Mind Your Own Dog Business

Unfuck Your Marketing

September 26, 2019 Kristen Lee Episode 19
Mind Your Own Dog Business
Unfuck Your Marketing
Speaker 1:

You're listening to the mind your own dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategic Kristin. Leave guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business grant along with mastering your mindset that's gonna smash. All of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog Walker or what ever slice the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that bad-ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Hey guys, and what is up? Welcome to another, a bad ass motherfucking episode of the mind. Your own dog business podcast hosted by the one, the only Kristen Lee, the girl with the Jersey mouth with the MBA that backs up everything. Oh my God. Super exciting episode today cause it's one of my favorite. It's a listener submitted question. Now here's the thing, if you have a question to the Kirsten Lee, shoot me a message on Facebook, Instagram. Usually a lot of them come through Instagram at dog Walker coach and hit me up, hit me up, ask your questions. Cause today I have a really good one. I'm actually really excited because it's my language. It's how to unfuck my marketing. How to I'm fuck your marketing as a dog trainer because I had this amazing, amazing, uh, dog trainer from central Florida central somewhere in Florida, I believe it was like, or outside of Orlando. I'm sorry, I don't know my Florida geography too too. Well. I know my grandma used to live there years ago, but this doctor came to me, she said, Kristen, my marketing is fucked. I'm like, okay, cool. Eat some context to this concept. So I can kind of help you out. And after digging after priding a tiny bit, it seems like she is attracting a lot of prey shoppers and a lot of people that one puppy classes. And the thing is, the thing is she do puppy glasses. She actually hates puppies, hates puppies. Oh my God, she's going to hell. I'm just kidding. Middle of Jim Gaffigan thing. Um, but she's not a puppy trainer. She doesn't do puppy classes or anything like that and she's pretty much on the higher elite end of dog training. She does a lot of dog board and trains at her facility, but she's getting an influx of a ton of price shoppers and it's just like, it's one after another after another after another. And she's used a lot of the strategies and the tips I've used so far with the sales stuff, but it's people with objections, with pricing, like they can only spend a couple hundred dollars at most when her programs start about$1,500 so we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about how she can unfuck her marketing and how you can follow along the same steps to, to unfuck your marketing and to have the most amazing, the most brilliant, the most soul fulfilling clients. Fill in your DMS, your emails and your phone with raising their hands. Like, Hey girl, I want, I want, I want to work with you. Like, Hey, work with my dog. Like we can do all the stunts, the fun, fun stuff and the things and things like that. So we're going to talk about that today. But first, first, first first I'm actually really excited to announce something like super excited talking about bar ranting, right? Like, so if you know me, I've been into sales for a really long time. It's actually the cornerstorn cornerstone of everything I teach. And I've been really, really, really, really doing a lot of work around branding and really taking a toll and seeing how we can start using effective branding and start creating a code around it to where it's not just your logos, it's not just, you know, the colors and the way you look in your business. And all that fun stuff, but really taking a strategic look of creating and curating a fucking brand experience, like an experience that is gonna reignite everything. You're going to finally be able to shut all the dead layers of resistance, shed all the layers of unconfidence and really start stepping into who you are. This transcended this leader of dog training of dog walking and really, really, really start curating a brand story. It's not just logos, it's not just branding. We're like, everything's like superficial and I've talked about this before, but really being able to visually and content conceptually start telling your brand story. And I can tell you guys, I can fucking tell you I just completed three rebrands on people and I'm not even like the word rebrands because rebranding it just it's, it doesn't say, well, yeah, I gotta I gotta create an my own word for rebranding. Now it's my mission, but I just went through this process for three of my super elite clients. I mean these, these women are fucking amazing. They're multiple seven figure entrepreneurs in the dog industry and the level of shift in growth. I have seen through just some minor shifts and changes and inviting them and stepping into who they truly are. Calling home their higher self. Embodying that and creating, creating their business around that versus hiding in their business has been absolutely fucking phenomenal. Like I've been crying over it like I've been like a little kid like lately even cry, go over it. I'm like, Oh my God, this is so beautiful. I'm crying over it because the shifts we start to make as we start to claim who we are as we start to fully embody that dog business entrepreneur, that transcended person, that person that's very clear on who they are, what they are going for and how he can empower you know your, your audience and your niche and how it ripples down to every single thing, to the confidence on the phone for selling high ticket programs to your marketing, to where you are standing out where you do not look like everybody fucking else out there. You stop playing it safe because we are done playing it fucking safe with our shit guys. Just like my girl, I'm about to talk to you say we are done fucking ourselves with our marketing. When you have your branding code fucking figured out, when you start embodying and stepping into your true market value, which you already have because you from you are fucking bad ass woman already. That's where the platinum and the fucking diamonds lay. So I'm doing a upcoming program about that. If you are interested in learning about the brand code, shoot me a message. It's no obligation. Just we'll chat five minutes cause not everybody's ready for this like legit and not everybody is ready for this because this is some high level shit like this is some high level shit that elevates you to a place where it's uncomfortable but people are gonna be looking at you like Oh my God this God is in my business and everything like that. So no obligation. Shoot me a message, we'll chat if it's not a good fit inside of fed. It's cool. Like no pressure. Like I don't give a shit. Like, if you want this, awesome, but it might not be a good fit. So shoot me a message. We'll get that up and we'll talk and yeah, we'll see if you're, if you're ready for the next level, a business branding for being a dog trainer or dog Walker and really truly stepping into your passion again into your wealth, into your, your, your, your just universal just flowing energy and goddess Snus uh, just being a bad ass anyway. So let's hop right into unfucking. Who's your marketing right? This is what you're here for. You're not here to listen to me pitch and sell to you. All right. The thing when you need to unfuck your marketing is to know your audience. Guys, write this down. Know my audience. Who am I talking to? Chances are if you are like most people out there, most dog business owners, we tend to put a kind of like a filter on our marketing. We tend to put a filter on what we put out there because we start to look at people that aren't our market meetings. Sometimes when you're starting to put your your before and afters or pack walk videos or pack hike adventures and stuff like that, or like some things you're working on, we start to think about what other business owners were thinking of us. Here's the thing. If you're like most people listen to this podcast, they're not your audience. Connect with the dog owners, not the dog business owners. Fuck what other people think. Fuck it. Be polarizing light like with me. You either love me or hate me and it's cool like what people think of you. You don't have control over. Even if they're Doug business owners, even if they're just dog owners. So know your audience, who you are connecting to and having conversations with. Know them. Know what they are beyond a dog owner, who are they? Who are they? What makes them tick? What makes them talk? What drives them? Where are they spending their money? What do they like to do as a lifestyle? What problems do they have beyond the dog, beyond the dog, beyond the dog eyes. This is where I'm going to ask you to be creative for a second and what's are some of their problems like[inaudible] what the fuck is going on with them? Like Jesus, like what is going on with them? Like P on dog again like all right cool. Like the dog's being an asshole. Like I get that. Or the dogs high energy and they need somebody to walk in. Like what other problems that causing? All right, so know your audience is step number one too and fucking your marketing. Step number two and Jack inject your authenticity and your individualism in it. Okay? So if you are somebody who is a hippie, if you are a barefoot granola hippie that walks dogs in the woods in Colorado, first and foremost, God bless you. That is amazing. I am too bougie for that. But I have clients that do that and I think you guys are awesome. Incorporate that in there. Fucking incorporate that in there. If you are a Marvel geek, put that shit in there. My husband is a huge Marvel geek. He fucking uses captain America in his marketing all the time. I make fun of him. I love him for it. But whatever means the most to you. If you are a Harry Potter fan, do that. If you are a family guy, golden girls, whatever you want to do, inject your individualism and your creativity in that shit. Cause the ch the thing is what you put out there exactly attracts what you put in. Now if you're a little bit more higher, start talking like a little bit more higher end. Do you know what I mean? Like I'm high end. It's fuck, but I put my individualism cause it's part of my brain. I'm Jersey. You know what I mean? I'm transparent. I'm an intensive care bear. I care because I S I scare because I care. Right? But put your put, put a spit on a beat individual. You know, put, don't be afraid to be you. The more you you can be in your marketing, the more people that are gonna come to you. Now, if you put out there, and this is where the prey sharpers kind of come in. If you put out there, you do free consults, you do free meat in Greece. If you do this, if you do sales, if you do this, buy one get one free. If you do discounts, you are attracting price shoppers into their like I cannot explain it even I can't even explain it. So if you are having an internal struggle for a lot of prey shoppers, come in, look at the words you're putting out there and look at the look if how you're valuing yourself online. You know what I mean? Like if you want to do free meet and greets, I'm not going to fight you to do that. Like it, that's you. Do you boo like you do you like my clients of won't even walk in the door. Minimum$250 even if they're just doing dog walking. Okay. All right. Because your time is worth a lot more money, but if you are doing free me Ingres when I see the word free, you know there's a different value assigned around it. If you do, maybe complimentary meet and greets after a first consultation on the phone, choose your words because your words matter. Words fucking matter in stand the fuck out to unfuck your marketing. Everybody's afraid to stand out. We all look the same. It's all homogenized. Guys, if a part of you is missing from your business because you don't want to rock the boat, you don't want to be too polarizing. You want to you know fit in with everybody because everybody else who does this has had success. Fucking scrap that. Scrap that. Scrap that show up. Show up wherever you want to show up and be. You have clear calls to action. Don't be afraid to ask people to take action in your marketing. Okay. That also being said, the next step is to not have one in marketing. Don't have one site in marketing guys. So what is one sided marketing? One side of marketing is when you go to, if that's office and be like, hi vet, my name is Kristen Lee. I own ABC dog training. Here's my card. And you walk out and like that's like, okay, next year, like the 30th person that's done that this week, you still want to connect with other businesses, right? Because you going into there is you're basically stepping into their territory to get access and the privilege of having one of their clients, you know what I mean? So stop the one sided marketing, stop making it about you, not about you, not about you. It's about what you can do and what you can connect on with other business owners, dog business owners or you know, non dog business owners. But that goes back to where knowing your client, the ideal clients and your, your audience is spending the fucking money. All right, so don't make shit about you when you connect and try to do local marketing with other business owners. That includes other groomers. Like I have a couple of groomers that are my clients. They hate not more. One dog trainers come in and they're like, Hey, can I leave my card? And they're like nice, like not to be rude because they come in and they don't know anything about them. However, if they came in, they were like, Hey, my name's Christen Lee. I think what you're doing here at the Zen dog grooming spa is fucking awesome because I believe in doing this type of experience. Is there anything you see your clients struggle with? Then I might be able to help with. Boom to, can you see how much more powerful, Oh my God, I just gave you like a massive free coaching tip, by the way there. I hope you wrote that down. Can you see how much more powerful that is than like, Hey, my name's Kristen hydro up off the card. Okay, bye. And you walk away. No, it goes back to connecting with people, knowing where your audiences and knowing how to connect with the people that serve them too as well. Whew. That was a flawed, I got really into that. So unfuck your marketing. Know your audience well, no. What makes them tick? What makes them talk? What drives them, what problems they have beyond the motherfucking dog. Stop letting other people take up space in your head for rent. When you do your marketing, don't be afraid to stand out. Yes, I know, I've witnessed, I witnessed the industry being very brutal in the last couple of weeks. Like I had a front row ticket to that fucking circus and I just, it was like, wow, wow. More to come on that, but don't like if they're not paying your bills, if they're not fucking, you are feeding you. Who cares? Who cares? Like a legit, like you. You know, like I get my share of shit. Like I get my Sierra chair trolls and everybody, she's walking around as wounded five-year-olds. So your w your mission as a wounded five-year-old yourself is to help the dog owner. That's a wounded five-year-old. Okay. Know their problems. Again, know their problems beyond the dog. No. That step up into their half conversations. Take that shit offline. No, the words you're using, if you're attracting a lot of prey shoppers, it might because it might be because your website looks like everybody else's and might be optimized like everybody else's. So there's stuff you can do in there. Guys. Choose your words differently. Yes, you can still have work. You can still have your website optimized for local dog trading in your area. But change your content around a tiny bit beef, very specific with what you put out there because words matter. Inject your authenticity and your individualism in it. Let your flooding, let your fucking freak fly if you have a freak flag. If not, that's cool too. If you're more conservative, be polarizing. Geno draw, don't have, don't you know, draw the line in the sand. Reese. Stand with stuff. I mean, you don't have to be political. Do you know what I mean? But if you want to be fucking put that shit out there and don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to rock the boat and you know, don't walk on eggshells around other people. We're in everybody's reactive like reactive dogs and have a two sided relationship when you reach out to other business owners. All right guys. Wow. That was really fucking Epic. Alright, I will talk to you all later and again, if you ever have a listener submitted question, I like them. Shoot me a message and hit me up and we'll talk soon. Bye.

Speaker 1:

Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind your own dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content packed dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm gonna only be sharing with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and holler at your girl. I'm at dog Walker coach. You can find me dog Walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.

Speaker 2:
