Mind Your Own Dog Business

The Soul Of Branding: One Dog Training Couple's Journey

February 09, 2021 Kristen Lee, Brittany Gleason, Andrew Gleason Episode 76

In this episode of Mind Your Own Dog Business, Kristen Lee sits down with the power couple Brittany and Andrew Gleason of Dog Savvy Training + Development. Brittany and Andrew are complete badasses when it comes to running a wildly successful dog training business. 

Brittany and Andrew speak about their experiences through the transformational brand elevation process and share their insights on how deeply impacted they were not just as a dog training business but also as a couple in their relationship. Branding goes THAT deep - beyond your basic logos, colors, pictures, and whatever else you think you know as a dog business owner. 

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • How articulation of a dog biz brand is key to connecting with the right clients
  • Brand evolution vs. rebranding
  • The dog business brand transformational process
  • The real POWER of an aligned dog biz brand 
  • How a dog training brand can elicit the strongest of emotions
  • Dog business branding as a deep representation and manifestation 

Kristen Lee & Dog Biz School had the honor to work with Dog Savvy Training + Development through a brand accelerator back in July 2020 to elevate their dog business brand. If you're interested in learning more about our Brand, Accelerator, please connect with us at clientsuccess@dogbizschool.com. 

Featured in this episode:

Dog Savvy Training + Development: Website, Facebook, IG


Dog Biz School Website

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You're listening to the mind, your own dog business podcast. I'm your host, a leading expert in dog business, strategic Kristen Lee guys. Get ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business brand. Along with mastering your mindset. That's going to smash. All of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was this to the next level. With actionable steps, you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self. Not only as a dog trainer, dog Walker, or what ever slice the pet industry, you find yourself in. But as that bad-ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and empower the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim control and transform not only their businesses, but their lives. It's real. It's raw. It's uncensored. And it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys. All right, everybody. Welcome to today's episode of the mind, your own motherfucking dog biz podcast. Oh my God guys. I have the most favorite grassroots couple here ever. Brittany and Andrew Gleason are here to talk to you all. Besides being the most amazing grassroots couple ever. We're just going to call them. You guys are officially designated as a grassroots couple FII Brittany and Andrea. Okay. You guys are officially that coupled. Now that's what we're going to call you, but they're here today to talk a little bit about ripping back their layers of their previous dog training business brand. Now my listeners know, I get really, really like heated or branding and brand strategy, brand identity, because truth is brand is more than just the basic bitch logo, colors and everything like that. So I really wanted to talk to them for them to share their experience because they went through a branding accelerator back in July of 2020, which seems like 20 years ago because of this year. But I want them to talk about how they stepped into something fresh, focused, and elevated. As that premium Doug business brand. Right? Because at the end of the day, guys, when it comes to branding, you want to create a curated brand experience, not just the dog training experience. So this power couple, it was so amazing to work with during our brand accelerating day. That's why I had to get them on. So Brittany, Andrew welcome guys. Oh my God. Hello. Hi. Hi. Hi everybody. Hey Kristen. Thank you for having us. Of course, of course. So Brittany, Angie, whoever wants to answer this, how long have you guys been in the business of dog training? So we have been, uh, I have been in the training business for 20 plus years and Brittany has been with me. Uh, and we've been doing it together for the last five. Oh, nice. So what's something that you've guys have accomplished. It could be either together or separately or whatnot that made you guys so fucking perfect. Well, I recently refurbished a small cabinet, gave it an eight over with some paint and some new knobs. So I was pretty proud of that. Andrew what'd you do that made yourself proud. What gave you a Pat on the back? Um, I think, uh, this has been a monumental project and it is still an evolution, but coming to a close of, you know, launching the website. Having new programs running, uh, having all of the filmed material that I want, uh, has just been kind of a close of a chapter and an opening of a new one. And I'm super, super proud of that. Yeah. You guys have done a lot of hard work. Like the whole taking it from like Gleason dog training to savvy dog, like behavior. I might be messing up the wording. Right. So please feel free to correct me guys. It's your time. Um, but it's just, it's really been interesting to see you guys. Cause I know we met back in March. I believe Andrew and Brittany when the first COVID rounds hit, when everything started getting walked down. So you guys came in as 2.0 students, and then you guys just. Regan or rocked it with your programs and everything like that. And that's when he came to the branding stuff. So you guys done a lot of work, like it's something to be hugely proud of, like freaking out like, hell fucking. Yeah. So what is your favorite quote guys? It depends. That's the favorite quote? Um, mine is, uh, uh, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I like that. Maybe a bit oxymoronic, um, in the sense of. You know, we have moved really, really fast and done a ton of work. Uh, and so it would seemingly not fit that, that saying. Um, but. We became very focused and tiled down the volume on really everything else and just did one piece at a time. And we're both focused on this piece and we moved to the next one. So we weren't trying to accomplish 37 things and keep 20 balls in the air at once. You know, when we came on with grassroots, it was, this is our primary focus and we're going to give focused intensity to this one step at a time. I love that because I feel like, and I bet you guys can relate is as entrepreneurs too. Not just because Andrew, you know, as we talked about at the brand accelerator day, you are just a true entrepreneur. Right. And as entrepreneurs, and I see this a lot, we get distracted by like shiny red ball syndrome, but so it's like, ah, ah, Oh my God. And what you nailed on the head of. Being focused, being strategic, being almost solo with your, and not even slow, but more deliberate versus chasing after everything else. That's why you've guys have like, literally you are excelling 90% of people out there because it's not just about, you know, doing, you're not the Jack of all trades. You know, you are the master of one, right. Especially when it comes to your dog trading methodology too. Right. Awesome. So I want to talk a little bit more about your brand, which I'm super excited about. Okay. It's so funny, Andrew. I was, I was in Brittany. I was going through because I'm taking somebody actually through the same exact, uh, VIP accelerator day. And I wanted to show them that niche profile sheet up to it. And they started cracking up because it said not a carrot on it. I was like, And my person's from Spain and she's like, I've heard of this. I heard you Americans talk about carriage. Can you explain this a little bit? Really excited for them. Yeah. She's, she's a, she's a great person. She actually, she was in 2.02. So she's actually at that point right now where she's ready for that. So I want to talk about, when did you guys both know in your heart of hearts, right? Like in your business soul. It was time to take your dog training business that was already performing extraordinary. Well, right during COVID. And you're like, you know what, it's time for a brand new, fresh ready. Like when did you feel that versus kind of like, cause what I see happening a lot is when we talk about branding, people want to rebrand. Right. And that's something I drilled into you, both, all my guys, this isn't a rebrand, the brand evolution, but when did you guys feel like when did you have that? That moment of like, Oh my God, we need to level up to where we're at right now. So several things kind of came into alignment and one of them was just like repeat conversations and talks about desire, uh, between Andrew and I and, you know, wanting a family. And that really sparked re-imagining what life. I could be like the other thing was, uh, the way we were doing business, it was extremely tiresome and exhausting, and we were both getting burned out and those two things coming together, brought awareness, uh, and then brought out some interesting curiosity and exploring how we can do those things differently. Um, how we can do it and not suffer as a result, and then do it in a way that we can have a life and a family. For me too. And that was kind of a thing. And I guess it really started about a year ago, a little, maybe a little, a little bit more than a year ago in the sense of really feeling overwhelmed and stressed. We had, you know, a successful business. We had a stream of clients. We had really good referral basis. We were never wanting any clients. We were just trying to figure out. You know, how can we make this so that we're not working both 90 hours a week and paying out a bunch of money on labor for help. And at the end of the month, really just counting pennies, um, because of such high labor costs and different things. And so it was, it was a culmination or an intersection of, you know, feeling more now. But at the same time, looking a few years ahead because we want a family we're actually working on that now. And how can we have a quality of life that, you know, one we didn't have growing up. And two, when we envision our family having, um, you know, within the business, because we have an amazing business, we have a beautiful business that we absolutely love, but we're not where we want to be. And how can we do that? Nice. And I just want to reiterate, this is all through branding guys too, as well, which is insane, which is insane. And congratulations, I'm working on working on the family dies. That's amazing. That's exciting. It's a big milestone for us. Yay. Um, so was there like a critical point where you guys all felt out of alignment with what you, because you obviously, you built something really well. Right. And we talked about this earlier, like the grassroots school, you built something really well, and it was like a well-oiled machine. And, you know, by all intents, like if you look at the external versus, okay, so we want to look at this from the external and internal point of view. So externally. You know your business, Andrew and Brittany was doing really well. You know, the numbers look great on an external level. Anybody who would see it would be like, Oh my God, I wish it was them internally. Was there a critical point where you just felt completely out of alignment with what you've both built? So well, but not representative of who you were as a company was like, where's that showing up somewhere internally and externally. Absolutely. Um, I have been the owner operator of the, what was, um, you know, our business, which was formerly Gleason dog training, uh, for years. And I just threw a website up and kind of looked at some different websites across the country and kind of. You know, plugged and played and copied and pasted it until I felt like, ah, this is good enough. There wasn't a lot of thought about, does this represent me? Um, I didn't really know how to articulate, especially in a digital world, something that was representative may. I didn't even know. That was really a question. Um, you know, and so I think, you know, early this year, Um, I had changed so much over the course of several years, just in how I train and my methodology and my philosophy and how I coach clients. And, um, you know, um, Brittany being on board, we just kind of looked at each other and looked at our, looked at our website and looked at our logo and looked at like our relationships with our clients and who we work with. And we just felt very good disconnected, um, too. This company feel like we were necessarily a part of something. Uh, and it was really an eyeopening moment. And that's where we started reaching out and asking questions and looking for support and you know, who we felt like would be good leaders and, and helping us work on this. And that was early. Uh, so for, for me, uh, I struggled for about six months just personally. Um, I struggled to ever feel in alignment with what we had going on. Uh, again, I perceived it as his business and I was just working there. Um, the website felt really masculine. Uh, it was almost kind of Academy ish and, uh, I really only made an appearance. On the meet the staff page and, um, what we had, wasn't a reflection of us individually, or as a couple. Uh, I felt like it disconnected us as a couple actually. And, um, it was right around new year of this year, uh, in a session with our couples therapists. Uh, I found my voice in questioned our agenda. Essentially. I had a meltdown meltdowns lead through breakthroughs, by the way. Um, you know, we weren't really asking ourselves, like, where do we see ourselves in the future? What do we need to work on? And how do we get there? Uh, we didn't really have aligned agendas at all. Um, and so, and then two months later we signed up with grassroots dog is, uh, and then went from there. What I think is really interesting because I think you guys might know some of my background before I w when I was in corporate, I was building out my husband, my husband had three different businesses. And it's the same thing when you, I wasn't involved like, physically into his business, like how you guys both work together. Like I did some of like, I'll like, Like hold a leash once in a while, back in the day. Like, that's it. But I, I know how you feel. And you know, when you add that dynamic female kind of presence to it, especially like around when, if you have a lot of women in the dog training, like if Andrew is working or we, Andrew is working with a lot of women, there's actually a different type of shift that happens with just a femininity around it, too. So, and I, I know exactly what you're talking about because Andrew, if, if, please correct me, if I'm wrong, I'm out absolutely open to being corrected on the live air here. Um, when you first started, you know, before we did your brand revolution or evolution, You had, like you were saying you had more of that masculine, that kind of, uh, that Academy field. It was like more of like with the German shepherd type style brand name, like kind of like, just like the average everyday dog trainer. Like if somebody would Google it right. That kind of images and everything like that. Yeah. And, you know, um, to Brittany really coming on board five years ago, um, and me going through my own metamorphosis, anything in Gleason dog training at the time that was. Or that, that, that website or that our, our, our visual would have represented to our clients. She came in and totally changed so many things, just how we deal with clients, how we care for the dogs, just such a beautiful touch. Uh, to the business. That is what you see. Now, we were a day, um, uh, in the car that, um, really what you see today and what clients experience, uh, with dog savvy training and development is probably 90%, Brittany. And 10% Andrew and I am absolutely love it because she is really incredible, incredibly powerful, insightful. And why would I not give the lead to such creativity? You know, I love that. So Bridie, I actually want to chat with you and Andrea, please have your input on this. This is kind of an off-script question. So Brittany, did you see the video about toning it down as a female in the industry? Uh, I can't, I'm terrible. I can't, I saw the video about Tony to Don, but I saw, I saw this several posts about it. You were watching it and I was listening with you. Well, I okay. No, the reason why I want to point it out there to Andrew, especially when Brit Brit Brittany goes, you know, represents about 90% of the brand right now is Brittany in all in cases, services is not a toned down, out toned down young lady. By any means. Right. And she's beautiful unicorn. And I just want to point it out there by, you know, Andrew incorporating her and embracing her uniqueness and individuality. That's not toned down. You guys can see that. And I'm speaking to my listeners right now. Like, It just shifts the dynamic of the business so much when you know, women are fully, fully give themselves permission. I don't want to say somebody as allowing the permission because fuck you guys. Right. But like, when you are allowed to really step into that and like tap into your true beauty, it looks, I believe everybody's beauty. It's beautiful and sexy, but it just changes that dynamic with the client relationship too. Like you guys are experienced on a positive, right, right. Because you guys know how to connect your people. So. Fuck. Yeah. On that shit. Like, I just wanted to bring that up because I feel like it's such an important part of it, of like everything. Cause it was interesting. Andrew and Brittany, when we were watching that at the grassroots house a couple of weeks ago, we immediately thought of you guys, like you guys are the first person, like, because you were Andrew you're described as a stereotypical male. You know, whatever. And then Bernie was described as the, you know, sexy woman or whatever. And I'm like, this is Andrew, Brittany. They're fucking talking shit about some of our best clients right now. I'm not to go murder this dude, like seriously. So by you guys embracing that uniqueness about both of you, especially Brittany. It's it's a game it's literally a game changer to really step into your identity and embrace it and be who you are. Right. And you guys, don't fucking, you guys don't, you know, make your clients jealous or whatever, either. So anyway, that's my little brand I wanted to insert it's your platform, but I just wanted to kind of say that and talk about that elephant in the room, even though the guy's already forgotten because he's a mediocre white male. All right. Um, so guys, Doring, I want to talk a little bit more of like your brand elevation when you guys started. Going through your elevation. Did you ever have, like, you know, it's like you have those meltdowns right. Much are fine, but did you ever have like that label moment of, Oh my God. Yes. This, yes. This is so much, this feels great. Or like, Oh my God, Holy shit. This is a lot of fucking shit to deal with and work with. Like, tell me a little bit about like, kind of the emotional turmoil or the emotional, like happiness or whatnot that you went through as you went through your brand elevation. Um, I think it went something like this. Oh my God. Fuck. I have to do what? Any sense. Oh, Oh, Oh my God. That makes so much more sense. New topic, rinse and repeat. Age of development. Like whatever I thought I knew it was dissected question shaken up and spit out. Uh, and so I had to be like, really open-minded. Yeah. Um, I think, you know, for me, uh, and, and really for us, our, our kind of journey through this is really similar, even though obviously we're individuals. Um, but at each stage it was both of us, um, uh, seeing. The power of what our next step was immediately resonating with it and having that light bulb, Oh my gosh, this is where we've been trying to get to, or this is where we were kind of touching on, but didn't really have a grasp of, so that was our light bulb, you know? Yes, this is the direction. And then immediately realizing that the work that it was going to require in order to complete kind of that stage of work was far outside of both of our comfort zones and our real house. And how are we going to do this? And, you know, we're probably seeing our couples therapists every couple of weeks, not, you know, I referenced a couple of sessions, you know, therapists because you know, our, our relationship with each other is absolutely critical and we just don't have, we don't, we cannot, and don't want to afford any opportunity for things to get swept under the rug. That's not helpful. Uh, and you know, just like we hire help, uh, with you guys and your writing expertise, we also hire help so that we really have a fulfilling relationship. We have great communication, and that was absolutely essential, uh, in the process of being able to move so deliberately and so smoothly and get through all that. Ask a question and you don't have to answer it. It's totally cool. You guys are both completely involved in the business full-time which is beautiful. I love it. I'm not involved in a dog trading business anymore. What have been your biggest challenges as you guys integrate together? Like if you don't mind me asking, if you don't want to answer it, it's totally cool. I can just edit this out to be a hundred percent honest, but. I like, I like this conversation where it's going. That's why Andrew and I are very much opposites. And we have a lot of, a lot of opposite qualities, but we compliment each other in a lot of ways. So. So to speak, you know, we don't have Rose colored glasses. When we look at each other, you know, we have that open, honest communication that we can call each other on our bullshit. Um, or like what's really happening in the questions that we really don't want to ask ourselves. I think, um, you know, one of the biggest pieces is being able to communicate with each other. Things that are in our head, things that are in our heart, things that we feel vulnerable about. And this is speaking specifically around the business and how we feel about it and how we feel each other's roles are being valued, um, and where we want to see ourselves and being able to communicate that with each other and understanding that as I'm speaking from my head or my heart, Uh, that that's a vulnerable place and I just, well, this is something we want to compensate. And so I guess what I'm saying is, is we both have very clear, a lot of clarity around a safe environment with each other. And when it comes in occasion business planning, how we see our roles, what's going on from day to day and you know, where we want each other's strengths to really be seen. And see, this is why you guys are the favorite grassroots couple. You are officially the grassroots. No, it's, it's so true because you know, being a business owner is it's so much pressure. It's incredibly hard, you know, especially if it's your own F you know, like we talked about it, it's your only form of income coming in. And it's, it's a lot of pressure on both and to add a marriage to a couple, to separate different people. Like I think what you're nailing on the head here super quick before we get off topic too much. Is having an open line of communications keep plus having that extra third party who doesn't judge, it allows you guys to have that bridge of communication is incredibly fucking helpful. Like I can tell you as much, alright. Back on script here. So to say, this is, this is a really good conversation. I almost want to have another conversation around this, by the way. Um, Christ, can you chat a little bit? About the whole process of the brand experience and stepping into that premium company that you guys had become that savvy dog, you know, working with that savvy dog mom. Um, do you mean. That our experience with the grassroots process, or just generally speaking, you know, going from a Gleason dog training to dog savvy and how that shift felt the ladder you had a ladder. Yeah. Um, I would say so in one word, Uh, I would say, well, I'm going to say it anymore. I feel really connected, alive, engaged, and authentic, and continuing to develop more of a sense of ownership around those things. And I, you know, I really feel like I speak for both of us. Of course, Brittany can jump in. Um, but. Just owning that and having some guidance through that really, um, gave me a sense of empowerment that, you know, I feel like this is just a genuine representation and something that I've always had in my mind. Um, and man, the work to get there. Uh, pales in comparison to the joy and satisfaction and fulfillment of kind of past some of the really large hurdles, you know, there was discouragement and all different kinds of things and setbacks and mistakes. And, you know, granted, those were, those were, you know, uh, limited because of the support that we had. But this is still a real learning process. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but looking back. Um, I love what I had created because I created it. Um, but what we have now and the transformation process to get here has just been super, super beautiful and has made a dramatic impact on the quality and connection of our own relationship, which is not something I anticipated. We've worked. Lots together, Brittany and I did. And we worked through some of our own ish as a result of things that were coming up in the business. And, you know, not only, uh, I mean, it was just, just a real, real cool rich process and wouldn't trade it for anything. This is my branding's everything. Like I'm not being like, I always say sales is everything. Branding is like everything, but. Well, when you go through, like Andrew you've mentioned a few times like that metamorphosis, it brings up a lot of, a lot of deep seated patterns, issues. Anything else, especially as you go through it with a partner or significant other, and you know, I I've been on her. I I've done your journey. I've done several other, you know, people's brand evolutions and. The vulnerabilities they bring up is at a human fucking macro and micro level too. Especially if you have, I don't want to say confidence issues as one. If you have any thing around your own personal identity, old behaviors, old patterns, old thought patterns and whatever. So I think it's. What you're sharing right now. And I'm just thinking off the top of my head, because this is such a high level conversation. I didn't realize it was gonna go with this tape, but I'm fucking glad it is. I'm like, I'm like, ah, because it's such an important conversation around as you, you basically you're taking who you were. You know, for a couple of years, right. And it worked well and we get stuck. Sometimes people get stuck into this pattern of, well, it's working. Why should I break it? But you're forcing both of you are forcing yourself to be uncomfortable discomfort and stepping to the next level, which brings up shit on both sides and then connected as a client. You know what I mean? Connected together as one business. Yeah. So this is why when I talk about branding and this is not self fucking promotion right now, but this is why. When we talk about brand name, it goes more than a fucking logo. It goes more than the colors. It goes more than the fonts you use, which are pretty parts of it, but it really hits you at a human design level and an identity level too. And it brings up the really good stuff that they're talking about right now. Like Brittany and Andrew were talking about right now and all the sunshine and rainbows and puppy kisses, but also brings up all the ugly stuff, too. All the scary stuff and the monster. That we slept under the closet. So, yeah, man, I'm so glad you're talking about this. This is such an important conversation. Oh, go ahead. I felt like in my process of like rebranding, I wouldn't even really call it rebranding. I would just call it branding. Uh, I was trying to find my identity within the business and then trying to find, you know, our identity with the business. Um, and so I think I struggled with that a little bit more than Andrew did. Um, you know, and I ended up reading, you know, a book just for like a growth mindset because, you know, for me, like when things got really tough, like I wanted to quit and instead of pushing through it, um, you know, I, I really needed some encouragement because for a long time, I think I. I maybe, you know, hid behind Andrea or hid in his shadow a little bit. And this was like a really big moment for me to kind of step out from that, uh, and, and kind of own it myself. I remember, and I'm not going to share the intimate details of the conversation, but I remember Britney towards the end of your VIP day. And we were outside on the purple house porch, by the way, at that house, we lasted one night in that house and we got the fuck out of there. Talk about haunted houses. Oh my God. Um, I remember having that conversation with you around sales and really like giving yourself the permission to step into who you truly are and using your past life experiences. And it was really interesting just to see like, like there's light bulb moments. There's always gonna be light bulb moments, but the moment that like, You almost gave yourself that internal permission to really stop and embrace who you really are and use your background and your experiences from that was like, if you guys ever seen breaking bad, when, you know, when what's his face steps into Heisenberg, that was like, the moment you stepped into your own room, you're like, I can do that. We're like, yeah. You're like, And then like, I'm just getting, I'm getting like literally chills thinking about it. Like you being able to step into that, you know, whatever identity you want to create and, you know, recreate and, and use to empower yourself. It was just a beautiful moment. So I just wanted to share that that's like a really powerful moment that those moments where it was like, yes, Like doing the, like the air punches. And I want to just share something with, um, uh, your listeners, just a real tidbit about that. Um, we had done some pre-work before our VIP days with you, um, you know, Kind of fleshing out some different ideas and how we saw, you know, our, our niche client, different things like that. What did we want our brand to feel like and color palettes and all that kind of stuff. So, and that was part of a, you know, a little bit of a workbook. Um, but. We were really bringing, I we're really on the same page. We did that together. We came to consensus. We were really, you know, uh, confident that this is, this is where we want to go. And after one day, and even, I mean, in the first day you guys were like, Oh no, no, no, no. We see totally different. So everything that we had, you know, uh, really come to the table with you guys presented this other picture that was so opposite. Anything we had been thinking. Um, and, but it was so beautiful and it was so spot on. We both immediately resonated with, and through everything that we came with a way. Shit. I didn't know. You guys had that already planned before. Damn. Yeah. I remember sitting down the first day of the conference table. I'm like, all right, here's your notebook? 14 pages. We're going to go over the first couple of questions. And I remember reading just the first couple of pages of, you know, flushing out that person we were w you guys wanted to connect with. And you're like, I was like, Oh my God. And Andrew, you were like speeches. Brittany was just like, Oh my God, this sounds right. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, uh, uh, kind of into that, it was, it was still, there was still a lot of Gleason domino training on it without. And realizing it, and in that way, it was like, Andrew is still going to be kind of the face of the business and, you know, dah, dah, dah, and, you know, without even really realizing it, there was that bias that, well, this is how things are supposed to be done. This is how I've run the business. So we're just going to kind of give it a facelift, not, uh, you know, I use those words, but not really understanding that that's actually what we were accomplishing, not really a branding process. Um, But you all seeing the absolute strength and power of Brittany, uh, and the clients that we work with. And it just made perfect sense that y'all saw y'all saw what we were, and we just were having difficulty seeing that ourselves. Yeah, that's the thing with when you get somebody like it doesn't even just have to be grassroots. Right. But when you get somebody who's an outside consultant, come in, that's why companies and fortune 500 is have outside consultants because we can take a non-objective look. I can look at data that you guys give me and. We can look at the outside perspective of it without emotions attached to it and say, okay, this is where we need to change it up. And within the first like hour, cause I remember taking a break after we first went over, I'm like, yep, Bridie's going to be the face of the brand. And it was funny because when I was, when we were first, cause we did a lot of PR you know, we worked on some pre-work before that and I kinda came to the table with a big packet of stuff. You guys got. It was around that. And I was like, Oh fuck. I'm like right on. I nailed that. I was like, yes, I do. Thank God. Cause he know even people like us, we sometimes don't nail it, but it was just, you could tell just by the way you guys spoke with each other and the way you talk. And just all the pre-work we already did that. Like that's where it was leading to her and we were prepared to split wherever we needed to, but it was just, it was really incredible just to watch that whole process. And also too, I do want to harp on Brittany for a second to actually have her embrace that with, with a lot of courage because. Again, stepping into a spotlight of a really well-run brand. Isn't it isn't easy, especially as women because you know, we have criticism coming from everywhere. We have our own internal dialogue, but I think, I think it's it just, fuck, it's just amazing that, and I also want to also give you guys massive credit around this too, that you guys were super coachable, meaning I've had people say, fuck you on this have like 20 times, like a lot of people. Like it's insane. So you guys did a lot of the hard work and it shows that you've done a lot of the deep internal work that allowed us to kind of like rip it all off and like kind of make it like smooth together to like form that almost high. I like to call it, like, when we talk about brand evolution, like stepping into your businesses, higher self, right? So. You guys obviously did the internal work. That's why it was so, so much of a pleasure to work with you and how you guys really embrace that change because it's not easy. Like imagine, you know, Andrew, if you came in. With, you know, having a typical, like strong ego of like, well, this is just how I do it. And this is the way I want it to look. And this is because we're the best dog trainer. And I came in and was like, Hey, we need to put your wife front and center because she is a representation of your ideal client. This is how she thinks you have been like, fuck you, fuck that shit. You know what I mean? It's it's really incredible that you both did the hard internal work because it's not just picking, like you said, picking a palette. It's not just picking an image or a logo. It's doing the actual deep work. Um, so what was your most favorite part of the whole process? I should ask you guys. Uh, my favorite part of the process was the dinner before the VIP. Oh God, I don't remember that. It was Tony margarita. So nervous to meet you guys because Andrew had done a lot of the front end work with you and Maggie and had most of the conversations. And so I didn't really know, like, What I was walking into, uh, it was kind of intimidating. And I remember sitting down at dinner and just like instantly clicking with you guys and having such a connection. And like, it was fun. It was easy. And then it like really just made the rest of the work, just like much, much easier to do. Um, I think for me, the most fun thing was. Uh, really, to be honest, like I just, I love learning, uh, even though it's challenging. And so, uh, learning the things that y'all were helping walk us through was just really, really satisfying to me. Um, and you know, to be able to do that with Brittany as just an experience and it being related to the transformation of our dog business was just so, so cool. Dinner was great that my, by the way, Brittany, it was such a good day. Brittany met some of her tribe. Hmm. Yeah. Wait, she talks about you guys and she's listen. She's, you know, I say she's one of a kind, she is certainly a unicorn, but now we know her tribe. Well, I feel like I, um, I feel like I'm that friend that just, you know, with my life and the lack of friends is that some of the other people in my life, um, I have outgrown and I didn't have like a mentor of my own or like another friend that I could like. You know, ask questions. Like I was always the go-to person. Um, and I didn't really have anybody like that in my life. And so meeting the grassroots team and like the strong, empowering, like women, it was like, Oh, I fit in here. Like they get me. I love it. You need to come out to Emily's play sometime. Brittany. Love it. These like, she would be like your, your queen because she's, she, she reminds me very much of you too. She's a little bit more, you know, like on the outside, she's a little bit more cooler, like cooler, like not mean or resting bitch face at all. We love Emily. She's our queen, but you would actually really vibe with Emily and her whole, her whole, like, she's got a beautiful property out in Charlotte and she's got like a bus Airbnb. Airbnb and a friggin. It's amazing. You guys would so love to be out there at some point. We got to get you out there at one point. Well, I think too, as well, it's like one of the biggest things and it's interesting. Cause I just released a podcast episode today on it is, you know, Brittany, especially as women we're in business and you know, being different, right. We're not the typical people we're disrupt. You're naturally disrupter. You're a unicorn, right? Like unicorn we're rare. It sucks. It sucks. But once you get together with a whole bunch of other unicorns, that's really the magic fairy land happens. And. That's why with grassroots we're so fucking protective of who comes into the, you know, the pride, the community or whatnot, because we want to collect our unicorns, but we also want to keep our little ponies safe too the same time. So. For you to say that you really connected with us is incredibly incredibly part. Like after I get off this, I'm going to go message Maggie. I'm like, Oh my God, because you guys are doing the work and you're growing and you know how scary growth can be. And you know, if you don't have people that. Are the level that you're at. And this sounds like such a Dick saying that like, yeah, we're high level people. It's hard to find that connection with other people. And that's why community with grassroots and anywhere else is so fucking important. You know what I mean? That's why it's like, I've been a student for a long time with them. That's why I'm working with them now. And it's just. Community is everything too. Just like branch it all going to say before I get all emotional about it, but yes, you're one of us, Brittany. Welcome. Officially welcome. You're one of us, Maggie is going to get her mustache tattoo on her finger still. So guys, I want to ask you. Anybody that's kind of resonating with us with anything we talked about right now, a dog trainers, pack, walkers, whatever else people do in this industry that we call dogs. And maybe they're in the same place that you guys were a month ago, six months ago, year ago. What do you want them to know? Like what's one thing you want them to walk away with after listening to this episode, um, don't be too proud to raise your hand for help. And discouragement is part of the growth process. Yeah. And I wouldn't say, um, be ready to challenge old ideas, old belief systems, um, get comfortable with the idea that this is going to be scary. And move forward one piece at a time. The, the other, like the last thing I want to say is like, I feel such a relief now that I'm here, where we are in dark savvy training and development with our website, with our programs, I feel like this is incredibly authentic to both of us. Um, and it just feels like. It feels easy. It's just a relief. Like a weight is lifted off our shoulders. Fucking awesome. I love that. Woo guys. Thank you. This was a conversation I didn't, I didn't expect to go this way, but I'm so fucking glad it did. It was just a really good conversation. So the P the people that want to stalk you cause everybody, you know, dog trainers like to sock each other people find you. So people can find us@ourwebsiteatwwwdotdogsavvytraining.com. They can find us on Instagram at dog dot savvy training. They can find us on Facebook at dog savvy development. Awesome. All right, guys, go check them out. They're freaking awesome guys. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you guys coming on. I know you guys were a little bit nervous coming on here, but just another step in the direction of your evolution. And I really, really appreciate both of you guys. Again, you are the official grassroots couple. We're gonna like, we're gonna like be cautious going to be your FA your flower girl officially. If you guys haven't gotten married yet. Yeah. For inviting us, and this has been a good talk and, and we just, we really appreciate you guys and being able to, you know, uh, come visit you on your podcast. Kristen. I love you. And I love, you know, Maggie and Kasha and the rest of the grassroots team. And, you know, thank you so much. And thanks for having me. Always, always, you guys are part of the family now. Like yeah, you don't even have to go through anybody anymore. You just messaged one of us, you guys are part of the family. It's like, okay, come on, just come in. Take take your shoes off. You have leveled up, you have a leveled up officially to the grassroots status, the VIP status. All right, guys. Well, thank you so much for joining me and we'll talk soon. Bye. Aye. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, Euro dog business. If you haven't already subscribed. What are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now. So you don't miss out on any of our content packed dog business jam sessions, plus special offers that I'm going to only be sharing with my amazing Doug business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, Be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners, just like yourself, confined us and starts to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and holler at your girl at dog-walker coach. You can find me dog-walker coach and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.