Mind Your Own Dog Business

Roses are red, violets are blue, puppies suck, how are you?

May 18, 2023 Kristen Lee Episode 103
Roses are red, violets are blue, puppies suck, how are you?
Mind Your Own Dog Business
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Mind Your Own Dog Business
Roses are red, violets are blue, puppies suck, how are you?
May 18, 2023 Episode 103
Kristen Lee

Guess who is back, back again. Mind Your Own Dog Biz is back again.

Hello to all of our amazing, patient listeners. The team is back in the air with some fresh, hot, steaming piles of the best dog business information out there. But first. Tea. We mean updates on what's new, what's been going on behind the scenes, and what's to come.

The Get Your Shit Together Webinar --- a live session with the Dog Biz School Team, Tuesday, May 24th @ 5 pm EST. 


Episode Links:

Work with Dog Biz School

Dog Biz School Website

Instagram - Kristen Lee

Instagram - Dog Biz School

Show Notes Transcript

Guess who is back, back again. Mind Your Own Dog Biz is back again.

Hello to all of our amazing, patient listeners. The team is back in the air with some fresh, hot, steaming piles of the best dog business information out there. But first. Tea. We mean updates on what's new, what's been going on behind the scenes, and what's to come.

The Get Your Shit Together Webinar --- a live session with the Dog Biz School Team, Tuesday, May 24th @ 5 pm EST. 


Episode Links:

Work with Dog Biz School

Dog Biz School Website

Instagram - Kristen Lee

Instagram - Dog Biz School

You're listening to the Mind Your Own Dog Business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategics Kristin Lee. Guys, get ready for your journey. Your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business brand, along with mastering your mindset that's gonna smash all this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog misses to the next level with actionable steps. You can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker, or whatever slice of the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that badass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit, and empower the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim control, and transform not only their businesses, but their lives. It's real, it's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys. Roses are red, violets are blue puppies fucking suck. But how are you? Holy shit. Welcome back, my amazing dear listeners of the Mind your own Dog business podcast. I'm back, everybody. Well, I should say we're back everybody. Hello. Hello. The episode you've been all waiting for all the ones that you've been waiting for because all of you've been patiently, patiently, patiently waiting for a new episode and. I'm excited to be here. I hope you're excited to be here, and mostly thank you for being here. I know it's been a long time since our last episode. I think the last episode was either, In like September or October. This is, this shows how long ago I've done an episode and I'm like, when was the last episode? I think it was like September or October. I don't know it. It is what it is. It's neither here nor there, but what matters is that you're spending some time with me and I am so truly grateful and honored to be listening or actually have you listening to this episode. So originally, I was just gonna roll out a whole bunch of fucking episodes and be like, boom, boom, boom. Y'all requested, here you go. Here you go. But I was like, you know what? That's actually doing a disservice because I think we all need some updates and some check-ins, especially with you all. Like it's been a, it's been a, it's been an interesting, I don't wanna say necessarily rough, but it's been an interesting year in the dog training industry. I mean, like, fuck, can you, can you even believe like, The panini. I don't wanna say the other word because I don't wanna get censored here, but can you believe that was like over three years ago and like three years ago Today we were in the fucking thick of it, man, I remember that like. We had like a hundred new school students in. There was so much shit going on in the background at dogma school. Like we had crazy ex clients harassing us. Uh, Maggie was going through a divorce. I was going through some personal shit with my soul dog who was like actively dying. And of course just the world was like, I bloating. It was just, and Joe exotic was on the fucking table. It was an interesting freaking time Anyway, so I just wanna check in. And see how everybody's doing. I mean, even in the last year, things have been really interesting in the dog training industry. Like whole bunch of, uh, new dog trainer, social media, wars of basically little, little people with big feelings. Oh, buddies with big feelings, throwing collective dog poop over each other's fences. I mean, all these new. Wanna be business coaches that are popping up. I mean, the people that have been in other industries and they're like, Ooh, look and look this fast growing industry, I might as well put my fucking nose in the game here and try to make money off these individuals. Even though I'm coming from a different industry and I just wanna suck the teeth of the dog business industry to people having a lot of rollercoaster rides with their businesses. I've seen a lot of people do really well in the last 12 months, I've seen people that have shut their doors, which has really been sad. So, First and foremost, before I tell you what the fuck's going on with Doba School collectively, how are you? How the fuck are you? Have you asked yourself how you are? Like, maybe in the middle of the night as you're, you know, on your fourth, uh, spike Seltzer, you're like, I'm doing all right. Or you're, or you're freaking, uh, rolled up spliff or in your bath, like, just checking in to make sure you're doing all right. Are you, are you keeping your shit together if you're not keeping your shit together? I have good news for you on that one, but yeah, like, You doing a right out there. Like you doing a a right out there. I think also in the last year we've seen a lot of people really get the fucking clear of what they want out their lives, which is really cool. And I've seen people also, you know, I. You know, burn it all down, which really hurts. But I've also seen people do really well, like I was mentioning before. But anyway, I just wanna check in. Let me know how you're doing. How are you doing? Like, drop me a note at, uh, in my Instagram at like at dog bi, I mean, I might not see it, but I, I truly, truly wanna know how you're all doing and take a collective pause and you know, how can me and my team be of service to you? Like, do you need to get your shit together? Cause we got you on that one. Yeah, keep listening to the next couple episodes, but like, how can I help you? Like, do you just need like a fucking venting session? Do you, do you need a rage room moment? Oh, gotta get to a rage room if you haven't been to one. Anyway, so why have we been quiet at Dog Miss School? Is it because we burned it all down and we have no clients? Is it because we're. Just shutting the doors because we're so scared of everybody else? Or is it because we've been working on a lot of fucking projects in the background, running massive amounts of retreats and sales, sales retreats with our clients, and doing a lot of fucking crazy projects on the side, including. Organizational management for huge facilities, including what else have we done? Opening other facilities, getting people really fucking squared away. When it comes to the future of dog trading, which is here, if you don't remember us talking about that in 20 19, 20 20, the big businesses have their claws in not just other people, but big businesses are common for the mom and pops. Situations. Now, this is not a doomsday thing like I always mentioned, but you know, big businesses here and if you're not competing at the level you need to be at now, I'm not saying hustle and grinding, you know, it's gonna be a rude awakening for a lot of people in the next three to five years, because let me say, those big corporate brands are here and they have their feet in the industry, and it's not just in pet food and veterinary services and franchises. There's other spots in here, and we don't say this to be like, oh, this is what we're seeing. No, literally. What we've been doing in the last seven months, eight months, nine months, year, fuck, even back in 2020. We've been behind the scenes in these corporate businesses looking at this stuff. So anyway, that's what we've been doing. So we've been working on a lot of amazing and. Big projects for our clients, including facility. Uh, I think I mentioned this before, of facility acquisition for a lot of our clients, opening second locations, getting people's teams fucking squared away, implementing new sales systems. It's been, it's been insane. It's absolutely been insane, but in a great way. And then in October, we had our first group retreat after, I think it was like three years. Yeah, it was October, 2020. 2022. We had our first group retreat since, uh, a disastrous one in 2019, but that's, that's for the grassroots storybook. One day of when we're sitting around at the campfire and we'll read Tales from the Crypt. Um, so we had that one where a lot of people got super clear on their budget. And their programs and everything else like that. And then about a month ago we had our, uh, sales retreat, our sales light retreat where we got all of our sales fears and we all made some really good sales with our students and our clients and walked them through the fucking, uh, dog golden process. Anyway, so that's what we've been doing. So it might look like, you know, the curtains are drawn, the lights are off. You know, we're kind of in our own little gremlin mode here over at Dbak, but I can tell you we're still the feral raccoons and we are kind of emerging from the backend thing of just helping our clients overall in the industry overall, get their fucking shit together. That being said, some personal tea, some personal updates if you all want it. So, uh, if you guys don't know, grassroots is welcome to New Additions. The first one came in December. It's name is Betty. She is a fucking pain in the ass working Labrador puppy. So if y'all don't know, I got Ms. Betty back in, no, no, not November, December, and holy crap. Puppies fucking suck. Like I knew puppies sucked. I, I've been a multiple puppy owner. I'm telling you, man, these puppies of 20 23, 2, 20, 23, they suck. They suck. But oh, in all, she's actually a really great puppy and I'm super proud of her. But man, You know, I got really lucky in the previous years, and listen, I, I'm not, I, we, we've, we thought we were prepared with this little gremlin that came home, this little potato gremlin and yeah, I, I was really fucking lucky. I was really fucking lucky. In the previous years I. If you guys didn't know, unfortunately. Um, and I've, I used to make a lot of jokes about him in other episodes, and, um, my students know, particularly our little man, our little dude, uh, rascal, he ended up passing away, um, in November due to kidney failure, renal failure. He was, You know, he had it for about a year and then he quickly, quickly progressed. But I mean, he lived 18, 19 years. We not sure on his date, we didn't get him car five or dated. We should have. Um, but he was able to celebrate his last birthday at the end of no, uh, October. And unfortunately, um, he got, he went downhill pretty fast. So he's at the gray beyond with his sister Bella. And then the other other personal updates. The other personal dog is called Tea, is that our founder, my business partner and business wife officially had the human child, the skin baby. Cuz he is like fur baby, skin baby. Um, Kessler Kessler was born in January and he is the other newest edition, and he's so much easier than a puppy. I've come to, I've come to decide, um, after speaking to Maggie and Jodi on Baby Raisin. So we got Mr. Kessler here in the background. Uh, so yeah, I get to meet him next week with, uh, a dog bus school, uh, dog bus school staff retreat. Anyway, so that's what's been going on at Dog Bus school. I mean, Puppies are born, babies Were born working collectively to get everybody's fucking shit together. Purchasing facilities, acquisition management, getting, uh, working with corporate com, like basically corporate peeps, seeing what the fuck is coming down the pipeline and getting everybody in the industry prepared. And then also laughing at all the drama in the background of, you know, everybody with big, big boy, big buddy feelings on training stuff, which is just always hilarious in other things. Anyway, so that's kind of our update. So like I mentioned before, I dunno if I mentioned this before, I might have, originally, I was just gonna throw out a whole bunch of podcast episodes and one go. Okay. But I have 'em all ready to go. This is the first one. I was like, you know what? Even if you guys don't listen to this, even if it's like one of the lowest rated episodes or lowest listen to episodes, I think you all, you know, needed an update of what's going on originally, what the plan was, and I did a lot of thinking over this because I know so many listeners enjoy the new podcast episodes. And I used to commit myself like back in the day when, you know, back in the day when I had great aspirations to be epi, like doing an episode every like two episodes a week. I always wanted to do like a weekly episode. But I found out, and I've seen from a lot of, and seen and heard from a lot of you all that you like to B Bingey episodes. I was like, all right, you know what, let's do seasons. So I was like, all right, let's switch to the podcast of seasons. And then I was like, wait, hold on. I talked to the production team. They're like, you're gonna screw up the algorithm and your podcast. Like listening and everything like that. If you change the seasons and reorder your episodes and whatever. So I'm like, you know what? Fuck it. This is what we're gonna do for the next couple weeks. We are just gonna release a whole bunch of episodes. I think we're gonna do about maybe four minimum, maybe max eight to 10, so you all can just kind of go and listen to 'em at your leisure. So anyway, it's gonna be exciting. There's a lot of great ones. And then also with the episodes that are coming, I'm doing a series on them. Which you're gonna wanna listen to especially, especially if you're feeling like you're fucking lost, right? And when I talk about this, it generally comes across as getting your shit together as a dog trainer. So what we're gonna be doing, okay, so make sure you listen to the ones after this one. Please, please, please, is get your fucking shit together. Like, listen, it's 2023. If you've been in business for. A couple years, if you've been in business for 10 years, if you are just like, you know what, I can't keep operating the same thing, same way, day in, day out, and it's like Groundhog Day, I gotta tell you, it's time to get your fucking shit together, homie. Like you have to. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna cover. Whole bunch of straight up strategy, mindset, marketing programs, pricing, and everything in between, including employees because listen, nine times outta 10, I'm not a huge, I'm not a huge fan and advocate of giving employee advice over a podcast or even in a consult. Like a free consult with us, just because there's so many nuances. There's so many things that are going on that a lot of people do not account for in including HR regulations, violations, state law, federal law, and everything else like that. But I'm doing this with Emily, who, Emily is an amazing, amazing, amazing consultant. Um, y'all might have talked to her before, you've heard her on the podcast, but she's officially joined the team as our HR consultant now. But we've been seeing a whole bunch of people popping in the industry spouting advice. There's a few people out there spouting advice of really bad employee. Employee, uh, Not advice, but like just employee stuff and it's dangerous fucking territory. Like if you follow some really bad employee advice, it can fuck you over tenfold. So I was like, you know what Maggie, I'm making a call on this. We're gonna get Emily on the podcast and we're gonna talk about employee stuff. So we're gonna talk about hiring, uh, overall employee systems and management and what not the fuck to do when it comes to your employees. So anyway, I'm excited. We're gonna get your shit together as a team. And I, I gathered my team, I was like, okay, what do we need to help the people that aren't in dog this school? Collectively? Get the shit together. And yeah. So that's what we're gonna be doing. So stay tuned. Episodes coming, and then next week on either May 24th or 25th, I have not decided just yet, but it will be in the notes below. By the time this episode drops that we're gonna be together as a team. Again, I got my whole entire team together. We've added a couple new people to our team that is, I'm excited for, like incredibly excited for, to help you get your shit together. So we're gonna cover all the other things. And then with that session, I. If you need your questions answered, we'll be there live to help you out, get you a strategy, going, get your fucking mind clear, get your programs realigned, get your pricing updated, get, you know, get you to clear on what direction you wanna be going in, when it comes to employees, to facilities, to your marketing, and all that bullshit in between. So I'll have the webinar link below, and like I said, we're not selling you shit. It's just an open invitation to help you get your shit together. All right, so that being said, I need to go potty my puppy and feed her lunch. I'm sure Maggie is probably, uh, milking herself right now for baby casts and yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody in the next couple days and drop me a note again, let me know how you're doing and if you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach out and we'll talk to you soon. Bye. Hey there. Thanks for checking out another episode of The Mind Your Own Dog Business podcast. Mind Your Own Dog business is hosted by me, Kristen Lee, and produced by the Unicorns over at the Dog This School team. For more information on how to get in touch with me for more information on Dog This School, or to learn more on how we can help you with your dog business. Feel free to visit our website@dogbusschool.com. Now, if you really enjoy this episode, do me a favor and leave a five star review on Apple. The reason why, because we wanna disrupt more dog training businesses and how people do the business of dogs. Till next time, I Hi.