebook and Instagram and everything else out there. We are. So getting further away and where, where high level marketing is going, we're high level shifts are turning. What my clients are doing is we're getting offline and fostering conversations that way. The online part is a tool. It's a system. But what, whoops, sorry. As I hit my microphone because I'm getting so fucking excited about this, but the thing is you want to start fostering those really connected conversations with death and what the fuck is going on with your ideal client offline. I'm a little passionate about that, right? But I want to empower you. I want to empower you that there is a different way to do things. Guys, go against the fucking standards and grains out there.

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The last step, the last step I want you to do is to show up authentic show up in whatever platform you use authentically, which means what you see is what you get. What you see in me online, what you see me on Facebook, what you see on my website, where you here on me and my podcast will you hear on me if you're ever on a call with me is exactly what you get. I'm authentic. I'm empowered as a woman, as a successful woman in business, and that's what you need to do to. You need to show up authentically. Now, if you are a little bit shy, if you are a little bit introverted, what I want you to do is close your eyes, close your eyes, picture who you want to be, who your future self wants to be, and start talking like that person. Start acting like that person. That's where the growth happens. Guys, that's where you go from this small commodity basis business to this transformed, amazing, aligned, attuned, authentic business owner and always, always remember guys, the way you show up in your marketing, the way you show up on your sales, the way you show up anywhere like attracts like, no, I'm not going to go down the whole law of attraction thing because I like that stuff, but at the same time you do need to take massive action, but always remember like attracts like the beauty of showing up of who you are, how you represent your dog walking business, how you represent your dog training business is a two fold fucking approach that if you haven't listened to, you need to go listen to the previous episode, but it polarizes the right potential people into your business. That won't be a good fit. They might be pains in the asses and you might have to ignore the red flags, which it happens, right? If you've done that, I'm not beating you up. I am just bringing awareness. I'm just bringing light to this, but it also attracts the right people to you. Again, I'm a highly educated woman, highly, highly educated, highly accomplished. I'd done some pretty fucking amazing things in my life. I've had to my, I had low points, right? Like I don't have, you know, it's not all puppies and Unicorns and stuff like that, but I also like to say fuck a lot. I also like to say fuck a lot. And people were like, well, how would your mother think of this? Well, my birth mother, I'm being authentic right here. My birth mother probably doesn't care because she's dead, but my adopted parents, they accepted, you know, they're pretty conservative, but they accepted who I am. But I like to say the word fuck. I like to curse. That's how I get my, my expressions around. And it's not because I'm stupid and I don't have other words to use. It's just I'm in. So in aligned with who I really am, it's ingrained in me. It's deeply ingrained. And it also to, it also propels people that aren't a good fit. Because if you can't handle a fuck bomb or a dirty joke or a really weird analogy, cause I use a lot of anecdotal stories to kind of circle the airport and bring you back home, you're probably not going to be a good fit and you're most likely not listening to this. Now I don't do it to be gratuitous. I just say it because it's just part of me. But that's the thing. It works. It fucking works. So what you need to do is find who the fuck your niche client is. Guys like, think about them. Think about them. They're out there waiting for you. They're out there waiting for you. Yeah, you're not limited. You are not limited in what you can do. There is a world of opportunity out there and it is your journey to find your most amazing clients. They are waiting for you. They are looking for your help. They want your help. They want your support. They want you love, they value you. They value your connection to dogs. I can tell you, I don't care what part of the market you're in or whatever fucking market you're in. If you're in a quote unquote, really cheap market that is every goddamn market guys there is, every goddamned market is going to be cheap.

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but it's up to you to find these people, to connect with them, to have conversations with them, to love on them, to see what they need, how you can help them and support them and not make it about you. Make it about them, their dogs. That's what you need to start doing and find out guys to find out where your niche clients are hanging out, where the hanging out online, offline, start those conversations. What are some of the non dog-related pain points that they have and do you have a fucking story? I can tell you every single person that I know has a story that can empower somebody else.

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Every single person has a story that can empower somebody else. Now it's not the whole thing of the cliche will, if I can do it, you can do it because Ed's a bullshit, right? Because we don't know what people's things are. We don't know their past traumas, they're healing whatever. But what kind of story can you share? What kind of past story can you share about your journey that's really going to connect to somebody and remember guys, one thing I want you to remember too, you're focusing on your perspective clients nonjudgmentally and you're not worrying what other dog trainers are thinking about you or judging you about. Cause I know there's a lot of division in the industry right now. There's regulation coming which is needed, fair regulation. But I think what's holding a lot of people just like yourself back is the fear and the judgment of not only prospective clients but other people out there don't allow other people's self limiting beliefs and their shells of judgment and fear and frustration and scarcity hold you back from the person, the dog trainer, the Dog Walker, the pet sitter that you are destined to become guys. And this all starts with impactful marketing. Marketing that connects marketing is going to take you, it's going to take you and put you into overdrive without any bullshit, without burdening you. The fuck out even more. All right guys, think my tangents over like that was a crazy tangent. My thing is I want to empower you guys cause I, I, I see your pain and there is just ways be on marketing, but this is the first step to getting total dog business disruption, total dog business transformation, total life changing stuff and things. All right guys, thank you for joining me on this episode. And you know what? I just want to send my love, my gratitude and my honor to your journeys. And if any of this resonated with you, let me know because if this triggered you, if this sugar do you and you are not having this, you don't like this, that means it resonated with you. And when I say trigger, I don't mean like, oh the trigger. Do you know making it like a joke. But listen, if it triggered you, if it spoke to you on some level that you're not feeling it, I can tell you for sure it resonated with you. So holler at your girl if a debt, I'll talk to you later. Bye. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, Jiro Dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing Doug Business Entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl, um, at dog walker coach, you can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, until next time, bye.