Mind Your Own Dog Business

The Weight Of Success: A Raw Conversation

Kristen Lee, Maggie Christina, Emily Nolan Episode 60

In the 60th episode of Mind Your Own Dog Business, Kristen Lee sits down for an authentic and raw conversation with Emily Nolan & Maggie Christina about the untold truths to achieving a success level in the dog training and pet business industry.

Both these women have achieved (and will continue, too!) phenomenal success, but with that level of performance and achievement, a darker side emerges.

Emily & Maggie both share their stories about their internal and external struggles as they level up as entrepreneurs. From being labeled as a "fraud" and being blacklisted in the dog training industry to seeking counsel from toxic people that DIDN'T support their growth, this is the flip side of success that most aren't talking about.

Emily & Maggie also share why when you experience growth it's so incredibly important to surround yourself with other performing business owners because it can be lonely. 

It's real; it's raw. It's what we need to talk about as women in the dog training industry.


Check out more episodes of Mind Your Own Dog Business

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