Mind Your Own Dog Business

Connections, Conversations, & Conversions: Uplevel Your Dog Biz Marketing & Sales

Kristen Lee Episode 65

In this solo episode of Mind Your Own Dog Business, Kristen shares her most requested keynote of 2019:

Connections, Conversations & Conversions

Meaning: Marketing & Sales

Kristen & Grassroots Dog Biz School have rewritten rules on the way dog trainers, dog walkers market to their dog owner market, and the way they sell their services to dog owners. And, their students consistently outperform their competition.

Kristen gives the crash course in how dog trainers and dog walkers can take a new approach to the way they market to the current climate and dog owners and have effective conversations with them, leading to a high rate of conversions (sales). And increase the life-time value of those amazing dog owing clients that will stick with their dog trainers like glue.

It's raw; it's real, it's transparent as fuck.


Check out more episodes of Mind Your Own Dog Business

Connect with Kristen & Grassroots:

Online: www.dogbizschool.com

Instagram: @dogwalkercoach

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrassrootsDogBizSchool

You're listening to the mind, your own dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business. Strategic Kristen Lee guys. Get ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business grant, along with mastering your mindset. That's going to smash.

All of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog business to the next level with actionable steps, you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self. Not only as a dog trainer, dog Walker, or what ever slice the pet industry, you find yourself in.

But as that bad-ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and empower the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim control and transform not only in their businesses, but their lives. It's real.

It's raw. It's uncensored. And it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

What is going on? All of you, amazing dog business onto your pen knowers out there. Listening. Welcome to today's episode of. The mind, your own dog, biz podcast, super excited to have you here to the podcast that keeps it real. That keeps it transparent, uncensored raw, and it's not afraid to go dig deep. So guys, today you're with me alone, womp womp.

Today's going to be a solo episode. I know we've had so many incredible guests, but I've gotten a message of you guys being like Kristen. Can we have some more biz advice? Can we have some more strategy again? I love the solo episodes. When you dig deep into certain topics, and guess what? I heard you guys loud and clear, and I'm here today to talk to you about.

Connections conversations and conversions. This was my signature keynote back in 2019. This keynote, these topics, these particular speaking points that made connecting with you today is what I was booked for crazy style back in 2019 inside the pet industry. And. Outside of the pet industry. So listen carefully.

It's a good one. We're going to cover messaging a touch, a marketing, a touch of sales, and really, really honing in and focusing with non distractions and really connecting with your amazing dog owning clients. Super quick. I'm going to call myself out really quickly in this conversation. I might. Switch my words around you guys know this.

I do have a touch of dyslexia. It's not diagnosed, but it happened. Like I started having issues with speaking. After my 2015 accident, I had a traumatic brain injury in March 1st, 2015. So sometimes my words can kind of get jumbled. Sometimes you'll hear me stutter, or sometimes you'll hear me like lose my train of thought or whatever.

Shout out to my peeps. I keep encouraging me and fuck you to the haters that. Call me stupid. Um, hello, homegirl here has an MBA from a private university and sometimes my brain just gets tired. We all get tired. Mine just happened to get kicked in the back of the head by a horse. God, I should, I should tell you guys that story one day.

Do you know, in 2015, I suffered a traumatic brain injury and then a month later, about a month and a half later, I was on a commuter jet that lost an engine, an engine, and we were legit. Braced for impact. It's crazy story. Crazy story. I'm here, but I want to tell you one little secret and my husband like freaking roast me for this all the time.

He's like, Yeah. I was the first motherfucker off that place that day. I was like, boom, I'm out. It's crazy story. I want to bring it to you guys one day and yeah, it's, it's nothing it's it sounds more dramatic than I really was. We lost an engine. It was a turboprop United United flight. It was like one of those turbo prop jet engine planes that fit like 60 people.

It has like one row on the side, then she Rose and yeah. Crazy story. Anyway, let's dig right into this episode because these are 


good conversations, especially as we wrap up 2020, because you guys know 2020 has been a dumpster fire collective. Oh my God. Collective 2020 hindsight. Well, Let me back that up 2020 really hasn't been a dumpster fire.

I believe it's been here to show us something collectively as a human species, but this is a rule really good episode to listen to. Especially as you start to change, change the way you message people, because the dog only market has changed. Like the way people are hiring dog trainers and dog walkers especially have shifted dramatically.

And I was talking to Bella Vasta from bell in Europe. In your business, that podcast. And we actually had a conversation. Offline is the way consumers are spending their money. Especially dog owner, clients are spending their money has shifted, and it's not going back to that old, you have a dog that needs to be walked.

You have a dog that needs to be trained. It's dramatically shifted. So I'm going to talk about connections, conversations, and conversions. And like I said, my most requested keynote of 2019, and this is my 2020 a gift to you. So what is connections, conversations and conversions connection. Let's just talk about this word particularly for a seconds.

Connection is a deeper level of engagement with your perspective dog. Owning clients. Now you understand them at a micro level. You understand what makes them tick? You understand the words they speak, you understand how they think you understand their dog. So it's a deeper level of connection. It's not just, I work with people that need training their dogs.

I do dog training group classes that have puppies, but when you have the connection part of this puzzle, You understand, and we're going to dig deep into each guys as we go through this episode, the next piece, the next C of the three CS is conversations. Confir fucking stations. It's creating space for yourself.

As the dog trainer, as the dog pet professional or pets that are dog Walker, whatever the fuck you do. And you're creating space, not just for yourself, but also the PR perspective dog owning client while having an empowered, powering and soulful conversation. That feels right. Like it feels that it has a deeper level, the first word connection, it feels like you're in your soul.

You feel like you are, you're speaking to somebody that just gets you there. Part of your inner community in your circle. It's one of those conversations. You walk away feeling like you just talk to your mother long, lost best friend or that long lost family member. Those are the conversations you are going to want to start having with your perspective, dog winning clients.

Now conversion. Now conversion is a fancy word for sale. It's making a motherfucking sale from the, uh, the product of action and conversation, because first you make the connection AKA through marketing, through messaging through anywhere else that you show online, it could even be a word of mouth referral.

Then you have the conversation and then. You invite them in to the sale, AK asking them from the sale and having the conversion. Now, why it's important for connection. Connection is the power of knowing your prospective client and steering a bit out of your comfort zone when it comes to making that connection.

So for example, When you start to stand into your own authority, this is huge. I see this a lot. And especially in 2020, it's been such a big fucking slap in the face is as business owners, as dog trainers, as dog walkers, a lot of the times we're afraid to be bold. We're afraid to really step into our missions, to our values and.

As a brand. So it's incredibly important to start to make those connections that are outside of your comfort zone when it comes to your branded content, AKA the, the words and the images that you put out into the world to see. So it's knowing also. Who the fuck your ideal client is. And by the way, I see I'm starting to hate the fucking world.

Ideal client word, ideal, ideal clients so much because so many hacks are using this term right now to get you guys, but it's really, really honing in on that person that you want to choose. Like Iommi said in a previous episode, Finding the people that you choose, that you gather up like little eggs in your basket and you bring home to hatch and help them with their dog.

Because the number one mistake, I see so many newbies, the people that are veterans of the pet dog, industry, dog traders, pet sitters, dog, walkers, whatever is everybody starts to go after all dog owners, guys, it's not 2015 anymore. It's not 20. 12 anymore. It's 2020 times have fucking shifted. So the more you can make that connection going outside of your comfort zone, whether that is showing up on Instagram stories or Instagram reels and showing your face, not just having the basic bitch pictures of dogs and, you know, that's great.

If you want to show status updates for your clients, but keep that in a different platform, but really, truly showing up. Who you are, what you stand for and having that specific branded content flare to yourself. Because going after all dog owners guys, now, again, the markets, all dog owner market's even changed.

So start to think about how can we get out of our own comfort zone, the space in the digital space, even in the organic community space. I mean, yeah. Getting outside your house and going outside the comfort zone of going to vets to market your business or going to pet stores because all that change too.

Right, but starting to get out of that comfort zone and start pushing and yourself into making these different level of connections and speaking directly to the motherfucking soul of the person you want to work with, you know, your, your, your, your best, your business bestie, meaning that dog and her client, it's going to be with you for a really long time.

That's going to have an LTV of huh hundred, 200, 300, 500,000 and fucking dollars as you're going to be their trusted professional. Now connection. Here's the deal guys. So just say you go out and you're like, yes, this is actually working personally and grassroots. Yes, yes. Yes. I'm getting amazing people and they're raising their hands and everything like that.

We have to start to focus on the other one, the conversation, which is the art of empowered conversations and connecting as humans. Cause if you just connect to the dog owner, like the average dog owner as average dog owner, and you are just sitting here on your dog trainer hat or your, your dog Walker had your pack Walker hat, and you're having a conversation.

There is a misalignment. We have to start to make an, a personal case connection. Talk on the phone. It send them a voice message on Instagram. You're struggling in this, this particular spot. You're like, Oh my God, I don't have time. Or I'm afraid or people don't wanna talk. No guys, listen. If 2020 has showed us anything, people are valuing the art of conversations and making that personal connection versus just blasting emails and just being super important, important, like, like.

Uh, like not important, but like just blasting and just having like, like non connection. It doesn't work like that anymore. People, dog owners. I CA see this everyday guys. We have over 200 grassroots students right now. They are making anywhere between 10 20, 30, 40, $50,000 a month by getting on the motherfucking phone and zigging.

When you guys are all zagging. Now I understand that you're probably super busy or maybe you're not or overworked, or maybe the way you have your business set up is overly rely on texts and emails to receive, even send information. But I can promise you when you start to create the time and the space for somebody and invite them in and start building a relationship.

That's where the magic happens. Now, going back, back and forth through Facebook messenger, through Instagram messenger or through a text messages, Gmail or whatnot, or one of those chat bots you have on your website. It doesn't produce the emotional aspects of it, building value and having a great conversation where you can actually be like, wow, you need one of my higher level programs.

I think this is going to be a great tent, you know, a great program. That's going to keep you, uh, with what you need and match you, what you need. And me making the decision as a pet professional. And it's going to be potentially a year or two long program, whether you're a dog Walker, a petsitter. Cause what starts to happen is when I say when grassroots says, or like, when we talk about, you know, the 10 K or 20 K dog training programs, you can't sell that shit through Facebook chat.

You can sell that shit through emails, but when you have that emotional connection, when you shut your mouth and you Liston versus bursting them with information and start trying to help them right away. Cause I know all you guys want to do that. That's where you can start making those conversations and start having those higher level sales.

I promise you it can be done now. Here's the deal. This is something that nobody's telling you, and it's a fucking disservice to all the dog, walkers and pet sitters and dog trainers out there. Okay. Like nobody's telling you guys this, besides grassroots, your perspective, dog, owner, clients, even your current dog owner clients, they want to be hurt.

They do. People want to be heard. They want to tell you their story and chances are, if you are quiet enough, you make the time and you make the space to have those conversations that you brought in from those connections, that deeper level connection. We just chatted about those amazing dog owners. His perspective clients are telling you exactly what they need.

They want, and they desire. But first things first, you got to listen to them and have that conversation

conversions. Now on the final. See, you've done already the hard work. Okay. I already bursted your brains with, okay. A deeper level of connection through pushing your comfort zone out in your marketing and your connection. You've made the deep connection. Now it's time to sell. You're like what I said, Hills, something I'm going to, I'm going to spank a lot of people on is if you're in a, if you are a business owner, it doesn't matter if you're an independent contractor.

If you're in the gig economy as a dog Walker or potentially a dog trainer. Cause I know there's a gay comedy going to be happening. Yes. For dog trainers now to Rover just wasn't for dog walkers and pet sitters. You have to remember if you are in business for yourself, if you are a business owner, if you are an entrepreneur, you are in sales now asking for a sale, connecting to people and saying, okay, cool.

Right. This is going to be a good fit. This is what you need to do. Are you on board? Not sounding salesy. I'm going to smack everyone of you motherfuckers out there that are teaching. Pet professionals, dog trainers, not to sound salesy. Okay, that is your own like skewed up bullshit around that sales is not about feeling and having this emotional tie around it.

The more emotion you put around sales, the more people you're not going to be able to affect. And the more shit you're going to, you're going to build up in your mind and get sales resistance. And you're just going to rely on emails and tax and all those like unpersonal conversations. So remember conversion asking for the sale.

Telling them. Okay. Well, we had that, this conversation is a great conversation. I listened to you. I understood what you needed. Yes. I matched up where I can actually help you because here's the deal too guys. You want to be able to help people that you can actually help. That's your sweet spot of all of this.

There's like a circle graph. I always like to do those three circles. Remember them from elementary school where it's like, you have one on the left and one on the right. And then the one in the middle that all blended together. That's where you come in. Because if you don't, if you can't help somebody, why seldom that's just fucking shit.

That's shady. That's some fucking shady bullshit when it comes to sales. But when you ask for the sale, when you asked for that conversion, that's where the true start of the journey is with that dog on or with yourself, with the dog. Because at the end of the day, you want to be able to handle whatever they tell you.

How many times have you guys. Like spoken to someone, you get a really good feeling and they're like, Oh, let me talk to my partner or my spouse, or it's too expensive. Chances are you didn't handle those objections. Maybe there's some missing value in the conversation. If you are struggling with those types of calls where you're consistently getting, ah, it's too expensive, or let me talk to my partner, let me think about it.

Or I'm interviewing other people. Do me a fucking favor, reach out to grassroots and get help. Go to grassroots Dogman school.com forward slash cat help. And we'll help you with that. Our sales queen, Emily can help you with that very quickly and find where the issue is happening, but in your sales process, have those conversations that leads to the conversions.

You want to take them on a journey and towards the end only you can make the decision, right? The expert decision for them, if they're a right fit for you, if they're a right fit for your values and your businesses, because you don't want to bring people in members, it's not about all the dogs all the time.

And if they are, fuck, yeah, offer them, offer them the help they want. They're telling you they desire it. It's going to solve their problem and get innovative. Yeah. The box service and get ready to fight for them. Like if they're like, they might be just nervous because the chances are. This is another one of those hidden secrets.

People are only willing to spend what they're ready to waste. It's like, think about the dog owner. That's gone through maybe two to three different dog training programs. And if they're still struggling with their dog, they're like, you know what? I've done this a few times already. I've wasted my time on YouTube.

And then I hired another trainer. Didn't get anywhere. They are almost a little bit of sh they're like they have like that shyness around it. They have almost. Um, like a reactivity and they're only willing to spend what they're afraid to waste. So get to the root of the problem in your conversation and then bring them into the conversion and remind them why they're here and why you're there.

And you're going to fight for them in their future and fucking be their hero, their guide to their journey.

Okay. So that concludes today's episode. So just remember the three CS connection. Get out of the box, get out of the box. Zig when everybody else is zagging, stop sharing other people's content. Be original, original doesn't mean you need to write fucking amazing, beautiful poetry style posts every goddamn day.

Or you need to go and spend a lot of money on a copywriting course or whatnot, speak from your heart, but know who you're purchasing to clients and have a deeper sense of con uh, conversation and messaging out there. Know where your prospective clients are spending their time. The next one is.

Conversations have those conversations because you're not going to sell this high end dog training programs just through a buy it. Now program, would you come to grasp 


invest a hundred thousand dollars with us just by going to our website. Hell. No, I wouldn't even fucking let you do that. Why?

Because we need to know you're a good fit, same exact thing, guys. You need to know all the particular dog owner is going to be a good fit or not in conversion as for the sale fight for them. Don't. Fucking shame them. If they're actually not going to buy, don't do that thing of where he's like, well, if you don't hire me, your dog's going to be an asshole for life.

That doesn't work. That's bullshit. That's the shady shit. You need to be warmed up a warmed about a warned about and invite them in the conversation, fight for that dog on her. And then from there is where your journey begins. All right, guys, this was an incredible episode. Thank you so much. And I look forward to chatting with you again soon.

Talk soon. Bye. Hey there, thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, Euro dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now. So you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions, plus special offers that I'm going to only be sharing with my amazing Doug business entrepreneurial podcast listeners.

Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, Be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners, just like yourself, confined us and starts to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and holler at your girl.

I'm at dog Walker, coach. You can find me dog Walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.