Mind Your Own Dog Business

Feeling Freaked Out, Overwhelmed and Stuck In Your Dog Training Business?

Kristen Lee Episode 6

Feeling freaked out, overwhelmed, and under massive pressure in your dog training or dog walking business? As if the weight of the world is on your shoulders and total depletion? 

The burnout is real, pet industry entrepreneurs. 

In this episode, Kristen Lee gives you the steps to start your momentum, disrupt your current inertia of freaked out, and overwhelmed to get back on track to your endless to-dos. 

Kristen Lee coaches and consults with some of the most elite dog business entrepreneurs and experts. Her mission is to disrupt the current norm, cut through the noise and empower the incredible women of the dog business to step into the spotlight, reclaim control and transform not only their business but their lives.

It's real. It's raw. It's uncensored. It's what the dog business has been waiting for.


Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business, strategic Kristin Leese. Guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business and brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever sliced the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that Badass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was his industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transformed not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

hey guys and welcome to today's episode. Listen, I'm going to hop right into this because I have a hankering feeling and suspicion. If you are listening to this, you are in need of some emergency calm and refocus and your dog walking or your dog training business right now because as the title states overwhelmed and freaked the fuck out. Holy Shit. Crazy stuff. But a quick disclaimer before I go on with my message and my tips and my resources for you. If you are having a mental health crisis at this moment, I am not a mental health professional. What you should do is you go onto mental health.gov or you can call the hotline at(877) 726-4727 in a crisis, counselor will be able to point you in the right direction and get you the resources and help that you need immediately. Again, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a mental health professional. I'm not a doctor or a physician or anything like that. Alright, so chances are you're listening to this episode because something is going massively thermo nuclear in your business. It might be that you had an employee rebellion where you had a whole bunch of employees quit on you, or maybe you're one really amazing employee fucked you over. It might be that you're hitting a financial pinch. Maybe a whole bunch of your clients just dropped. Or maybe if you're a dog trainer, maybe a few people are refunding on you. They want their money back, they're not happy. Or maybe you're feeling bullied in the dog training industry because bullying happens. Or it could be they got a bad review or something, or it could just be maybe that you're a, it's the holiday time. I know it's summer of 2019 right now as I'm recording this, but you might be listening to this in November, December, January, freezing your fucking asses off, missing another meal, working dogs, walking dogs, doing visits, eating cold French fries. But the point I want to bring home with this is I want to let you guys know feeling overwhelmed and freaked the fuck out. You are not alone. Even though right now you feel lonely as fuck because maybe the people that you circle yourself around with who could be amazing people, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, but maybe the people that you circle yourself around with your support system, your community can't even comprehend what is going on right now. And if you're feeling like the world is on your fucking shoulders and it has been for how many years and you're about to crumble under all that pressure, just know again, and I'm going to drive this point home a million times. You are not alone guys. You are not. And what happens to a lot of dog trainers, um, that have businesses, a lot of dog walkers that have really great businesses and entrepreneurs as a whole is we get in this life trap of unrelenting standards. And when you pair that with these unspeakable expectations of yourself and you pair it with, um, being a mom, being a dad, being a spouse, partner, my sister, brother or whatever, and you know, the operations of running a business, something's going to crack. And I can tell you from seeing this happen and manifest through my clients having this happened years ago in my own dog training businesses, in my own dog walking businesses, that little feather and that just seamlessly kind of floats down. Just picture a little feather, just kind of gone down and you're already going around Your Business Day. You know all these things going on in your head, all these plans, all these grand door, you know, expectations you have of yourself and you know, you still want to get your marketing out there. He's still want to bring in clients, but you're so fucking, you're so, you're so against the wall, the Rock, the glass ceiling, that little feather that's been harmlessly floating down, lands on your shoulder and everything feels like it's crashing down. It's a terrible way to feel guys. It's a terrible way to feel and you are probably feeling like the only way out right now is to hop on a plane and go to a private island without a phone or anything like that and just sit there and rock back and forth, like drooling and be like, oh my God. I can't do this. I can do this and coming back to the same shit show. Or you might be at that place right now or you're, you're, you're about to burn it down like you're about to fucking burned out. You don't give a flying fuck. You already have the gasoline poured. Whether that's about to sell your business, whether that's about to give it away or whether that's just about to like just shut the doors and you're just ready to strike that match and that match is ready to strike. The thing is when you want to burn down your business, chances are, and the majority of you guys out there are burned the fuck out, right? And when you're in such burnout, such deep burnout where your adrenals are not working right, where your, you know, where you're gaining weight, where you can't sleep and I are, you sleep too much and you wake up, you have anxiety and you don't even know who the fuck you are. You're feeling like a shell and like an unfocused shell of who you're supposed to be of who you wanted to be. Now you're like, why? Why do I even care? Like people don't fucking care. Fuck people. And maybe you're starting to feel frustrated with the dogs. It's just, it's a shell of who you used to be and it's scary guys. It's fucking scary being feeling like you're not even in your own body. That's fucking scary. And you've got health on top of that to Christ my heart, my heart breaks for you guys. It does. But again, if you're feeling so alone in this, you're not and you don't deserve to feel this way and I can promise you, I can promise you there are a few things, and I'm going to talk about that in a second, that you can actually refocus and do and start making changes to your business. And you're actually not even changes to your business. But actually being able to get out of a nurse Hsa like this, like fucking quicksand of just being swallowed alive, right? Being fucking swaddle the hive. And I kind of tell you it's not a healthy place to be you guys. And this is why the majority of you guys are burning out like the, the, there's not really any specific papers like or studies out there right now that I can find. But I take fucking stats myself. I speak to thousands of you guys a fucking year and my own calculations, 80 plus percent of you guys are burnt out 80 fucking percent. And when you trap yourself, you track your business in your head and you put aside your self care and I'm not going to romanticize self care, self care romanticization is fucking bullshit. Whoever sells you on, you know, just hire employees and then go on vacations for you know, weeks and go get massages every week and go get pedicures. That's Romantization of fucking self care. Self care is real, it's fucking raw and it's healing wounds like wounds that you are bringing home from childhood. Right? But that's a whole other story. And the biggest part of self care is you can practice daily self care through healthy business foundations and strategies. But I had to grasp, that's a totally another episode. I'm not going to go down that rant right now. But what we need to start doing is we need to get you refocused. We need to bring you a sense of emergency calm and that's what I'm going to talk to you right now about. So chances are if you're, you're feeling you cannot fucking focus, you have a million things on your to do list, you are feeling overwhelmed so you don't even know where the fuck to start because your brain is everywhere. Your, your, your bodies everywhere and you just feel stuck and trapped, shackled in a prisoner of your own self, in your own business. And there's something also I want to, I want to touch on really quick before we get into the process of getting it feeling overwhelmed and stuck and freak the fuck out with your dog training business and your dog walking business. Um, I heard a really good quote the other day on Instagram from a James Wedmore, somebody I admire and I look up to as an entrepreneur is he said, chances are if you're feeling overwhelmed in your business, you are setting your expectations to a timeline. And listen guys. I love timelines. I love project timelines, I love strategy timelines, I love business timelines. I love plans. Shit. I'm a fucking certified project management professional. Like I have a PMP certification I got with my masters, but we have to give ourselves some fucking slack guys. Give yourself fucking permission to give you some slack what you want to accomplish. All these massive goals and dreams and you know, systems and procedures and amazing programs you want to create for your dog training clients. It's not going to happen every night overnight or any diet or something like that. When you're, when you're so bottled up and you're about to explode, like a fucking hot bottle of champagne and a car that's been shaken for hours and hours and hours, you're going to explode and it's going to be a meltdown. All right, so stop putting timelines on your own expectations. And I know it's hard because the majority of entrepreneurs out there, we have these live traps of unrelenting standards and we beat ourselves up over in our head every Goddamn motherfucking day. If we didn't do something right, if we felt lazy, if we took five minutes to ourself, right? Stop that, stop that. And as you know, you know, being an entrepreneur, being a pet industry entrepreneur and just being in the pet industry alone, there's not much support. You know, we have our supportive communities and Facebook groups and things like that and coaching, but we have to stop. We have to stop beating ourselves up. We have to start being our own enthusiastic cheerleaders guys. All right, self adulation is unnecessary, unnecessary. You are ready. Put so much pressure on yourself and on yourself and you're already juggling a million balls in the fucking air and you're doing it probably really greatly like really greatly because I can tell you the reason why I'm actually doing this specific episode with no real direction. I just hopped on the Frickin podcast recording equipment was one of my clients is going through this right now and guys, I got to tell you too, she is one of those people that on the outward appearances and all, all my clients are like this. She has success like she has like the quote unquote success a lot of people strive for. She's got a pretty grandiose business and a beautiful, beautiful part of this country. She's got employees, she has successfully transitioned from a dog walker to a pack Walker to a dog trainer in is selling really high end programs and she started boarding trains and on the outside, everything that you see, you see her brand and all that type of stuff, I'm not going to share it because it's confidential. She's freaking the fuck out today. She is freaking the fuck out. And she gave me permission to share kind of what's going on with her. Thank you. You know who you are, love you. And you have to realize even the best entrepreneurs out there, even the Tony Robbins, even the Gary V's even, you know the Richard Bransons, everybody has those days. The Marie folio have this days, right? I have, I'm not putting myself in those, in that top carry categories, please. I'm fucking humbled to say that. But even I have those days where you think and you're like, God, what am I doing? Some days I have all these things I want to do. I want to, I want to put this out and do this. I want to do this, I want to do that. But you still have to self serve your clients and you're not even serving yourself, right? So again, you're not alone in this. You're not, don't feel you are alone. There are supportive communities out there. There's other pockets of entrepreneurs just like yourself. Okay? So just, I want you to know that like I like I'm talking and I'm rushing from the bottom of my little heart here that it doesn't need to be this way guys. It doesn't. And it begins with self care and fundamental break business practices. All right? So let's get onto the steps because you're probably like already annoyed that I haven't got gone over those, but it's all good. So what you're going to want to do, if you're feeling stuck, you can't move. You can't make any traction is first things first. Shut the fucking noise up in your head. I know it sounds easier than done. Get the distractions out of your fucking way right away. You went, that means at the end of this episode, you know, feel still listen to this. Um, but shut the fucking noise. I've turn off your emails, turn off your social media, turn off your fucking phone and go somewhere quiet. Close Your eyes and picture your to do list right? And List it all out on a piece of fucking paper. Take five minutes and do this scribble everything you think you need to do. Then what you're gonna do is you're going to cross off the majority of it and you're going to choose three activities that are essential and critical for your dog business. That's usually in the action of client care for existing clients, operations, you know, employee management, um, contracts, admin, billing, those types of things, and then also sales and perspective clients and nurturing them. Those are the three fucking things to focus on right now. Quiet your mind and see what you need to do with those three things. So client care, operations and sales and sales processes. Don't worry about creating beautiful training plans for your clients, right the second. Don't have to go and create this beautiful template in Canva for the most amazing training program for your puppy class clients, or going to create this beautiful Facebook post of your pack. Walk and put this whole long spiel about, you know, the importance of leash, leash reactivity, and you know, grouping dogs are right way that is not conductive to your mental health right now, but focus on the three things that's going to put you slightly back on track and start giving you momentum to move forward. Also, one thing I do want to say before I get off the phone here or off the phone off the microphone here is feel the feelings you're having. Feel the feelings of frustration. Feel the feelings of anxiety. Feel them, own them, honor them, work through them guys. And no, usually when you bottle up these feelings, they come out in a manifestation of wanting to burn every fucking thing down. All right guys, so that was your emergency, calm and overwhelmed, um, to help you kind of start making traction again. Stop setting expectational timelines. If you're feeling overwhelmed, that's what's probably going on. Stop beating yourself up in the fluctuation in your own head. All right? What you're doing is when you beat yourself up, you're creating your own toxic culture within yourself and you don't need to have your own self fucking pressuring you and cracking the whip on you and just just being your own Debbie Downer. It's not how it works guys. You need to be your own self, your own self cheerleader. You know, I have an amazing therapist and like whatever I'll share. I have a therapist and, and by the way, every entrepreneur should have an entrepreneurial therapists. Um, they are amazing and they know what's going on. Being a business owner and she's always saying to me is you are always going to be your worst inner critic, your worst inner critic, but you need to be your most incredible cheerleader, right? So be your cheerleader and realize guys too. And something else I didn't mention. This is going to be important to meet people meeting if it's your employees, meet people, if it's your clients, meet people, if it's prospects or whoever it is, whoever it is, add the reciprocal level. They're meeting you at. Meaning if you have a client, if you have a dog training client in your dog training business that is not putting in the work, obviously they're just a pain in the ass clients and you feel like pulling out your hair. They're not listening to you. They're fighting you on every word, but you need to do instead of giving 110% because they're only meeting you at 5% you meet them at 5% you do not put more energy into relationships than that's being put back to you. It's a reciprocal relationship, guys. Reciprocal, okay. This is a huge one for a lot of people. I'm s I'm sorry I didn't actually put this in the beginning, but make sure, make fucking sure that you are meeting any of your clients at the s at the reciprocal part of the relationship. They're meeting you at meaning no more overgiving, meaning no more overextending, meaning drop the attachment to their outcomes and make your list. Find five minutes, five minutes, no distractions where you can sit down, close your eyes, have a breakdown if you want to cause breakdowns. Are Cool. We're feeling our own emotions. We have to feel our own emotions. Make a brain dump of everything that you think you need to do. Cross out 80% of it and focus on the 20% that's going to fuel your client care right now, your operations and your sales. All right guys, that was today's episode and thank you so much for listening. I know this is kind of like one of those kind of heavy type things, but again, going back to my main point that I do, I'm going to drive home because I opened it with it and I'm going to close with it is you're not alone and get help if you need help. All right, have a good one guys. Take care. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Hey there. Thank you for listening to another Badass episode of Mind Euro Dog Business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcasts. Listeners. Now. If you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl, um, at dog walker coach, you can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shot up. All right guys, until next time, bye.