Mind Your Own Dog Business

Are Facebook Ads A Waste Of Money For Dog Trainers & Dog Walkers?

Kristen Lee Episode 12

Facebook Ads. You either love them or hate them as a dog business owner. But, what if you could harness the power and simple strategy behind Facebook ads to return 4-6 dollars per every dollar you spend?

In this episode, Kristen Lee answers a listener's question if Facebook Ads for Dog Trainers are a gigantic waste of money, "don't work," and the top mistakes most dog walkers, dog trainers, and petsitters make when creating social media ads.

Kristen also breaks down the process of creating an effective ad campaign and why you should avoid having ads/copywriting done for you if you're in the dark about digital marketing. 

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host, a leading expert in dog business, strategic Kristin lease, guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business is brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever slice the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that Bad-ass Entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was as industry to step into spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

hey guys, and welcome to today's episode. Oh my God, this is a super exciting one. This is the very first listener submission question where your girl, Kristen Lee here takes questions directly from the dog trainers mouth directly from the dog walkers mouth. And this episode is all about Facebook motherfucking ads for a dog walkers and dog trainers. And I got a really, really good one today. It's from a trainer in Soco and she is wondering if Facebook ads are a waste of fucking money because she's tried them as she has spent money and she has gotten no results beyond a few likes. The lame because you know what likes don't pay the mother fucking bills. Yeah. Unless, unless there is a strategy behind it. Because the thing is guys, if you don't have a strategy behind your Facebook ads or behind your Instagram ads or if you're letting somebody else do them for you that they don't know what the fuck they're doing, you might as well scoop it up with that other dog pile of Shit and put your money in the poop bag. All right. So before we officially get this kicked off, I have two things I want to connect with you guys about. The first thing is listen, I love, love, love doing these lists or submission questions and answering them on Thursdays. So if you have a question for me, please, please, please, please feel free to send me a DM on Instagram or Facebook message or even email me, Kristin at dog Walker, coach.com I will do my best to answer it and actually give you some actionable steps and take you through whatever thing you're struggling with so you can start disrupting not only your dog business, your dog training business, your dog walk into serves over whatever part of the dog, entrepreneurial ship world you're in and transforming your fucking lives, girls and guys out there. And then the next thing I want to ask for, and you're going to hear it and you're gonna roll your eyes, but it's totally cool too. I am loving, loving, loving, all the amazing feedback and ratings I'm getting on this podcast. Keep them coming guys. And I'm going to invite you for a quick moment. If you could actually submit a five star review. Now I'm not doing this for the vanity likes because you know vanity likes again and don't pay the bills. But the reason why I'm asking for this and I reason why I keep asking for this is the more traction, the more momentum this podcast in my drone dog business can get is the more people in the more dog owners, dog trainers and dog business owners and dog walkers and pet sitters can see this and can listen to this and start disrupting their fucking businesses. They can start breaking through. They can start going to the next mother fucking level where they're smashing records, where their believes in different paths and industry. Because I believe change starts at a dog entrepreneurship industry level guys. So to entice you, I have actually created a little gift, not a gift, cause I am a gift person if you don't, haven't seen that. But I've created a little gift to my listeners that submit a review and this is super secret. Like my clients haven't even see it. My clients that pay me a lot of fucking money, haven't even seen it. It's a free training module for dog trainers, for dog walkers on connections, conversations and conversions, Aka how to get people to pay attention to your marketing and your content, how to have conversations that lead to sales guys. And this three step formula, it's super easy. You guys can start making action and traction and really overhauling the way you conduct your dog training business, the way you conduct your dog walking business through these three actionable steps. And the beauty of this three step process. It legit, it legit primes the most amazing heights for high end high ticket sales. So no more of those 20 minute dog walks for$18. I'm talking about$1,200 a month, 1500 a month, a dog walking contracts. I'm talking about between 25 to 45 to$6,500 dog training programs. So I wanted to get that out there because this training module guys, like I said, I haven't even released it yet. I'm going to be speaking about it at an industry conference more to come up. Um, in the next few weeks on that. But this is really, really life changing and it's exact process that I've used and fine tuned over the years. And it's yours for just shoot me a quick review. That's all it is. It's just my thank you gift for being an amazing listener and really sticking with me and being the change being at the forefront of the dog entrepreneurship industry. So how do you get your free gift? What you do is leave a review and before you submit the Review Click, um, and you'll see it like you don't even have to write words. It's totally cool. Words would be awesome. I would really appreciate words. But as you leave your five star review, screenshot it and send it to my assistant at support at dog Walker, coach.com nest screenshot, send to support at dog Walker, coach.com. And what we'll do automatically is reply to that and you'll get a little link where you just got to fill out your name and your email address. I'm not going to ask for your phone number, but we have to get your email and address so we can send you stuff and you'll get your link within couple minutes and you can start listening and transforming and having the most amazing, amazing time and having fun again with your marketing, having fun again with your sales and really fucking start crossing to the next mother fucking level. Alright, so I wanted to get right into the question today, Kristen. I've done Facebook ads, but I haven't had an return on them story as old as time. I feel like seeing into a Disney song right now. So the thing is guys, Facebook ads are not dead. Facebook is not dead. It's gone down a little bit. There's a little bit less consumer confidence with a, but there's not really many studies on that. However, take it from somebody you're listening to right now that has invested over a hundred thousand dollars into Facebook ads. Yes,$100,000. I've personally invested into Facebook ads. And when I look at my return, my ROI on Facebook ads for every dollar I've spent on Facebook ads, I usually get back between four and$6 depending on the campaign, depending on the time of year and dependent on my actual ad. And the thing is guys, I've had flops. Like I thought I've had the most beautiful, most compelling, most strategic system in place and I've had ad flops. Like your goal has had added flops. I am not gonna lie and be like, I done incredibly well, right? But this has come through a lot of personal investment in digital marketing, mentors from flying across the different, uh, the different contents. Like I spent time in Australia to learn this type of stuff too. But the thing is when you don't have a specific strategy and sales process in place for your Facebook ad, that's when you might as well throw it away. You might as well throw your money away. You might as well like tear up your dollars and your hundreds of dollars and just throw it away in the poop. And the thing is, what I'm trying to say is, girl, Facebook makes it mighty easy. So it is Instagram to click boost post and I'm here to tell you, avoid it. Avoid it. Because when you just boost a post, you know it gets in front of more eyes how ever if your copywriting is not in play, if you are just boosting something that's getting a little bit more engagement or you're like listening to Facebook, it's like you know, so-and-so companies or businesses around you are boosting these types of posts because more people are going to be attending these events. Avoid that shit like a fucking plague, right? So what I see most dog trainers do, and what most likely happened to this a dog trainer and so cow was you have an ad or you have a piece of copy or you have a piece of content, right? And you're like, okay, let me see where this takes me and I'm going to boost it, right? I'm going to boost it for maybe$10 or$15 or whatever. Or you see something and maybe one of those Facebook networking groups and like, oh, ads have worked, ads have worked for me or whatever, and you just go in and you do an ad and it's just like, hey, we're the highest ranked dog training company in our local area or the highest ranked or five-star reviewed pet sitting company or dog walking company in the area. See what our customers are saying about us. And then you attach this picture and that's really it, right? So what happens is you dead end the process. People see it. They're like, okay, cool. And they see your ad and they're like, okay, maybe we'll like the page or maybe whatever. The thing is guys, you have to have a specific solid campaign objective and we're going to talk about that. You have to have your copywriting down, you have to have your imagery down and you have to know what type of sales process or what process you are going to be taking these perspective clients through. And before we get kicked off, because I am going to take you through these steps really quickly is don't go, I know it's really tempting. You see other people doing this. Don't go and hire somebody to do this for you, right? You have to. It's okay after you know the strategies behind it, you know the things that place, like I said to guys, I learned fucking from the the horses digital marketing mouth over the last three years, I've invested not only invest in$100,000 in Facebook ad spend, but a lot more money into mentoring, digital marketing, mentoring. But when you see these flashy things of like, oh, we can advertise your Facebook campaigns or whatever, you have to understand how these actually worked for you before you get them done. So that's why I'm here. That's why I'm answering this reader question and I'm going to take you through the process in just a second. So the thing is, guys, first and foremost, understand what your goal and objective is. What is the actual reason why you're doing a Facebook ad? What is the actual reason why you are doing an Instagram ad or a Twitter ad or a linkedin ad or whatever, right? You have to know the clear specific goal. Is it for lead generation purposes, which means people are coming to you, they see your ad, they click something and in return for the click you give them something, maybe a lead magnet. Is it for just general awareness? Is it driving people to your website? Is it for just for likes? Now, as tempting as that might be, avoid a lake campaign unless you have money to burn. Guys like to burn. If you are struggling with finances, if you are struggling to get your name out there, if you are struggling with actually building up and scaling your business, having a Facebook like campaign is not going to help you. So the first thing you need to do is understand what your objective of the campaign is. Have a goal in mind. You know, goals always change. Goals always shifts, but have that have that objective in mind. Because if you don't have an objective and you're just going boosting things or just doing a Facebook ad to go to your website and there's nothing else to capture the person's data, you again, you might as well fucking just flushed that shit down the toilet. So the first thing is you know, know your objective. You know your campaign. The next thing is as you're doing your Facebook ad is knowing who your client is. Who are you trying to attract? What are, what is the purpose and who are you trying to attract to put them in, connect with them on your Facebook ad. Now this again goes back to the point of fucking niche. Guys. Totally goes back to the point of niche. This is why it's so important to know who your niche is. Because again, if you are putting an ad out there just to have all the eyes in your local county, look at your dog walking business or a dog training business. It's your, yeah, you might get 10,000 visitors to your page, but how many of them are converting now before you guys come at me and start screaming and yelling and blah, blah, blah, that you've converted? Maybe three or four. That's great. However, the way I teach ads, the way my clients know, Facebook ads and social media ads, it converts to people. It converts to dog training sales to tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It converts dog-walking clients into hundreds of thousands of dollars to, all right, so the next thing you guys have to know as you do a Facebook ad to make sure a Facebook ad is not a waste of money, is you have to have the copywriting skills down. Guys do not make this deadly mistake of treating your copywriting like it's nothing. It's knowing how to connect. Now don't go again. This is where I'm saying avoid, avoid the higher the hiring out the fiber or the done for you type stuff on copywriting unless your copywriter specifically knows what a niche is and what your campaign objective is and which is very, very tough. Cause a lot of people pose as copywriters these days but they don't know how to copyright. There's a really good book. Um, I will link it down here. It's like the copywriter's guide. It's an old old school book from the 50s it's thousands of pages long. I can't think of it off the top of my head. It's like the copywriter's manual. It would be who have you. If you guys are interested in learning copywriting skills to read it. It's a little technical but it's really good as well. So make sure when you're doing this ad campaign, whether it's lead generation, whether it is a driving traffic to your website, whether it is having more eyes on your blog, understand the copywriting process, have a process where people are going to stop dead in their tracks because you only have a few nanoseconds to connect with people on social media. Social media moves so fucking fast these days. And also two guys copy that writes well and engage as well. It's going to be more seen by the Facebook algorithm because Facebook is about engaging their consumer database, right? So the more you have copy that is solid, that is reaching out to a specific person and their liking, they're engaging in their calming on it, commenting on it, the more people are going to see it. Right? Versus um, this is Stella's before and after. I see that a lot. Or You walking a dog off leash in public in a crowded mall. Like I see that all the time. Like that's cool. That engages people. Yeah, you might get like 10,000 views or it's a video or whatever, but you want to be very specific with your copy, even if it's a video ad. The next thing we want to talk about is your imagery, right? Oh God guys, please, please, please, please, please. If you take anything this way, especially dog walkers and pet sitters. I'm talking to you about this specific image of that Jack Russell with the fucking leash. And it's guys, your imagery is the backbone of stopping people in their tracks. Have you guys ever seen, oh fuck, I can't think of the name of that, that sh that movie. The fry, the fire island, the um, the one that the Fi, the five festival of how they disrupted social media with the one image, I think it was like the orange and blue. Essentially when you have an image that sticks out to people, it's going to make them stop. So stop using blurry photos. Stop using corny stock photos. Make sure your imagery speaks to this specific person you're talking through with your copy again, with your copywriting. And the next thing guys is make sure your targeting is fucking smart. Guys. Oh my God, I can't, can't, can't tell you how much opportunity you miss and targeting. You have to know is specifically what you're targeting is. So Facebook is consistently changing what they're targeting to'em, especially a third party data. Um, the axiom thing and everything like that. Data warehousing, data governance. Um, so be sure you know where your people are kind of spending their money and their interests are at, right? You don't want to be too broad, but you also don't want to be too near. I can't give you the a hundred percent specifics if you were, um, one thing I teach my clients is how to actually drill down into data and how to use it for you versus getting overwhelmed. Because I think a lot of people get super, super overwhelmed with the targeting aspect and you make sure you'd see like 5 million people, right? Like I live in Raleigh, Durham, I'm more in the Durham side. I love derm. And if our targeting for our dog training company isn't specific, and if it's too much, it'd be like 5 million fucking people. And I'm like, Jesus Christ, it's going to get lost in the sea of other people. So you want to make sure your targeting is there. And then the final step guys, the final step is you need to have a sales process, right? Because if you are just sending people to your website and you're not capturing their data, if you're not capturing their data, what happens is you waste ad spend money. So make sure you have a sales process. Now again, sales is paramount to any dog business or guys. So make sure to my listener who wrote this amazing question is reevaluate how you did your Facebook ad if it was just a boosted post, right? Also two guys, also Facebook, Facebook ads work incredibly well. Take it from somebody who's grown to businesses to almost to actually add the seven figures using Facebook ads strategy and don't listen to other dog pros when it comes to Facebook ads because you have to take the information from digital marketing experts, digital marketing, strategic sites. Because if you listen to other phase, uh, especially in Facebook networking communities, oh my God, don't even get me started on this. It's assessable sometimes that advice and I love you all, you guys that are in these types of communities, I know you want support and community. You have so much community available to you guys. By the way, I always offer a very safe community. That's how I foster a lot of my clients because dog trainers need community. Dog Walkers need community too, but stop listening to bad advice. Bad advice is going to be the bane of your existence. And I can't tell you of how many of my clients have come to me before working with me of taking advice of things that don't work anymore or things that have archaic like cause a lot of the dog industry stuff has been archaic, especially when it comes around Facebook ads. Because guys, you need to know what Facebook is changing because also too, if you don't have a strategy in place and you don't have a fundamental knowledge of what laws and what governance laws are going on and what data laws are going on and Facebook ad, um, ad laws because Facebook ad terms and agreements and user agreements have changed so much over the last 18 months. Actually the last 12 months that you can legit get booted off of Facebook. And my last thing is to, before I kind of shut down for the day and finish up this question is don't put all your eggs in the Facebook basket. We've seen what happened twice in 2019 when Facebook, whatsapp and Instagram went down. Always have a backup strategy. Always have different strategies running in place in case Facebook one day blows up or Facebook just gets shut down one day. Just say just the government's like no more Facebook, too much third party data and they shut it down completely. So you always want to have different strategies of lead Gen Marketing and digital marketing going on because guys, if you are in the dog training business, if you are in the dog walking business, a lot of the stuff has moved online and there are just hundreds of thousands of people out there waiting to connect with you through Facebook ads. All right guys, I hope this one was a good one. This was a lot of good information and I look forward to talking to you soon. Hi. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of my Jiro Dog Business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and our lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl. I'm at dog Walker coach. You can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.