Mind Your Own Dog Business

The Power & Freedom Of A Niche For Your Dog Business

July 18, 2019 Kristen Lee Episode 9

The benefit of doing the real, in-depth work on your niche?

Dog Trainers, Dog Walkers:

We must talk candidly about a niche.

Not just the superficial bullshit of "all dog owners that love their dogs and want the best care."

Being able to pick the people you chose to work with.

Like, handpick and chose.


People you chose to work with as a dog trainer, dog walker.

  • Not relying on them to pick you and falling into the trap of order taking
  • Respect for your expertise
  • Respect for your boundaries
  • People that want EXACTLY what you offer and are READY to pay

Not having to bend over, drop your pants for every person that finds your website, yelp, business card, or word of mouth.

Oh, and did I mention, bringing in motherfucking profits and having control of while transforming your business.

Be sure to take notes on this one. It's a goodie.


Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business, strategic Kristen[inaudible]. Guys, yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick a dog business brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all these glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever sliced the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that bad ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was his industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

hey guys, welcome to another motherfucking epic episode of the mind, your own dog business podcast. Holy Crap. We're almost at 10 holy motherfucking shit. That is a lot episodes and a lot of you guys listening to my Jersey sailor mouth and getting some really great dog business strategy tips. So I just want to thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all the listeners, all the love I been getting with the last few months of releasing this podcast. Guys, I'm so fucking happy. I am so happy. I am so humbled. I am so grateful for everything, all the screenshots, all the shares and all the amazing reviews guys. It really warms this little overachievers, hard to hear the success stories from just implementing one or two pieces and of advice that I give during this and it just makes me fucking happy. It makes me happy. So this is one of those episodes where there's going to be a lot of great actionable steps like again legit. When you're done listening to this, you can actually go out and implement some of the stuff I'm going to be talking about today because it is super fucking powerful. And like when I, I use the word super powerful a lot because it is like the stuff that I'm going to be teaching today regarding the niche is life changing. And like when I talk about life changing, I am talking about life changing in your business because unfortunately at the end of the day, as an entrepreneur, we are not in the position where we can just basically detach, right? So especially if you come from a corporate background, I come from a corporate background. You know, it's different. You can't just leave your shit at the table when you're done, when your phone's off or when your end of the day works. So when I talk about life changing, I am truly talking about life changing because I know for a fucking fact, especially if you're burnt the hell out and if you have a lot of shit going on, running a really high successful business, you bring that shit home, right? It, it translates into your relationships with your partners, your spouse, your kids, your friends and all that type of shit. The struggle is real. So when I talk about these life changing switches that you can start making, I promise you, I friggin promise you that you are going to start seeing little positive effects, whether it's your mood, whether it's the way you're feeling, whether your body is feeling in the way your relationships are. When you start making actionable steps, because business is the best form of personal development. Like guys, it's not like this all, oh, it's a hippy coaching case and lead as it be coaching. No, no, no, no. Like I give you some bomb ass mother fucking millionaire a seven figure business strategy like I do, but when you don't look at the underlying core issues, especially when it goes into business strategy, because we put so much of ourselves into it, that's where the faculty's, right? So you could do the high level changes of your marketing and your sales and all that type of shit. And I love talking about that. You guys know that I have fucking nine episodes of that shit behind me. But when you look at the core of who you really are, and by the way, if you guys haven't done an integram test, oh amazing. I'll give you know what, I'll give somebody a free complimentary session if you DME and guess what my Instagram number is by the way, I bet you you will. Um, but when you don't look at the core of yourself as a person and we don't honor that part of us, it doesn't matter how much strategy, how much money you have in the bank, deep down something is going to be totally off alignment. And like that's why I talk a lot about the personal development, self development, transforming our lives through our businesses, right? It's not just like, oh, I just want the hippie stuff. Or Kristen just teaches the hippy feelgood stuff. No guys, no fucking way because so much of that stuff is deeply rooted within us. Oh my God. I went on a tangent about personal development. So what are we talking about today? Well, first and foremost, it's mid fucking July. We just had all this crazy solar energy. We had that partially, we had the solar eclipse a couple of weeks ago and where our mercury retrograde. Yes, I believe in that shit. I am fucking woo mother fucking woo. I totally believe in the witchy magic. I totally believe in all the type of energy exchanges and, and we just had our partial lunar eclipse with the new full moon. So massive energy shifts going on. I've, if you've been feeling like tired, weirded out, like just like fucking freak the hell out. I get you. I feel you girl. Like it's just been, I've been in like reclusive mode. I've been really hammering ra at different things. So I feel you, I feel you. I feel you. So if you've been feeling really weird lately, always check and see where your energy is laying and what kind of work. Again, it goes back to that personal development work, guys, that ties into your business because I gotta tell Ya, it fucking affects me too. So what am I going to be talking about today and what I'm so excited to bring as awareness to every single one of you out there. It doesn't matter what do you do in the industry? It doesn't matter if you're a dog trainer, doesn't matter, matter if you're fucking dog business consultant. It doesn't matter if you're a dog walker, petsitter groomer or whatever. This all ties in together and this is again, every single one of you guys should focus on this. All right? You have to have a niche or a niche. I call it a niche. And what is a niche? A niche isn't just something we'll call an ideal client because a lot of people talk about ideal clients. We talk about, um, in the industry of different people in industry, say an Avatar, basically the perfect client profile, like envision your perfect client. What do they do? What do they do? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? I get that. But when we talk about a niche person, we are talking about this select individual that you know better than them selves. You're able to tell the story that they're not telling themselves fucking powerful. Can you see how this is like a life changing guys? How this can shift so many directions in your business and what happens as dog trainers start their business or they're growing their business or dog walkers start to grow their business, they're focused on so much growth is we tend to have this mindset of quality over quantity. I mean quantity again. There I go. I always mix these up ups. I said that in previous episodes. Don't take the pitchforks out at me. I'm fucking raw. I'm fucking real. But what happens is dog trainers have a mindset of just growth, growth, growth, growth, growth, money, money, money, money, money, people in, people out, people in people out and we get stuck. It dog trainers especially gets stuck in the quantity mindset because of course quantity equals Aka mother fucking dollar bills. Y'All, right? I'm thinking of Danny McBride, one of my favorite actors and we don't look at our clients or perspective clients as individuals and that's where a lot of the burnout happens. That's where a lot of shitty clients can sneak in and yeah, I'm all about giving people love it and like I am Mo mother fucking focused on you love and on the clients out there, but when we don't have a really firmly established niche and we've done the work of understanding who this person is at such a deep demographic and a psychographic level, we're not able to have the connection and sometimes the crazy people sneak in, sometimes the people that aren't going to do the work sneak in. Sometimes the people that just want the cheapest services for the fastest service and return sneak in and you know one of the things is it's like that's where I see a lot of a lot of potential and a lot of ways you can start transforming their business. It's super fucking important guys to have a motherfucking niche. If you work with me, it doesn't matter if you're a I'm a masterclass, it doesn't matter if you're one of my high end 50 k a year clients. The first thing you do, the first thing you do, and this is why I'm like putting this out here, is you have a niche. You develop your niche. Now if you're thinking, Kristin, um, yeah, I do this Kristen, all my clients are people that love their dogs. They want the best for their dogs. Great. That is awesome. You are on the right track. But what I want to do is create more of a awareness around it. So the reason why this came up was one of my clients right now she's creating a new Facebook lead generation ad and I was helping her refine the copywriting around it and it was hysterical because one or her, one of her niche clients or her niche client I should say, is entrepreneurial women that have escaped the corporate nine to five but still have the demands at home. Right? So this person, her my client who's a dog trainer in New Jersey, Jersey, all, she is a seven three two area code. I'm a nine oh eight forever. But her ideal client, her niche client is this woman who's between 35 and a certain age. And she escaped corporate after doing a lot of fucking hard work and she is finally hustle and she's grinding. She's getting the shit done. You know, and as you guys know, as entrepreneurs you have a lot of different um, a lot of different plates. You're balancing a lot of balls in the air and then it's like, obviously you most likely have a dog and her niche client is really struggling finding work life balance with the dog. And as I was giving her this feedback, it was hysterical because I was, I was kind of editing her post and kind of cleaning it up and giving her direction. I don't do work for people, by the way, I'm not a done for you type person. I don't do that. I rather teach people on how to achieve these skills so you guys can later on without being babysitted. But as I was sitting down and I was working and it was like noon and I'm literally eating, you know, not great for you food but kind of like a wrap and some potato chips and yeah, I know I'm a bit chubby like all, it's all good. I'm working on, I'm working on my health. Yeah, I'm working on my health and I'm working on this and I'm giving live feedback and I'm going through this, my own dog, my own dog comes up and it's adorable. I should post a picture with this episode comes up and puts her head on and I'm like tapping my desk right out, puts her head on the desk and she's a Labrador. She's really old. She's 13 and a half. She, we were very, very blessed that she's still with us. She actually has um, she has a terminal brain cancer but she's with us. She's healthy as she can be. She's palliative and she comes up and she looks at me with these eyes like, hey mom, like what are you doing? And it's like, it could be probably cause the prednisone or whatever cause she is a meth lab with the food and you know how prednisone has guys with dogs and Food and plus she's a Labrador who's very, very food motivated. Uh, but she looked at me and she tilted her head and put her head down and she looked at me with these soulful eyes and the tail just wagon like, hey ma, I see you're working and I just want to say hi and I'm kind of bored and I could probably use a p and yeah. And then she went out the room and then she went and grabbed her polar bear and shoot in our polar bear for 20 minutes. And it really hit me. I'm like, I go to my client and her, my client's name is Dana and I go, Dana, as I was doing this, I'm like, I am your fucking ideal client right here. I am your niche client. And if I had somebody at that moment, my husband runs a very, very, very busy, um, dog training company. If I had somebody at that moment to come take my dog and you know, take her and just go pet her for a few minutes and just take her out to pee, give her some water, give her some ice, give her a popsicle. That would make my life so much easier. And that's the beauty of it guys. That's why I'm kind of circling this back around like your niche is ready for you. Your niche is fucking primed for you. And another funny story behind this too, it's like I was talking to one of my coaches, I invest heavily, I fucking invest heavily guys in my own business coaches too. I have several, um, all different industries. And we were talking the other day about this and I was like, yeah, you know, she was bitching because her, she's got a working shepherd and her shepherd was just being a pain in the ass. And she's like, yeah, she's like, you know, it would be so awesome if I had a like a dog trainer, Dog Walker who does like day training to take and work my dog, um, during the day. So I don't have to worry about it. And again, the whole niche lesson came full circle and she actually even posted about this. It's like as entrepreneurs, you know, and it doesn't mean guys, I'm not saying go and get a direction of being an entrepreneur, having an entrepreneur as your, as your niche. But when you have your niche, so clearly defined that person, guys, that fucking person is waiting for you. Like they are legit waiting for you to come help them. And not only is it going to transform your lives, your business, you are making an overall greater impact on your niche. Clients lives, they are going to pay you more money, they're going to stick with you longer. They are going to sing the joys of your business all over the place. Now, I'm not huge on word of mouth, but, but chances are birds of a feather motherfucking flock together. That's the good word of the mouth, right? So think about this. When you are looking at refining your business. When you're looking at redefining the way you work, especially if you're feeling like you have the endless cycle of people that don't respect your fucking time, they don't respect your expertise, they don't see you more than a pooper scooper or quote unquote the dog trainer or they don't respect your programs. They cycle in and out. Maybe they're not doing the work. I can fucking guarantee. I can guarantee with almost a hundred percent certainty, your niche isn't clearly defined. Your niche isn't clearly a fine and the moment, the moment you start creating expectations on who you want to work with versus having somebody call you and you take an order and you're like, okay, you can come to my program, my classes and blah, blah blah, and then they give you the, you know the money excuse, they give you the spouse objection, right? When you scrap that, when you get down to the fucking bones of who you are as a dog pro yourself, if you're a dog walker, a pack hiker, dog trainer, you start to understand who you want to work with, who is in alignment with what you work with and you create a niche fucking profile on that person. You are going to transform everything. You are going to wake up every goddamn morning with pep in your step again. Now are all days going to be like that? No. Right? Even I wake up some mornings I'm like, fuck, I'm tired or I need an extra shot of coffee, but when you start creating new niche and you say, screw all the people that are just dog lovers and they love their dogs, they want the best for their dogs or they're full time, you know, office workers. No, no, no, no, no, no, no guys. My goal right now is to give you an awareness of calling them deeper, finding out, you know, what is really going on with them, what is really going on with them? Not you just need somebody to take their dog out. Not that they just need, you know, lease training or puppy classes or whatever, but when you find out at a macro and a micro level, that's where transformation happens. That's where your business alchemy starts to fucking transform. That's where you find fulfillment again. That's where people are going to pay you four, five figures for your dog walking for your pack, hiking for your dog training a month, right? Guys? I don't fuck around with this shit. This is how I grew. Two fucking businesses to seven figures. Basically. This is how my clients that are closing six figure fucking months connect with these people in quote unquote cheap areas in underprivileged areas in Baltimore and Washington DC and de Moines, Iowa in Oakland, California. It all starts with your niche work. It all starts getting clear on who that person is as a person. Demographics. Cool. Yes, demographics matter. But the psychographics on finding who your ideal person is, who they are, connecting with them, having a process and solving their problems and making their lives easier and preventing future problems. That's where the beauty is of your niche. That's where the dream businesses guys are, right? So my epic grant is about to be over, but I just wanted to get this out here because this is super powerful stuff. And again, this is the cornerstone foundation of everything I teach. I legit just give you motherfucking unicorn gold with this stuff. So go out, implement this fucking Shit, get the results, have a happier business. Have Your partner's not mad at you and kick fucking ass. Till next time guys. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Hey there. Thank you for listening to another Badass episode of my Jiro Dog Business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content packed Doug business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing Doug Business Entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now. If you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl. I'm at dog Walker coach. You can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, until next time, bye.