Mind Your Own Dog Business

Creating Content That People Give A Shit About

July 04, 2019 Kristen Lee Episode 8

You don't need a massive following on social media to have an impact or success with content, marketing, and sales in your business.

And, the truth is, platforms are moving away from the vanity metrics. You're more likely to show up in someone's feed if your content, and messages - ENGAGES, and RESONATES with your audience.

Meaning, real conversations, content that connects to your targeted audience is favored over having tens of thousands of unengaged followers.

In this episode, Kristen Lee breaks it down on how dog trainers, dog walkers, and pet business owners can create content that your audience, aka dog owners, give a shit about.  And how you step away from the basic social media post or blogs that everyone else is creating.


The funny thing is humans, love connection.

Know your peeps
Talk to them
Show them some loving
Be authentic, provide value in your content (but don't give away your goods)


Fuck the vanity likes. It's not getting you anywhere.


Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategic Kristen lease guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass, a dog business and brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all of these glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever sliced the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit, empower the incredible women of the dog was his industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Hello, all the amazing dog trainers, dog walkers and pet sitters that are joining me for today's incredible knowledge filled fucking Unicorn Glitter poop bom episode of actually writing content that people give a fuck about or give a shit about whatever you want to call it. And before we get started, I want to say just a few things to kind of clarify my messaging during this podcast in case there's any confusion. So if you're listening to this and you're sitting in your office or you're taking notes on your phone, open up your app and just write these things down so there's not any real confusion. And so you can actually best get that knowledge. I'm about to drop on your lap and I use the word actually a lot. So That's interesting. That's a note for me. See, I'm going to write a note down. I'm always improving myself. So when we talk about content, I'm talking about copy. What is copy? Copy is not just copying off as somebody else, but it's a technical term for basically putting words to your messaging words to your audience. So an example would be when you put something on Facebook and you tell a story of a before and after, that is copy. That is content and the thing about content and copy, it's you put it everywhere that represents you as a business. So this could be in social media platforms such as Facebook says, such as Instagram, Twitter, linkedin, ticktack or whatever, or tick talk or whatever. Snapchat, and it's also going to, it's also going to be on your website, right? It's going to be on your website, your email campaigns, your newsletters, anything like that. Even a letter is copywriting. Even a letter or if you put a bulletin up on a pet store, bulletin board, your copy, your messaging on there is essentially copywriting and the thing with copywriting and content, again, I'm going to use these words back and forth. There's not really any differentiation between them. They're going to use them interchangeably, is the words you put out there truly fucking matter. Your messaging, the way you put words together, even if it's on a podcast like myself here, that's why it's so important to choose your messaging. Choose your content strategy. Super fucking important because if you aren't following these steps, I'm about to drop into your lap. You might as well be throwing your words into a trash bin or a black hole of a bis cause. Because if you're not really standing out with your content and your copy, you're sounding like everybody else. So what I want to talk to you today about is how to write copy that people are going to be like, holy crap, I'm going to take action on meaning when I talk about action, I don't mean just making sales off of it. I mean maybe joining your email so you can start to nurture them or maybe liking a falling your Facebook page or your Instagram page where then you can start nurturing them, feeding them, building the trust, building an innate value and relationship with them. So one of the biggest things I see a lot of dog trainers doing, especially are dog walkers, is we write copy just to do it as almost like a check off list. It's like, all right, so I've been told or I've seen our, I observed that I should post on Facebook or Instagram once a day or twice a day. Right? So when we get into the process of just treating our copy or content like a to do list, we aren't truly expanding our messaging. We're not truly reaching the people that actually want to engage and really connect with you. So some examples that I see out there, and this is something that I believe is kind of an a standard industry believe, and it did actually work for a little while, is like, all right, cool. For example, if you're a pet sitter and you want to reach your SEO a little bit more, what you would do, or if your dog Walker, even a dog trainer, what you would do to kind of rank a little bit higher in Google and get your Google ranking up on the first page is you would create a blog of the top 10 dog friendly cafes and bars and restaurants in your local city. Well, the thing with that guys is, is the majority of your audience, of your dog owner clients or your perspective clients already know that? Like they already know that and it's like, all right, cool. Then why are you even doing it if you're just doing your content, your copywriting just to check it off or just to have results driven into your business and it's not converting. That's where the disconnect is. So I want to bring a massive awareness around it. Another thing I see a lot of dog pros doing, especially dog trainers, is we're shy and like sharing is cool. Like we share people that we respect, we look up to and we trust, but we're sharing others' work in others words. And the thing is, it's like if you're sharing something, it really resonated with you and you probably already thought that. So what I want to challenge dog trainers to do in dog walkers is like, alright, start sharing your own fucking thoughts and your own words. And again, it's like, cool, we want to respect that trainer. We agree with them and their messaging and their strong messaging. And sometimes it's like I would rather share their thoughts because they're getting out there and there may be polarizing. So I don't rock the boat guys, guys, you all are so fucking brilliant and bright and you have this incredible sponge of knowledge in your brain and in your heart. Don't be afraid, afraid to share your thoughts. Put it in your own words. Now I'm not saying go look at a post and be like, oh, I'm going to put this in my own words because that's just, that's, that's a form of collegial is pre plagiarism and God fucking hate plagiarism. It's such a fucking trigger for me. But that's a whole other story because I've been plagiarized many fucking times and it just triggers the fuck out of me. But if it's like, holy crap, I was just thinking that that means guys, that means your higher self, your subconscious and your intuition is telling you, get your fucking messaging out there. Get your fucking messaging out there like legit guys. So we need to start treating our copy as something at a deeper level where people are going to read it and be like, Huh, I really liked what they had to say there. Or they're going to read it and be like, oh fuck them. I'm not going to follow this. Because when you have really strong copywriting, it's either going to attract people or repel people and that's what you want to do because you don't want every motherfucker into your business guys. Holy Crap, that doesn't work that way. That's why y'all are burning out. And one other thing, well two other things I'm going to go on a rant really quick is you know, stop with the basic bitch shit. You know, that goes back to um, just the 10 top friendly pet pet things in your city or whatever. Like I can tell you for a fucking fact that a local, a local blog, like I live in Durham, North Carolina and there's so many local blogs dedicated to what to do in Durham. Every single one of them has a podcast or an episode or a content piece around the top 10 friendly dog events or whatever. Right? That's basic bitch stuff. Another basic bitch thing to do and it does have its place. Now I'm don't get triggered. I'm not shaming you if you're doing that guys like you don't know what you don't know. I'm not you. It's just I'm bringing intensive awareness around it. I'm an intensive care bear. That's what they call me. But when you're just sharing pictures of dogs like yeah, it's a cute dog. It's a fucking cute dog. That's adorable. Whatevs like it's totally cute. Like yeah, people resonate for cute dogs and you can do that. Like you can have it as part of your content strategy but don't, don't like every day. Like at the end of the day, people know what their dogs look like. If you want to share, you know, pieces of your day working dog, fucking create a private group for paying clients. But that's neither here nor there. That's a whole program design issue. And the next thing I actually want to bring awareness around too is don't be tempted to outsource. The reason why I say this is I see a lot of pros at sourcing their blog posts, their social media to, you know, other blog writers and things like that and it has its place too. But what I want you to do instead of being tempted to outsource for$100 or$200 or whatever you want to pay your writer is learn how to create effective copy first and foremost. Then outsource it. Then reach, meet with somebody that has that level of knowledge and you can actually fact check that because I got to tell you that it's the old school thing of knowledge is mother fucking power guys. Knowledge is power when it comes to outsourcing and delegating tasks in your business. Now if you're thinking, oh my God, well I am so fucking busy, I work 23 and a half hours a day, the other half hour I'm peeing stuffing my face with McDonald's French fries, or I'm trying to get five minutes of sleep. These simple steps I'm about to lay out for you guys is going to allow you to start making these simple shifts. Now you don't have to go and just re like, Oh my God, I'm feeling overwhelmed. I gotta Redo my home. All my content strategy. No, I'm just creating a little bit of awareness around it so you can get on the most righteous path of being that Badass dog trainer, that Badass Dog Walker, having content that actually connects versus the Vandy likes, like it's powerful. So just start small, start really small and don't feel overwhelmed and just have an awareness around your messaging because your fucking messaging matters no matter what. No matter what platform it's on, no matter how you're showing up the live videos, just don't do shit to check it off a fucking list. It doesn't serve anybody. So what do we want to look for at when we create content that people give a shit about? We want to start thinking about what stories, what stories do you want to tell your audience? Storytelling is huge, huge, huge, huge. I'm, I'm creating a brand story book experience for some really, really high end clients and it's like we communicate our brand experience through storytelling. So what stories do you want to tell your clients? Now I want you to also think about, it's not about what services you offer in there. I know massive fucking mind. Fuck, because we don't want to focus all of the attention on what you do. Your five star ratings that you're insured and bonded, that you have over 150 million likes and readings on Google and all that type of shit. That's great. Cool. Congratulations. Yes, there is a place for that type of stuff. There is a little compartment for that type of stuff, but people don't give a flying fuck when it comes to your content. They want connection. They want fucking connection. They want reciprocity. They want to know they're not alone. They want to know they're not alone. You want to define the next step as you wanted to find a purpose for your content. You wanted to find a purpose for it. So when you go to write something, it's a blog post. If it's an email campaign, you wanted to find what the true messaging is behind it. What is the motive behind it? And I, the word motive is a little weird, but like that's how copywriting is. It's like there's going to be a motive behind it. Is it awareness around something awareness maybe around fireworks or foxtails or you know, different training methods or you know, if a body awareness around dogs, is it important information? Is it important information? Like it's like breaking news that you want to get out and give general education around. Is it a call to action? Is it a call to action? It's like, Hey, do this, you know, you're not alone, dog owner, blah blah, blah, blah, blah. Now if you want, if you want to be able to change your life with your dog or if you want to be able to go to work, not have to worry about what's going on at home with your dog. You know, if your dogs under socialized or whatever and not use it and not use dog trainee words or dog Walker words or pet probe words, send us a message. That's a call to action, right? And do you want to, or maybe do you want to have a conversational style conversation? So like a podcast, it's a conversation. I'm having a fucking conversation with you. If you were sitting across from me or if you were on the phone with me, we'd be having a conversation. And the thing is too, it's like we can blend all the purposes of the content to have awareness, have education around it, and have a call to action towards the end. So not focused. We're going to revisit the first couple steps, not focused on your services, what stories you want to tell your audience. Define a purpose of your, uh, of your conversation and your connection to find a purpose. Whether it's awareness, education, important information, call to action or conversation. Just a conversation. The next thing, and this is the most important piece of this guy's important. I cannot stress the importance of this. So if you are sitting here and if you're ever listening to this and your audience or if you're in your audience in your office or if you're seeing this in your car, fucking bookmark this, screenshot, this part, this is the most important part. This is where it's going to shift everything. This is where people are going to really connect with you on such a deeper level and they're going to want to fucking sign up for your services. Know your audience. That looks like knowing your niche. Who is your ideal client? What is going on with them at a soul level, at a personal level, at a dog level, what are they triggered? What are they going to resonate with? What do they give a flying fuck about? Like, yeah, you can actually take that piece of basic bitch content experience I gave you of, you know the 10 top 10 places to take your dog and your city cause they do give a fuck about taking their dog out. Probably because they work hard, they want to play hard, but how can we twist it to where it really resonates with them? If you're a dog trainer, it's like, cool, I want to take my dog to bull city cider works. This is a local establishment. How would I, how would this resonate with me if I saw a dog training company connecting on Facebook or Instagram, I would write to the person that can do that, that they're missing out on it and the two steps so they can have a beer with their dog, something a little bit different guys. That's what's going to fucking be like, oh my God. It's like, yeah, cool. I want to take my dog there, but I have to go and that dog has sustain its Kennel when it's home or it's like you can change it around. If you're a dog walker, we can take your dog out for a beer while you're fucking sitting in the office alone. It's a fucking amazing day. Something like that guys. You want to be able to resonate with them, what they give a shit about and and trigger them and what, who they are and speak directly to them. Speak directly to your people. Guys, this is, I can't fucking stresses one more too. Just like knowing your audience. It's like don't be general, don't be general. Don't worry if another dog business professional is reading your stuff. They are not your clients unless you're in business to business. Connect with your audience. Your audience is your prospective clients. Dog Owners defined by a niche you're current clients to right, stop being general. Be specific. Have a conversation, start that, know what's really going on with them and talk to them again, talk to them on shit they give a flying fuck about. That's the power of content that actually connects, inspires conversations and conversions. My little trademark there. So guys, start doing those few a few things and I can promise you you are gonna see an uptick in your social media engagement, your messaging and everything else. And also too, you can do these types of things in your website as well. Stop at the basic Google type SEO stuff. Again, that worked a few years ago. It's going downhill. And the funny thing is Google, Facebook, Instagram, all face. I do have to say I'm going to be totally transparent, organic Facebook engagements a little bit down on Facebook unless he put some money into it. But don't ever boost a post unless you know what the fuck you're doing because you don't want to put money into something that's not going to give you an ROI, return and value. However, if you do follow the steps, I can tell you your engagement rate is going to go, what? Right? I usually have a massive, about 30 to 40% engagement and I do all my copywriting myself. And the thing too is with this guys is you don't have to be this, uh, college educated, uh, English master's degree, right? I'm not that I am so bad with my grammar. I could barely talk sometimes you can hear on here, but I do have, if you guys don't know, I did have a TBI a couple years ago, so sometimes my words sound a little bit weird or I kind of slurring my speech. I sent a little bit drunk. Sometimes it's just because I had a TBI back in 2015 but the thing is copywriting is a skill you can learn and I legit just gave you the steps on starting a different way of copywriting and content development. It's going to change everything guys and it's fucking beautiful and I cannot wait to see your results and hear all about your fucking results. All right guys, have a good one and I'll talk to you later and I want to see some of your good copy talk soon. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of my Jiro Dog Business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing Doug Business Entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and starts to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl at dog Walker. Coach, you can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, until next time, bye.