Mind Your Own Dog Business

How To Empower Dog Owners For High Ticket Sales

July 04, 2019 Kristen Lee Episode 7

Empower dog owners + allow permission to express themselves =

In this incredible episode for Dog Trainers and Dog Walkers looking to create more sales in their dog business, Kristen Lee breaks down on how to start shifting your mindset around sales to an art form and at a more in-depth, connective level for an epic shift in your sales process.

She also guides you through how to EMPOWER your prospective dog owners that are coming to you for dog training, dog walking and even petsitting services to sell at a much higher level.

Dog Training Sales can empower you. 
Dog Walking Sales can empower you.

But the true platinum and wealth power is within you.

Let's fucking do this Dog Trainers and Dog Walkers.


Click Here For The Dog Training Sales Cheatsheet

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host, a leading expert in dog business strategic Kristen. Leave, guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business and brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all these glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever slice the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that Bad-ass Entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was this industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

hey guys, welcome to another amazing epic episode of the mind, your own dog business podcast. Holy Shit. I am super excited to actually roll this one out today because it's all about my motherfucking favorite topic. Well, besides branding in the world sales, the actual art of sales and a mindset of sales and everything else that comes around with sales. And I got to tell you guys, it took me a couple years to be this fucking excited about sales. How ever this is going to be a really good one because it's based on some breakthroughs I had yesterday, um, during my own sales conversations with dog owners. And just a reminder, I always say my superpower is I'm actually not a dog trainer. And that's why I feel it's led to so much fucking success. And the dog training business that I co owned with my husband. And it's really just, it's really been just a massive asset to me. And this is the way I teach all of my clients to create epic fucking success with their dog training businesses. This is why my girls are closing 10 2030 40 50 k fucking months in their businesses. And these girls don't have massive facilities. A couple of do have actually facilities, but they don't have endless staff or endless Kennel attendance. Some of these are just like one woman operations. So this is why I am so fucking, um, I don't even know how to use the word. I'm so hyper vigilant around the way we approach sales and actually using it as an empowerment tool versus something we fear. Something that we don't really have a system or process around and all the other shit that comes around with sales. Because as I mentioned in one of my first episodes, it was like, Hey, if somebody is teaching you how to sell without being sleazy, all they are teaching you is their own fucked up sales mindset. We have to look at sales as this beautiful process and this beautiful bridge that's going to protect you. It's going to allow you to reach the most amazing fucking clients. Now, that being said, you know, the sales process also protects you from people that aren't going to be a really good fit, but I'm not going to go down this rant, this rabbit hole. Um, but yeah, so it's going to be, this is going to be a really, really incredible episode guys. I am super fucking stoked to to teach you guys this and it's all about actually flipping the switch on the way you approach your sales conversations with dog owners. Now before we get started, I actually have to say one thing, I guys, I don't even have words right now like I'm like getting teary eyed because I'm so fucking filled with gratitude and love because I took a two week break from releasing any new podcast episodes. I'm just, I'm in full productive launch mode. I have a million different little like projects going on around branding, sales and all this fun stuff. Plus I was at camp mother fucking Unicorn, which is going to be a totally different episode one day. I hope to have the facilitator on, but I can't tell you how many of you guys reached out to me on Instagram and Facebook and email and you're like, oh my God, Chris, and please don't tell me the podcast is dead. Because funny story is last year around this time was like when I released my final episode and it wasn't even a final episode. It was just kinda like, Eh, you know, I'm just not feeling this. And the thing is too, it's like when, and this is a totally different topic too, but it's like one, we're not in alignment with our true self when we're not in alignment with what our messages is, when we're not in alignment with who we are as a business owner, not just as a business, but like a business owner, a higher self or whatever. Sometimes it just, there's, there's disconnection and everything starts to feel inauthentic. And with the Badass dog pros, um, last year, that's how I was, because the thing is, as a business owner, you're consistently growing, you're consistently evolving. And if the messaging isn't right, you are going to feel so off and you're not going to feel in alignment. Now being in alignment versus motivation, motivation's a temporary feeling of a dopamine are released like the one you get from watching like a Gary v or like a Tony Robbins like, yeah, let's go fuck shit. Oh yeah. The thing is it's like you always want to strive to feel like you're in alignment with something. But I digress. Think it's amazing that all of you guys who are listening to this right now have reached out to me and were like, no, please keep the content coming. I love to listen to your binge watch. I subscribed and I've been waiting for weeks and weeks and weeks, weeks. I'm like, oh my God. It's been like two weeks guys. Chill. I'm there. Mama Kay is not going on coming to call myself. Mama Kay. Um, Kristen Lee, Christian mother fucking Lee is not going anywhere. I just had to take a few weeks back, scale back on some of my own content because just some really good, exciting fucking things are happening in this space. Um, and I'm really actually excited to tell you guys about it as they kind of fully bake and all that type of shit. And that being said, what I would love, absolutely love and I would give you a massive virtual hug and just gives me so much joy that so many of you guys are really resonating with. Some of you guys aren't and that's totally cool too. You're probably not listening to it. But if this podcast, if you're binge listening to this, if you've been waiting, do me a favor and do the industry, the dog training industry, the dog walking industry, the pet sitting industry. Do us all a collective favor. Screenshot this episode. You're probably watching it a little bit right now on Instagram. Screenshot it, tag me in it and fucking share it. Fair shared across Instagram, shared across Facebook. Get this podcast out there so more people can fucking benefit from everything that I'm bringing to the table guys, because this is what is going to be dog business fucking disruption. And I'm already fucking disrupting lives and I fucking love it. And it's epic. And I don't like to use the word epic too much, even though I've used it like 10 times already. But I want to be able to reach the people that need it most. And not everybody's going to resonate with that, right? Like I am not everybody's fucking cup of tea at all. And that's totally cool because I know who I am authentically. Um, then if you're so inclined in which I would be so incredibly even more grateful for, shoot me a five star review, tell me how much you fucking love this and how it's changed or just put a five star review and, and be like, this is bomb. This is amazing. This is dope. And screenshot that and send that to me too because guys, again, the way the face, the not the Facebook algorithms, uh, I'm sorry, I'm already thinking about another episode by the way, told you I have content for days, guys for fucking months and years. But the way apple podcasts really starts at fill that algorithm up is the more we can kind of get some ratings going, people talking about and getting a little bit of buzz, the more people it's going to reach. So share this fucking word. It's amazing and all that amazing and fun fucking stuff to not only grow and transform and transcend your dog business, your dog walking business, your pet sitting business, your dog training business or your pack hiking business, but to really start making massive in awareness around this whole industry too. Because got to say the dog business industry is usually about 18 to 24 months behind. Anyway, I digress. So what did I want to talk about today? I wanted to talk about empowering perspective a dog owners. I'm just going to call them prospects. All right. I think I've described this before, but prospects or people that are potentially interested in purchasing your services, but how we can start to empowering, empower our dog owners, the people that come to us to make higher ticket sales. Now, this is kind of, I don't know if I already mentioned this and I don't go by a script guys. I don't even edit these fucking things. Um, but this kind of came off something that I did yesterday and it's something I've been doing over the last couple of years. Um, if you know about me, sales is huge for me and one of my super secret superpowers I tell everybody, I especially tell my clients, and this is how I have to start shifting my clients into more of a sales mode is I'm not a fucking dog trainer at all. Like I am not a doctor and I understand our training concepts. Um, but the way I can establish such massive fucking connections with perspective clients that come into my dog training business, my husband, to give you clarification, like, oh my God, there's bitches and even a fucking dog Turner. Um, yeah, I'm not, but I do run a massive dog training business, a one, well actually it's a two person operation now because we just hired somebody in it, but that is actually, it just hit over the$500,000 mark for 2019. But I use, I use the superpower of just human connection and literally empowering the prospects that come to us and just having a fucking phenomenal conversation with people versus kind of going back and forth on Facebook messenger or text message or whatever. And it really hit me yesterday. The word empower kept coming up during these calls. I take two days a week of sales calls that I have somebody else do and them the other other couple of days. And guys yesterday, July 3rd of 2019 where everybody starts to think, oh my God, nobody's buying around the holiday season. Not Enough. Fuck that shit around. The holiday season guys is fucking gold. It's my own little discovery. And my clients, clients are historically performed the best around holiday season. Um, so I took what I use and I gave you guys the, um, the strategy, a couple of podcasts episodes around, um, ago about how to close like high high ticket sales in a shorter amount of time. And I did that yesterday, the day before, fucking 4th of July. And we ended up closing$12,000 in dog training sales between, I think it was four people. I'm looking at my notes right here. It was between four people and we closed$7,000 in cash intake. That meaning, okay, cool. We had$12,000 in dog training sales contracts, and then the money people put into their dog training, sales deposits, uh, purchasing programs in full. Um, we closed$7,000 in cash, which was fucking phenomenal. But the thing is two guys, I don't always, I don't, it's, I'm trying to find the right word for it. It's not a time to feast because if you take that kind of approach with your business where it's like, oh, feast and famine, feast and famine, it's tried to be kind of the study balance of, it's like equilibrium, right? Anyway, so I like the word empowerment, empowerment, empowerment kept coming up on these conversations and I was like, fuck. I'm like, why aren't dog dog trainers and dog walkers having these conversations around empowerment through their sales? And the thing is, it's like what I find, and this is totally totally the norm, and if you guys have been doing this, you are not fucking alone. And I'm not shaming you at all. But what happens, I find with a lot of dog trainers is when they get on the phone to somebody, if they do even get on the phone with somebody. So for example, somebody emails, I'm like, hey, tell me your programs and your rates. And you immediately say, okay, my rates are$500 for six group classes or whatever your rates are. And that's it. And sometimes people will sign up, you know, if you've had decent success, that's how it happens. Or you know, you'll never hear from the get, or I gotta talk to my husband. But when we don't take the time to create a solid sales process, a sales strategy type system, we lose out on so much value and we don't have the power of fucking connection, conversation and conversion. By the way, guys, I just trademarked that motherfucker is in the fucking office right now of United States trademark. Woo. Um, but what happens is we almost bypass this, this beautiful body that we can start using to close higher ticket fucking sales. And the thing is, it's like, all right, cool. What we need to do and what you guys should start to start thinking about doing is like how can we kind of systemize the way we talk to new prospects, prospective clients? I'm just gonna use prospects from now on. How can we start connecting to prospects on a deeper level that need fucking dog training? Because when we start to connect with them, when we start to open up the space, because a lot of people come to us and the majority of dog owners that come to my dog training company are like, you have to look at it as like the ter, the hierarchy of needs, especially if they are reactive dogs. If they have aggressive dogs and people that come to you, it's like people are either in denial, but how long it's gone. And it's like people are fucking freaking the fuck out now because it's escalated. Or people are just coming to you because they're starting to notice a problem. So asking for help and self is really fucking vulnerable. And when we don't create that container of unlimited space for a dog owner to come to you as a dog trainer, we legit basically bypass everything. We bypass their feelings, we bypassed her emotions, we bypass what is really going on. And if you're like, all right, cool Kristen, I am getting on the phone with people. I challenge you. I fucking challenge you to ask yourself, are you shutting the fuck up on the phone? Are you asking the right fucking questions? Because what happens with a lot of dog trainers and a lot of dog walkers is you hear the words, the person speaking. And because our brains are so short wired and shortcut to take the next step to move forward in whatever process you have, onboarding somebody as you immediately you immediately, I'm trying to snap my fingers, jump to the service you want to sell them. And the thing is, it's like if we don't start to expand this, expand the vulnerability, uh, container, you know, and the container is unlimited at the same time. You know, and I'm not saying getting on the phone and being in an emotionally drawn conversation because that shit is just unhealthy, especially if you're empathetic person, but giving the, the prospect's your dog on her prospects, the permission and the empowerment to get the help they need to actually kind of decipher what is really fucking going on. Not at just the surface level, but a deeper I mother fucking deeper micro level, giving them the permission to call their dog a fucking asshole. This is a huge one guys. And here's the thing, not all dog owners are gonna resonate with colander, dogs and asshole. It's totally dependent on your niche, right? Totally dependent. However, when you start to crack the show and you start to empower them, when you start to see what is really going on at a tangible, emotional, and a logical level and you shut the fuck up and you let them talk and process and see and deploy what is really going on deep down at a human fucking level, that's where the mother fucking magic of sales happens because I can tell you for a fucking back guys, if you are bypassing the emotional, the tangible and the logical level, you are not empowering perspective dog owners that want to pay you money to their fucking problem. Your goal, your goal as a dog owner, a dog owner, a dog business owner. Your goal as a dog trainer, as a dog walker, is to give this space to quiet your mouth and empower your dog owners, your dog perspective clients to tell you what they need. Not only guys, and this is where the kicker is not only what they need for their dog but for their fucking life. Because I can tell you with 100% mother fucking certainty that these owners are being disruptive, be being disrupted by their dog's behavior. And if you just pass them along as, Oh God, just another fucking dog on her. Oh God, I'm so fucking busy for this shit. I can't deal with this shit. Or we get on the phone and we fucking prejudge these people that are coming to us for help. You are doing yourself, you are doing your business no fucking favors and you're keeping yourself small and you're playing small guys. This process, this process of empowering your perspective dog training clients is going to change every fucking thing for you guys. I can tell you, I can tell you giving perspective dog training clients a container of emotion, of vulnerability, of nonjudgment, of transparency and permission is allowing them to empower themselves because you have to think about it guys. When people are coming to you, they're hurt. You know, like I, I like to talk a lot about like, you know, we're just, we're souls, you know, we're whatever you want to call her, call higher power souls resource Raghad just the living a fucking human experience and a meat and a meat locker. That's all we are. You know, we're powered by a fucking cerebral cortex in a spinal cord. So when you, you, you don't allow the space, you don't allow the permission for a prospective dog training client to truly open themselves up. That's where you're missing out on a lot of shit. I just know it. I feel it at a soul level. And again, this is why I call it my super fucking secret power as a dog training business owner, myself and as a business coach is I allow the space for emotional connectivity. Now again, I'm not talking about falling in a fucking hole with them and you know, having them emotionally dump on you, especially if you're an empathetic person. You know, you have to be watch out for that. You don't need to fall in a hole and spend four hours on a conversation with somebody. And then like when they say, oh, I can't work with you, you're too expensive. That's just going to rip you apart to shreds. But being willing to kind of throw the life preserver out to them being like, hey, come here. It's safe. Let's chat. Let me see what's going on in your life, how we can actually start to make changes not prejudging you of what you've done and having fun in the process of calling your dog and asshole. That's where fucking shit changes. And this is not only just for dog trainers, guys, this is for dog walkers, especially you fucking pack walkers. I have much love for my pack walkers. Y'All the MVP. If you guys don't know, my husband had a pack walking business before it was quote unquote the thing to do back in early two thousands but even pet sitters, guys like even pet sitters can use the sales container of high empowered high ticket sales. So start changing the direction of their business and the beauty of a sales process, which was in one of the other episodes. Go back and listen to it if you want. I give you a lot of good shit guys is it protects your boundaries too. You are going to know at a deep, deep gut intuition level, uh, at an intuition level type thing. If somebody is going to be a good fit or not. Now you're probably like, well, Kristen, what if they're not a good fit? So not everybody's a good fit? God, I turned down for people that come to me for business coaching. If a hundred people came to me for business coaching, I will turn down probably 94 of them because I am so fucking, I am a practice when I peer each person, I'm not just going to sell anything to anybody. And the same thing with dog training clients in dog walking clients and for your pet sitters and everybody else, you don't need to take everybody on. That's, that's just the whole thing. But when you get down at these levels and you're able to make the basic human connection, that's where the mother fucking high ticket sales are. That's why you're going to be able to close 10 2030 40 k a fucking month and your dog training business without hiring a sales person, without hiring an operations manager, without hiring a personal assistant. So kind of wrapping this motherfucker up as we move on is get on the phone. I don't care how busy you are, don't be busy just to be busy and get rewarded for the hustle. Get on the fucking phone, throw out all prejudgment.

Speaker 1:

Shut up when you listen to them. Shut up. Don't worry about what you're going to respond to what they're saying. And that's a huge one. Huge one. It's like, oh my God, they're saying this. I've got to say them this, and you're, you're already shut off the conversation. Connect with them. Open up the space for vulnerability. It's super fucking powerful, guys. It is a disruptive way to do your sales as a dog trainer, dog walker or pet center, and I can tell you it is life changing. All right guys, that's all from me. They thank you for joining me on this empowered sales talk and again, start shifting your mindset around sales. Mindset is everything when it comes around sales. Now, I'm not trying to telling you to be all movie or whatever, but don't buy into your sales has to be 100% automated or your sales don't feel, don't feel sleazy doing your sales or how to get everybody to say yes to you because that's just, that's where you feel gross or on sales. That's what makes me feel gross because being an empowered sales salesperson is the most amazing thing he do for your business and that's what's keeping you from being stuck where you're at right now to where you want to be, to closing a half a million dollar business to closing$1 million shoe business,$2 million in your business. All right guys, have a good one. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, euro dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack. Doug business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing Doug Business Entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl. I'm at dog Walker coach. You can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.