Mind Your Own Dog Business

Dog Business Branding - The Elevation Of You

Kristen Lee Episode 16

Let's chat branding for your dog training business. Everyone loves branding as a dog business owner.

The logo design. The colors!
Happy dogs and happy owners splashed everywhere.
Rack cards! Business cards, oh my!

The branding process seems like endless, creative fun for any dog business entrepreneur. But that's where it all goes to die. Yep, business branding goes to dry up, wilt, and die.

Because when dog walkers, dog trainers, and other dog business owners focus on the OUTWARD appearances- the inner work of who you indeed are as a human, what your origin story is,  your quirks and everything else gets masked and smashed behind your dog training business.

In this episode of Mind Your Own Dog Business, Kristen Lee talks about stepping into your TRUE branding and start elevating your position as a dog business brand.

It's raw. It's real. It's time to elevate dog pros through branding.


Speaker 1:

You're listening to the my drone dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategic Kristin lease. Guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a stand out kick ass dog business and brand along with mastering your mindset that's going to smash all of these glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog walker or what ever sliced the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that Bad-ass Entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog was his industry. To step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog and business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

what is up everybody? Holy Crap. Guess who's back back again? Kristen Lee's back. Tell a mother fucking friend, hey guys, hey, holy crap, it's been about three and a half weeks since I've done my last recent podcast episode. And you all went crazy for that one about raising your rates. Holy fucking crap. You guys went bonanza. Between that one and my 100 k sales cheap cheat sheet, you guys went nuts over it and I am so excited to see that you responded that way. So I hope all of you guys are going back and raising your rates furiously and kicking ass with some new found value. So like I said, I've been kind of absent for the last three and a half weeks. I'm going to catch you up really quick. Um, the first and foremost, thank you to so many people that were at IECP international association of kindness, Canine professionals last week in Colorado Springs that came up, introduced you, introduced yourselves to me. I was at the grass roots booth. What was the disruptive Rowdy Group apparently, even though we were the most chill group there, cause we weren't selling shit.[inaudible] a long story inside joke, but we literally were not selling any services or products and I've never seen such a response to people and I didn't realize how many people I was truly reaching with this podcast. And I first started, I was like, you know, I had one a year ago and I wasn't really feeling in alignment with it. And then with some encouragement and everything like that, I started to launch this again and I literally had more than two dozen people come up to me was like, oh my God, you're Kristen Lee, you have, you have the mind drone dog business podcast. I am such a huge fan. And I was like, Hey, leave me a review. Of course. Um, but it was legit. It was a legit humbling and I just want to give a special shout out to everybody that came up to me at ICP. I AACP we had those conversations, we connected. You guys are the real MVPs and thank you so much. I cannot tell you how fucking humbled I was by your words. And you know, I almost, I was a little shy. I'm not a shy person. I was legit. A little bit shy of all the really kind words and you guys talking about it. It means it really means the most and the truth to my little dark heart. And you know, so much love to all you guys. So much love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And your support is just unrelenting and I feel it and I feel it. I feel it. And I will be here to serve you with your weekly disruptive, uh, intensive business love care sessions on the mind. Your own dog goes to this podcast. All right, so a quick update. I don't want to apologize, but I'm going to apologize. The last like month has been absolutely fucking insane in a good way, in a world when, in some bad ways to I recently, you know, I was traveling a lot in the last couple of weeks. I've been, I'm collaborating with a whole bunch of different people, different organizations, different business owners, um, to start working on something a little bit newer, a newer project, not just the launch but different things that are truly gonna have generational effects in the dog training industry and it's been requiring all a lot of my time unfortunately. And I am one person, I do have a few assistants, I do have a team under me, but sometimes your girl can only do so much. And the podcast got a slid and the thing too is I've been doing a lot, a lot of high, high, high end or rebranding and not even like rebranding, but helping women entrepreneurs step into their new ascended role in which we are going to talk about today in today's podcast, which I'm super excited to talk about. And then at the top, all of that off in the middle of two really, really, really, really insane rebrand photo shoots between the two. I had one myself personally because I love branding photo shoots, I love them. The narcissist in me kind of loves them. The vanity in me loves them, but they actually really start to highlight who you are as an individual. So between my shoe, I'm a client shoot that was in a different state and then a client that was here in Raleigh, North Carolina, your girl got this sickness and you know down with the sickness, I've is legit down with this sickness for about three days, 80 hours to be exact of where I could not move. And I was like, I literally thought I was dying and everybody around me thought I was dying. But I put on some, I put on some Ims, I put on some glow ray me of a spray tan and some face in some face balm and I just hit the day. And we really got a lot of great work done over the last couple months and weeks as I'm talking to you right now. So I wanted to talk about branding and the brand experience and how you can elevate your brand as a dog trainer, Dog Walker, petsitter or whatever the fuck you want to call yourself in today's crazy industry. Now, when I talk about branding today, I'm going to talk about elevating your brand and I can talk hours upon hours upon hours about branding, but what I'm not gonna talk about is how your brand is a logo of how your brands really, not just your website or the colors you pick or the uniforms your employees wear or the graphics or anything like that. That's great, that's branded content, but I'm going to talk about true ascended brand elevation because what I've been fine happening and I, I work with some of the top dog business industry entrepreneurs guys like I mean legit top is we start to hide behind our dog business and we start to shrink as the human, as, as, as the person that's kind of in the mix. As the dog trainer and I talked about that in the one of the last episodes, it's like, are you hiding behind your your business? Because I had an experience a couple months ago where I was a keynote speaker and I asked, I said, hey, directly to somebody. I was like, are you hiding behind your business? Are you be hiding the cell? Are you hiding behind the self label or whatever you call yourself as a mom, as a daughter, as a wife, a sister or whatever. Are you hiding behind that and not really stepping into who you truly are, who you truly are as a professional. And the, the response in the room was like legit, like legit quiet and everybody started like raising their hands and tears started to flow right? And it's like, fuck, you're just talking about branding. What the Hell Chris did? I want to learn about how to design a new logo, how to pick a logo, where do I get a logo? Should I use fiber or whatever? And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Your brand goes much fucking deeper because when we talk about branding and when you do a full, full brand, I don't, again, I don't like to use the word rebrand, but when you do a full brand, everything starts to crumble. It's crazy because as you start to transcend in ascend of who you truly are at a soul fucking level, it's the most vulnerable, the most fucking vulnerable thing you can do. And it's a beautiful process because you start to step into, start to step into who you are at a DNA and entrepreneurial level. Fuck the type fonts, right? That that comes, that comes fuck the color theories. Cause the color theory is part of it too as well. I'll talk about that in another episode. Don't worry about that. I got your girls. Got You. But when we hide, when we hide on the self-imposed dog trainer, I am the frumpy dog trainer. I am always covered. And I'm not calling anybody from Pete, by the way. I'm not calling anybody frumpy. These are just things that I'm repeating and that were told to me firsthand by hundreds of women. But I'm just the dog trainer. I'm the crazy dog person. You know, I'm always going to have the gray hair. My dogs eat my, you know, people eat, the dogs eat better than me, you know, I'm always going to have dog hair and we start to hide. We start to hide who we are. Maybe it's because we don't want to rock the fucking boat because of the drama, right? We don't wanna rock the boat. So we have ourselves represented behind our business. So we're not elevated to a place because then you might be thinking, well, I got imposter syndrome. I don't know who the fuck I think I am. I can't charge the value that somebody been charging already. And we start to hide and put our persona deep, deep down. So when you get somebody like me to come in and when you start to say, okay, who are you? Who are you at a macro and a micro level, not only the dog trainer bet as a woman, as an entrepreneur, what your legacy wants to be. Being a business owner, she wickeds vulnerable really quick, right? And all of these in confidence issues start to pop up. Oh my God. Oh my God, who am I? You know the person down the street has been doing this forever. How am I going to look better? You know, like legit Vanity Shit pops up. And that is your little ego, your little little survival mechanism in your brain protecting you because you don't want to rock the boat. You've seen the drama guys. I saw the fucking drama firsthand last week at Isep. Like it was adorable. When I use the word, by the way, it's either I really love it or I'm like just laughing at it. So if you ever see me in person, I'm like, aw, you're adorable. It's kind of like the bless your heart thing, right? And I love everybody, but it was just adorable. The level of drama because I've never seen that before. And being in corporate, working with some of the top CEOs of the fucking world of fortune 50 not 500 fortune 50 companies, it was just adorable and cute. I talked to a lot of great people, by the way, that was just a small, small smidge, smidge and a half. You've ever seen that movie? We are the millers smudge and a half of some of the, you know the participants there. But what tends to happen is because we don't want to stand out, we see what happens when we stand out as dog business owners. But we see what happens when we stand out as dog trainers, dog walkers or whatever. And we looked different. We carry ourselves different. We have a different level of the way we talk, present ourselves, the way we show up in our marketing, in our website, in our Instagram and our Facebook. It's rough out there, right? It gets fucking rough out there. So what tends to happen at a subconscious level, like you guys don't even know what's happening. That's why I'm kinda disrupting the pattern, right? The second is we start to look marginalized. We start to look like everybody else. We start to talk like everybody else. You know? It's like we just become the shell of a person with a dog training logo or badge taped on us and I'm here to say, guys, fuck that shit. Fuck that shit right now. Stop it. I can tell you, if you are listening to this, you are an amazing, amazing human fucking being and you need to start thinking about your personal branding because you are more than just a dog trainer. You are more than just a dog walker or a petsitter or a groomer, whether the fuck you want to call yourself. You are so much more than that. You are so much more than that and it's time to ascend you. It's time to actually have you step into your own. Now, is it going to make you a millionaire, a billionaire? Is it gonna make you the next Larry Cron? Larry, I loved your presentation. By the way, is it going to make you the next Duke, Ferguson, Duke? You're a fucking amazing dude. I love Duke. By the way. He's in one of the coaching programs I've been in over the last couple of years. Is it going to make you that person or is it going to give you 100 million Instagram followers or 100 million Facebook fans? Is it going to do that? Probably not. Not. It's not going into that, but when you get in step into who you truly are as a personal brand, when you start creating a a business journey, a brand experience for your business, which you are leading, what is going to happen, you are going to feel fucking authentic as hell. It's going to show through your content. It's going to show through your marketing. It's going to show through your sales and you're going to feel good. You were going to focus on what's important. You are going to fucking focus on who you want to be, what your legacy is. You are going to fucking focus on your community of amazing dog owners. You are going to stop keeping yourself small and playing small. You are going to find your voice. You are gonna find that fucking voice. Even though your voice has been crushed over the last couple of years, you are going to find your own inner beauty. And that doesn't mean beauty. Vanity. I believe every single person in the world is beautiful except for narcissists. Cause I don't like I am triggered by Nostra says, but as a whole, that's another therapy session for my, for my therapist or whatever. But you are gonna find such deep rooted, deep rooted solidity in yourself and you're going to show up differently. You're going to show up differently. You are going to feel differently about yourself. And that's the mother fucking elevated branding I'm talking about. I'm not talking about your goddamn logos. Logos are awesome. I love my logos. I have an amazing logo designer, but that's not, that's not your logo. Your brand does not represent a fucking logo. It does not represent a fucking dog. Your personal re, your brand, your personal fucking brand is yourself and if you are not true to yourself, if you are not showing your own personal brand and curating a journey for your fucking clients and your market out there than you are so out of alignment and that shit shows, that's where the boundaries start to get crossed. Again guys, this is why I'm so fucking passionate about it because there's so much in there and when, when you are so in tuned with who you are and you show up as that person, as that organization and you are fucking solid with these roots that run deep to the ground, these deep fucking roots, that's where the beauty is. That's where everything starts to making sense and that's the fucking power of, that's the fucking power of branding. Now, Seth Goden, amazing marketer, my motherfucking favorite marketer of all time, he talks about branding. Branding is the journey that you take your customers through. I also like to add to Seth Seth's wisdom. I'm, I bowed down at Seth Godin, believe me, amazing guy. Look him up. He's not very well known but for a good reason because his stuff is so good. You create your own branding journey, you two and the beauty of that is it's not just about the colors, it's about the experience, it's about your messaging. It's about you kind of seeing that syndrome that's kind of floating around you. Cause we all have it. You know, I believe it's Bernay Brown talks about imposter syndrome a lot. Go Watch her Benet. Bernay Brown is a fucking beautiful mind, like she is a blessing on this earth to any entrepreneur today or any human. But you start creating this beautiful journey of vulnerability of knowing, okay, I'm going to represent myself as myself. I'm going to be so solid. Show up on who I am through my messaging, through my own personal brand, where I know I can't please everybody and I'm comfortable with that. But I'm going to take a mother fucking journey to my own sole purpose with branding to my own sole purpose with my business and give my clients and my perspective clients a mother fucking promise journey and I'm going to empower them. And guys, that's the fucking beauty of elevated branding, right? And again, you not going to find that shit by hiring a logo designer. You are not going to find that shit by just, you know, picking colors because you like certain colors or we're going to pick the blues because blues represent a calmness and you know, duality and coolness and stuff like that. Or we're not going to spend hours on Canva. When you start to look at the roots and you assess your current you, that's where everything starts to become solid. That's where you start to be consistent. That's where you start to show up a little bit differently. You know, I have a client, it's really interesting. I have this client, she's in a part of Pennsylvania, which she would normally not assess a lot of wealth with, right? It's kind of Amish fill USA legit Amish fill like Weirdo Amish paradise and she's been going through a lot. She is one of those types of people as I double skipped my word that was really interesting, but she's one of those types of people that have never felt like she fit it in. You know, the type. It's like, Hey, I went to high school and I just, I just never felt like I fit in or whatever. So I always felt like I had to kind of be in with the crowd and kind of go with the flow. And I've worked with her for a couple years. She's, she's always done really fantastic. But it wasn't until she gave her permission herself permission to show up who she really was, that person she hid behind the dogs for all those years behind all the Mendota, leashes, behind all of the tools and collars and things like that behind her, all of her logos and her and her videos or her just working dogs. It wasn't until she tapped into her true, authentic being of kind of a Dork, kind of a Dork, like legit Dorky. And that's adorable like that my door, but this adorable different. This is like, it's cute. I love it. It wasn't until she tapped into who she was, that Gothic Dork until then it was everything was just the same. It was flat. You know what I mean? I mean, she's doing better than the majority of people out there know, bringing in about 10 to 15 k per month, but it wasn't until she was able to tap into her dorkiness into things that really resonate with her. Things that light her up as a business owner and incorporate it into her daily life. You know? Kind of stepping into it fully like, okay, cool. I'm going to dye my hair black. I'm going to dye my hair green. I'm going to be that golf girl that I was because I've been told for years doctors have to show up in a polo and all this type of shit. No, I'm going to dress up and who I am and show up consistently that way. I'm going to make content based around dog owners that like Harry Potter. I'm going to create content around and after stories around dogs. I went from one school to another school in Harry Potter. That's where everything started shifting for. That's where she started making massive fucking sales, massive sales. That's where her marketing started actually going viral. People started notice her. Now is she standing out from the person down the street that's like, well I'm a dog walker, but I also do day trading like ms per so and so and I do free meet and greets and I also do one on one classes and group classes and things like that and I am your leash reactivity specialist and all those type of stunts to fun stuff. Everything that you guys might be doing out there. And until she broke this cycle of homogenization with her business brand, she started showing up to who she really is. That's where things started shifting with her. No, I'm not saying go dye your hair black or green or whatever and start doing, you know, doing things like that. Cause I don't know if it's going to work for you or not. I don't know you. I don't know your niche. However, when she started standing up into that, she started embracing that side of quirkiness dorkiness and Goth Ism right now your not your dick off. It's like, oh my God, we're old sucks. But really started to step into like, Hey, I am here to break the mold as who I am as a business owner, as a dog trainer, as a dog walker. That's where shit started changing, changing for her exponentially. She got out of toxic relationships. Guys, this goes so much more than your dog training or your dog walking business. She moved away from a toxic relationship. She is connecting when she was felt so social anxiety around dog owners where this girl couldn't pick up a phone to make a sale to save her life. She couldn't give it away for free, but the moment, the moment she started stepping into that and embracing it and fucking scrubbing everything, scrubbing what everybody's been doing, I'd tell you guys, when are, when you guys are digging out there and my clients are zagging. That's why they're having the results they're having. That's why they're fucking fulfilled to their soul because they're stepping into who they truly are and that is part of the elevated branding experience. Guys, that's all I have to say in the matter too. And listen, I'm not putting anybody down to each their own. Right. I know it's rough out there. I know you are always inconsistent fear of judgment from others. I know the Imposter Syndrome fucking runs deep in your blood, but I can tell you, I can tell you the world is waiting for you and starting to create a journey and starting to step into who you are as an individual versus a dog trainer and blending that into your business. Blending that into whatever colors you want to use. Blending that into your logo is going to transcend you, transcend you into a mature business brand. Fuck yeah, that was fucking epic. Guys, I have so much to talk about branding in the next couple of weeks. I can't even start like can't even, this is not even like, I haven't even pop the lid off the Topo Chico bottle yet. Like I can talk about this for hours. I mean, I'll give you a really good example before I hop off here. So I was talking to a gentleman at AACP and he served our country. God bless him. Thank you so much for your service dude. Thank you so much. And I was talking to him about his branding and his content strategy and I was like, listen, I'm going to be honest, you sound like everybody out there, but you are not like everybody out there. If you are still ingrained in your DNA and it's in your code to have that level of service cause you train sir, you trained, you know our dogs for the marines. Now you don't have to be a marine to train dogs, right? But dude, if that's still part of you and you love that part and embrace a partner and you have stuff around that story and that's who you are always going to be fucking put that in your story and like you could see, you could see the curtain lifting off his eyes. He's like, oh my God. Because I can tell you that's going to be much more fucking effective than it is of you working in front of a camera using the beautiful leash handling skill. I love your leash handling skills guys and you're showing up in your true voice versus kind of like just sitting there and doing condom for the piece of content or whatever. That's where it is guys. That's where it is an all begins with the little tiny tip of personal branding and getting you elevated as fuck. Now that being said, I was all over the place with this episode. I know I'm going to condense it a little bit better in the next couple of weeks because guys, branding has just been something that's been on my mind for the last couple years. It's really fascinating. Funny story about branding before I let you guys go is that I've always had a really good eye for a visual strategy, visual identity and marketing, especially marketing and sales and I fought. All right. Let's talk about imposter syndrome for a second. You're a Gulf fought, fought. One of her mentors who's one of the top marketing mentors in the world. I use the world in the world, in the world a lot because it's true. I, I invest, I invest money into my own mentorship. I walk the talk like I invest, I see the purpose of it and made some bad investments before. And I said to her back last September, 2018 I said, I'm not going to do this. People don't need branding. They don't need branding, they don't need branding, they need sales, they need strategy. And I was like, I don't want to become the w, you know, I don't want to become that person that does a logos cause I'm not a graphic designer by any means, like at all. Like I'm not, I don't want to be the person that designs things for people and become a warehouse. I want to become the Amazon prime of dog dog businesses for branding. And she laughed at me and she's like, all right, you'll see it. And then I saw it and I saw the veil is lifted off of people. And I saw true beauty to passion, true life changing stuff guys. And you know, it's truly an honor and I cannot wait to share more with you in the next couple of weeks about branding. All right guys, as always, thank you so much for listening to my little rant. I'm going to try to get a couple of these episodes, uh, recorded because I have a really crazy busy next six weeks I'm traveling again. I'm getting locked in a house for a couple of weeks to do sales. So I might talk to somebody, you guys out there and then I'm going to be speaking in front of gasp, 5,000 people in Raleigh. So if you're in Raleigh, hit me up. I got some free tickets for that. But yeah guys, so I'm going to get some more out to you. It can. I promise you, I can't promise yet, but yeah, it's been a pleasure guys and I'll talk to you,

Speaker 1:

you guys soon. Bye. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of my Jiro Dog Business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and Holler at your girl, um, at dog walker coach, you can find me dog walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, until next time, bye.