Mind Your Own Dog Business

Bitches LOVE Unapologetic Boundaries

Kristen Lee Episode 81

In this badass episode of the Mind Your Own Dog Business Podcast, Kristen Lee talks about setting unapologetic boundaries as a dog trainer, boundaries as a dog walker, and yes, boundaries as a pet sitter. 

If you're going to be a POWERFUL, no-fucks-given CEO of your dog business, you're going to need to set and uphold some firm boundaries. Not just in your client relationships but in every aspect of your life. 

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • What healthy boundaries are
  • How to set boundaries
  • How to unfuck the people-pleaser that is eating you alive as a dog biz owner
  • Boundary setting resources 

This isn't going to be your average, "Oh girl, just turn off your phone, don't answer emails on the weekends" advice. This is going to be setting life-alternating boundaries in your dog business where you drop the guilt and step into the next evolution of self-care.

Personal Boundary Setting Book MUST-READ:
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Support her book and purchase from an independent black-owned book store - click here
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Other Links: Join Our FB Group For Dog Biz Owners

Dog Biz School Website



I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When you first set boundaries, it doesn't feel nice, but it's kind. And what do I mean by kind, I mean, it's kind to, you kind to your dog training business, kind to your staff, your employees. Kind to your mind, your body, your soul, kind to your clients. When you have boundaries, you can show up more and the best part of it, it's kind to your future. When you say no, or you set an aggressive boundary, two things that make you feel like shit at a human level. Let me tell you it is the bravest act of self-care as a pet business professional. You're listening to the mind, your own dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business. Strategic Kristen Lee guys. Get ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business grant, along with mastering your mindset. That's going to smash. All of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was this to the next level. With actionable steps, you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self. Not only as a dog trainer, dog Walker, or what ever slice the pet industry, you find yourself in. But as the bad-ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and empower the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim control and transform not only their businesses, but their lives. It's real. It's raw. It's uncensored. And it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys. Hello everybody. And welcome to today's episode of the mind, your own dog biz podcast. And today it's all about the topic of setting healthy. Yes. Healthy motherfucking boundaries. What I'm going to talk about today is what healthy boundaries are, how to set them and how to unfuck the people pleaser in you. Because my. Main goal. My main objective after this episode is to start to plant the little tiny seed of how to become unfuckable with when it comes to setting healthy and strong boundaries and your dog training business. And your dog walking business and your pet sitting business. So I'm going to be your magic bitch. Yes. Your magic bitch guide to setting those boundaries and as usual and true Kristin Lee and mind your own dog was formed. This is going to be an actionable step packed episode. So, what you might want to do is bookmark certain parts of this episode. If you can, on your phone, you might want to screenshot certain time slots and to take notes and revisit, especially to all of you, amazing people out there that struggle with T uh, setting strong boundaries. And also do me a solid, if this episode particularly resonates with you, gets you hyped, or maybe you hear me drop a one-liner that you love, be sure to screenshot this, add the one-liner if you do so, choose to do that and tag me on the gram at dog-walker coach. All right. So first and foremost, I just want to thank everybody out there. All of my listeners and all my followers and all the amazing fans of grassroots, Doug, this school for your patience and. Us release releasing this new episode. It's been a crazy last month. I had some health issues, nothing serious. I'm all good now, but it was super painful to talk for a couple of weeks due to a crazy infection or whatnot. That happened to be on my face, unfortunately. And we're in the middle of live semesters, especially with our evolution course, chances are, if you've purchased evolution before in the past, you might have not gone back and looked at your lifetime access because our Doug biz school evolution course has been completely stripped and completely built from the ground up. So go back and watch it. Fucking bad-ass course, it's really geared towards people that are in their first couple of months of dog business or for the veterans I've been in business for like 10 years. And you really need to evolutionize your dog business. And then also something that I'm incredibly proud of that our team has created is the website one-on-one course specifically designed for dog business owners. Um, I am incredibly proud of it for several reasons because pinch me well, don't pinch me cause I'm still in pain a little bit from my infection. We in the last freaking God, has it been 18 months already? Almost two years. When I came into dog to school in October, 2019, one of my biggest goals was to bring our organization to be the best of the best and to truly expand beyond the Maggie Christina show the grassroots, uh, Dogmas, uh, school show or the Kristen Lee show and to build us as the world class organization consulting services for the pet dog industry. And over the last 18 months, we have a high, we have hired 10 full-time staff. And over the last few months we have officially hired an in-house website development team here in the States. Yes, here in actually North Carolina, where we have a full website development team that specializes in building dog news websites, and also SEO and all that fun stuff. So we've been really, really. Focusing with our students on building some really truly bad-ass, uh, websites. Funny story. I'm not a hypocrite here. Um, we used to be like, you know, fuck websites. You can just do everything on social media. Well, you know what things are gonna be changing soon. So you might want to think about, you know, updating your website guys in the next year or so, or less than a year, maybe six to 12 months. Anyway. So thank you for your patience. As we got everything figured out and we took some time to step back and really. Look at our content and what we're putting out there for all of you guys, so we can make it fresh. We can keep it real and we can keep it raw as usual. Now, today I'm going to talk mostly about setting. Business boundaries, especially for the dog trainers and dog walkers out here. Um, these boundary lessons can be applied in your personal life and they should be implied, uh, applied to your personal life as well. But for our really. Really great resource for personal boundary setting, especially when it comes to family members, close friends, uh, children, spouses, and whatever. I highly recommend this new book. Uh, it's called set boundaries. Find peace, a guide to reclaiming yourself by Nedra Glover twat. It's a powerful. Incredibly powerful book, um, where Nedra guide you through ending the struggle of speaking up for what you need and experiencing the freedom of being true yourself with setting strong boundaries. I highly recommend all of my listeners to go out there and support her work, purchase her book. I've included links in this episode too, where you can purchase her book directly from Amazon and also attorney black owned book stores. So if you've been struggling in personal boundaries, if this has been something that has been ingrained in you since you were a child, because chances are, if our parents are people who, who were around us as a child, um, didn't have boundaries. We tend to have boundary issues ourselves. So go purchase her book. Uh, read it. Dara follow her work on Instagram too. I'll make sure she's, uh, her Instagram handles and the notes and yeah, I it's great for personal boundary setting. Now let's talk about boundary setting and the dog business industry. So boundaries are talked a lot about in the pet dog industry, right? This is not something that's new. It's been chatted about for years, especially in social media groups, between peers, colleagues, and everything like that. And, you know, there's some people talking about setting bound, healthy boundaries, but it's not really it's, it's not something that's been addressed fully head on. I feel, which is fine. That's why I'm here in doing awareness around it. But something that we see so many dog trainers. Still struggling with is setting really strong. And I'm including dog walkers and pet sitters in this whole group too, because all of you guys are filled with empathy. You guys are all bad-ass as you guys are amazing people and naturally you might have some people pleasing behaviors ingrained in you, but we still see a lot of you guys still struggling with setting these healthy, strong, aggressive, and assertive boundaries. Now. I am a strong believer here in setting very strong and aggressive boundaries. I've said that before. I just said it two seconds ago because I am a recovering people pleaser and it's the whole swinging the pendulum. So boundary setting doesn't feel necessarily nice. But it's kind, it's kind to you, it's kind to your dog training business, it's kind to your clients. Yes. Because shit rolls downhill. If you have really strong boundaries, if you really stand up for yourself, if you have things that you put in place to protect your time, your energy and your space. You are going to show up so much better for your current students, your current clients, your current dogs as well, that are in your care. You're going to be kinder to your staff, into your employees. Boundaries are also kind to your family, to your partners, to your overall circle. Boundaries are also kind to your mind, body and soul. And most importantly, guys, I want you to write this down. Boundaries are kind to your future. When you say no, or you set an aggressive boundary to things that make you feel like shit at a human level, it's one of the bravest acts of self care that you can do. Mind blown. Yes. Boundary setting is self motherfucking care at the micro level. Fuck the bath bombs or the unplugged weekends. Listen, those are nice. This bitch here, that's talking to you about setting boundaries. I love me a bath bomb. I have unplugged weekends. I have three straight days off because I need to freaking revamp my brain and let my brain be unplugged. But one of the most potent forms of self-care you can start doing right. Now as a dog trainer, as a dog Walker, as a pet sitter, groomer, whatever else you do, or even if you're not even a business, if you're not even a dog business owner, as a business owner, start setting those mother fucking boundaries all over. And listen, boundary setting issues. Aren't just exclusive and the dog training industry or the pet professional industry. It's across all boards, all industries, all businesses, all employers. Yeah. Yeah. Even if you go back, just say, you're like, you know what, if I get I'm dropping, my I'm dropping my business. I'm going to corporate, got to learn boundaries in corporate, all employers, all organizations and all walks of life. Okay. And what I see happening. In the industry specifically, um, with dog trainers and dog walkers and set of setting healthy boundaries, instead of being like, you know what, this is how you're going to treat me. This is how it's going to go. This is how I control my own narrative of how a person works with me as a dog business owner. I see a lot of individuals and business owners taking concessions instead. What does that mean? That means when you have a concession, you give up a part of your boundary. Or doing something to reach a mutual agreement to not cause any discomfort. Let me break it down to you. For example. You have a no refund policy on your dog training programs. Okay. And just say you have Sally dog train, a dog owner. Pants has been in your program for a month. Let's just say that. And by no fault of your own or her own, she wants to drop from your program. Just say she needs to move. Okay. And wants to request a refund. Instead of holding the contract, AKA a boundary. Yes. A contract is a written boundary there to avoid the discomfort of telling the person, no, you refund a portion of all of, all of her cash that she put in already to avoid displeasing them. Seen it happen so many times where people start to be like, Oh my God, I don't want them to have a bad review, or I don't want to deal with this bullshit in the back end and you just refund them. And like I said before, this is not exclusive to the fucking pet dog industry. I'm part of different groups. Uh, for some technical software, we use different platforms we use, especially for our course materials. And there's a group of like 30,000 people in this year and the super users group. Okay. And every day or every other day, On average, there's somebody talking about how, um, a business owner, an entrepreneur or business owner who owns a platform that has online course, uh, education materials is somebody that goes back to them and wants a refund despite having a strict, no refund policy and the amount of concessions I see other professionals tell them to, Hey, you know, it's not worth the trouble let's avoid, you know, like let's just give them a refund because it's a headache. And I'm like, no, what the fuck? If you have a written boundary, if you have a strict contract policy, it doesn't matter if you are doing coaching yourself or dog training and your refund policy is says, no refunds, hold yourself and hold that boundary accountable. Okay. See it. A lot of another area. I see a lot of dog trainers, especially, and I'm looking at several of you guys is when people. Like, especially dog owners feel like they need that one-on-one handling support now. That's all. Well, if you have programs that have that built into it, where people can reach you at a drop of a dime and you can provide on demand support for their dog training issues. Okay. And maybe they need some micromanaging or whatnot. This means they're usually calling you, texting you, DMU email you, despite not being part of a program. And you answer them because you're like, you know what, at first it feels like at first it's insidious because it's fucked up because at first it's not really like a big deal to respond. Right. It's like, okay, it takes me two seconds. I know this and I can respond. Right. And innocently, because you want to help the dog owner. That's why you're a fucking, you work with dogs. You want to help. And you just respond to them. But what starts to happen is when you get one person, doesn't feel like a lot, two people, three, four, five, six, that's when shit gets like out of control and yeah, it takes you maybe two minutes to respond, but you're not able to be present. You're not able to have those weekends off. You're not able to fully show up to your staff into your current clients that are paying for that support. And what starts to happen is when you're consistently going back and forth to clients and you're not allowing, you're not allowing them to fully serve themselves, going through dog training programs and create breakthroughs around that versus just giving them answers. You start to create this culture of entitlement to your dog owner clients. Now they might not seem like they're their typical entitled, uh, you know, people where they're like, I just want something. Cause you're, I'm paying you, but unknowingly, you create entitlement when you're creating yourself as this disposable unlimited resource. Okay. And that's not, that's not how it goes. Guys, listen, listen up as dog trainers, as dog walkers, as pack hikers or pack walkers or whatever else you do do not an unlimited resource that people can just go and take out from the ETM. Okay. You can't, you're not an unlimited bank of information because if people keep withdrawing from you and you're not getting the right boundaries set, and you're not getting the right compensation for that. And now I'm not all about saying, Oh, Christmas was supposed to be turtle ammonia. So blah, blah, blah. Don't twist my fucking words. Even if you're charging a hundred thousand dollars for a dog training program, you're still not an unlimited resource where people can draw that drama, vagina. Where people can come. Your fan, your family, your friends, strangers, people that want to pick your brain, even clients at an I disposal, you're going to withdraw. Like if you keep withdrawing from the bank, You're going to be tapped. And if you want to be that person, listen, that's cool. Like I'm not going to, I'm not going to sit here and convince you to change your mind. I'm just beacon from clients that connect with us and tell us these stories and people that I talked to on the phone. If you want to be that person, that's an unlimited part of a knowledge, you know, if that fills your ego up. Cool. Do you, but listen, if you're going to do that, make sure you do with no strings attached because you want to do it, meaning you're not going to have resentment and you're not going to burn out from it. Or don't do it at all. If you get real with yourself and you know, you're acting and people pleasing mode, that's going to end up with you becoming bitter resentful. So either do it with no strings attached, no resentment, or set that healthy fucking boundary. Now here's the thing, too, as you set healthy boundaries, if you struggled with. You're if you want to. Okay. Let me back up. If you struggled with setting boundaries before, and I get you hyped to set boundaries. And you want to essentially start cleaning house, a meeting. You want to start setting boundaries with past and current clients that might be overusing you, you know, coming to you as an unlimited resource setting boundaries with peers, maybe you've been talked down to, or people like consistently bounce ideas off you, or pick your brain on so-and-so or whatnot, or even mentors that have. You know, spoken over you or maybe even used you for your knowledge and they used on your platform. And you're like, what the fuck? Like I asked you about this before, and now you're using it for your own fucking gain and engagement. You probably have an uneasy stirring of anxiety. And I want to be really clear with this one and I'm a hundred percent honest and transparent. Okay. The most challenging part of setting boundaries is at first putting them in place. And when I talk about putting them in place, You're going to need to take, put them in place that with the people that have benefited the most from you not having boundaries. Cause listen on this one as well. I keep saying Kozol, listen, when you start this process. Okay. I want to be very clear on this. When you start this process, some relationships are going to fall apart. Is going to happen to everybody? No, but a good chunk of them. It's going to be messy. It can be fucking hard. You are going to want to give into your concessions or drop boundaries, especially if you hate conflict and confrontation. Listen, I'm not here to blow, smoke up your ass and say, okay, great. Poof, you set a boundary. Everything is going to be magically better. You're going to feel great with your life and you're going to carry on with this smile on your face. I mean, very facetious right now. It's not how it works at all. Especially when those people that have benefited from you from not having boundaries 2020 was the strongest lesson and boundary setting I've ever had. And people are going to feel confused. Especially if they've always had this direct line to you, people are going to feel confused when you drop that form of life support, people are going to retaliate. They're going to be pissed the fuck off, and that's okay. You don't owe them any explanation, but you've set them up for that expectation and it might hurt. It's going to get confrontational at times and you're going to want to be like, you know what? In order to, you know, people please them to appease them. You might be like, you know what, I'm sorry for doing this. Listen, blah, blah, blah. You can explain to them if you want to, but also realize you don't owe anybody an explanation. You don't, you, you don't have, Oh, somebody say, listen, you know what? Cut the cord here. Um, can't talk to me anymore. I'm setting a boundary. You can say, listen, it's not how it goes anymore. This is my process now. And. When people are people that have benefited from you not having boundaries, you got to realize when they have this inner, almost implosion, it's not about you setting a boundary. Well, yes and no, especially if you've nurtured these unhealthy relationships, but it's not about you because. And the fucked up circle, jerking, Kunz, circle of boundaries, the people that have benefited from you not having boundaries probably have a severe lack of boundaries and awareness themselves. Okay. So yes, you might find yourself in some conflict. You might find yourself feeling like a fucking bitch, or you might be like, Oh my God, what is going on? But chances are those implosions of relationships and conversations. It's not about you. Here's the, also the thing you maybe don't want to say perceive yourself, or have the perception around you. As a dog trainer or as a dog business owner, you don't want to be that closed off person, right? You don't want to be that unfriendly person or that bitch insecure people, whether their previous relationships or their future relationships, including people that engage with you on social media, people that email you call you inquire about you. People that are your friends, peers, colleagues, mentors, insecure people. Will always perceive secure in a pre upfront people and professionals as bossy, bitchy, Ruth threatening, or whatever. At the end of the day, you cannot change their inner insecurity. So like the title of this podcast goes my drone dog business, my drone fucking business, focus on you. Focus less on what people's perceptions are you an advocate for yourself? If someone, even if they're not close to you, Won't respect your boundaries, that problem isn't you, that Pravin isn't you being closed off or unprofessional or rude or whatever, it's them. And part of the boundary setting process, it's getting to be okay with the other person being upset. Oh, man. I'm sorry for all of you guys. Like I feel for you, listen, I might sound like this, like, and I've said this so many times before I might sound like this, like really strong, empowered bad-ass bitch CEO, deep down. I have an inner people pleaser in me. Oh my God talked about unigram three. I'm going to Instagram three. My, my friggin drive in life is to produce, produce, produce, give results, and make people happy with my results. Like here, here, mom and dad, I got an a in everything, but you gotta be in this. Then I go beat myself up and then go work, work, work, work, work. Same thing with coaching used to be like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then I realized it wasn't serving. My clients, it wasn't sorry. Serving our students. It was serving my fucking ego and not being okay with confrontation. I might sound sound like a confrontational bitch. I am not. I'm a fucking little girl the day. I'm like I was off middle, but I have to, I want you all like myself to enforce strict boundaries. Now another question. I hear a lot of people and we talked about this in evolution. Somebody asked us, Christian, should we wait for a boundary to be broken, to enforce it? Okay. Now there's this misconception that it's better to wait to enforce a boundary until its program. Now I'm going to challenge all of you guys to bring it up preemptively for a great reason and this reason or that. People are going to be more likely to understand you and your boundary and not be on the defense. Okay. It might feel defensive at first to throw a boundary, be like, boom, this is how we do it, but you're setting them up for a successful relationship with you versus, okay. So let's just say you signed Sally into dog training. And do you have a, you know, you have yourself and they go through, they go through your contract and you're like, okay, in your contract, you have all the information laid out how they can contact you, what they get and whatnot. When you say to them, when you verbally say it to them and you also have it backed up by being written and enforced as well, where they signed off, it's like, listen, Sally. Hey, like I said, this program, you don't get the one-on-one support. You need, however, you can be in this classroom and you can ask your questions here and I'll get back to you. Or one of my team members will get back to you within 48 hours as noted. We do not, we do not have on-demand coaching. So again, if you, if you do really want this on-demand coaching, you want that full support. Um, you're going to have to upgrade into this program or whatnot versus. Having her sign off on all this stuff. And then she messages you and you answer it once or twice. And then you're like, listen, Sally, stop being a fucking bitch and read your contract. You know what I mean? So be presented with your boundaries. Now let's get right into boundary set, set setting. As we wrap this episode up, this is not going to be, Oh, sweetie. Just turn your phone off and get a massage. You don't work weekends. Don't answer emails have basic hours. Like shit. That's been passed along to you guys for the last couple of years. This is going to be a bit more in your face. First things first. Ask yourself, what the fuck do I need as a dog business professional and be selfish about it. Design your boundaries around exactly what you need and what your dog business needs to keep you freaking healthy. Mind, body, soul financially. For example, one of our unapologetic unapologetic boundaries, a Douglas school is I cannot be. Disrupted or interrupted during work hours. That is one of my strongest boundaries. I said nobody could interrupt me at all. Besides my husband, if there's an emergency or my business partner. My staff, my students, my pets, my parents, they cannot interrupt me and distract me during my working business hours. Why distractions costs millions of dollars. I've learned that the hard way. So ask yourself what do you need to protect your time, your energy, your space, and even your other clients. Okay. Next, what you need to do before. Like I said, preemptive is state your boundaries. Don't state why they exist, but clearly, and communicate them. If somebody does not respect your boundaries and is asking something that you've asked them not to do or a process to follow, remind them of them clearly, do you have to be a jerk or a confrontation, but this is why you have boundaries. No, remind them clearly. Listen. So-and-so. As part of the process, please email this during these hours and they will get back to you or, Hey, um, we can ask, you can ask this, please ask it in the classroom and we'll be able to contact you during coach's corner or whatever. If you've set working hours for yourself cakes, I know you guys try to set working hours and you try to stick to them. Make sure you adhere to your own boundaries. With yourself, with your family, with your peers, with your whatever, stick to your hours, like glue clearly communicate your boundaries during your first consultation during your first sales call during your email, your hours, your response time and turnaround times, what they can expect of you and what you can expect of them the very first time. So steps your boundaries. Put your hand up. Now you don't have to put your hand up, but say, Hey, wait, we need to do something here. Okay. Don't allow it to be crossed and continuously crossing the first time your guts listened to that fucking gut of yours. Okay. First time you got says, Hmm. Yellow flag, red flag, Amber flag. We need you to something here. Don't allow it to happen, have consequences to, in, to actions of your boundaries being crossed. I know it's scary. I know. And I feel for you guys, you guys don't have to feel alone in this, but you have to do it and I can guarantee you the business boundary violation won't happen again. If you do, if you don't set a boundary and have backup too, your boundaries contracts, welcome letters. Emails, disclaimers policies, make sure your dog owning clients, understand them. They sign off on them. Now don't take the easy way out on this one guys and seek them here and there. You must clearly communicate to them. It's easy to, you know, be like, well, they signed my contract, they signed my agreement. They signed my dog owner portal thingy, whatever I have in place with, you know, use the terms and conditions of working with me as a dog Walker, no bitches. No, you have to clearly communicate with them. If you cannot verbalize that people are gonna technically cross your boundaries and push it without even knowing. Now, am I saying these people are going to do it knowingly to be. Decks or whatever, be pains in the ass is some people. Yeah. But some people won't, so you've got to clearly communicate them. Now we also have boundaries in our processes too. So for example, some people and you feel free to write this shit down. This is stuff you should write down right now. Okay. Some people ask you about discounts. I have multiple dogs. Do you offer discounts? No. This is where people are like, Oh, well maybe multiple dog households. Listen, if you're offering a multiple dog house discount, the work isn't that much easier. Cause there's multiple dogs. Chances are you need to charge more for multiple dogs. So some easy scripts to follow. Do you offer discounts? No, so-and-so referred me. Do you offer this? Do I get a referral? No. I saw somebody offer for a cheaper, can I get a discount? No, the fuck you can. Yeah. A response you can use is unfortunately I don't offer discounts for a dog training dog walking services, and you can say this, and this is going to be, this is going to be changing. And this is going to be hard for a lot of you guys, from what you described, it sounds like. Sally walking pants up the road is better suited to fit your needs. Enjoy their program. That's a boundary right there. It sounds so confrontational. I know people are gonna be like, ah, but you can do that guys. That's a thing you can design your own boundaries and have the say in it. Or you might have some people come back to you, especially for my dog, walkers and pet sitters that are stepping into dog training, or maybe they come back after the whole, uh, the P word is over from 2021 and whatever. I used to be a dog walking, dog training pet-sitting client. Can I get a services at your old rate? And just say, you've raised your rates furiously you're up 30%. And you're like, yes, a bad-ass and now people are coming back and they're like, I want my old client rate back and you're like, huh? Bottle shrivels. You can say, listen, all my God. I'm so glad to have you back. Uh, thank you so much for reconnecting. I'm excited to see fluffy mimic butter pants, but unfortunately those rates are no longer available and I know fluffy enjoyed my services and you really, really loved them. If you want to sign back up, they're going to be at the regular rates. Thank you. You're probably like, Oh my God, I'm going to turn around clients. Listen to, if your rates are high enough telling somebody no is okay. Okay. No explaining why guys. You don't need to explain yourself. No explaining yourself. Another one is maybe a client's lead on payment or owes you money and expects you to work. Okay. A boundary you can set is an automatic card on file with a EFT billing agreement in your contract. Okay. That's good coaching here, guys. Okay. It's like, Hey, um, I can't afford this this week or my check is don't cash. This check. Hey, unfortunately, per our terms of agreements, not going to get the service this week. Boom, another one. And then we get this one. I'm looking at dog trainers that you maybe it's an old classmate from high school. You've been talked to in years and be like, Hey, um, I have this dog, I have a question on it's training. I see that you're a dog trainer. And you're like, okay, , you know, those people, maybe your aunt, uncle, cousin, third cousin removed, you can say back, thanks for your interest in my work. Feel free to book a call with me and we can start talking about my programs that can answer these questions perfectly. Or if you prefer a one-on-one session with me to get all the questions you'd like to answer about your dog problems, any questions, shoot me your email so we can get you booked along with getting your payment information. It's this amount of money to do a one-on-one call with me. I know. Say what? Getting payment for your expertise. Bitch. That's how we roll here. A dog with school. Cause all of you guys are amazing subject matter experts and you deserve to get. Paid handsomely for the work that you've invested back into the industry. All right, guys. Well, that is everything. So start getting start, getting started, start getting started. That's hilarious on these simple steps to be claiming our boundaries and let us know how it goes till next time. Guys love you all and talk to you soon. Bye. Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, Euro, dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now. So you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions, plus special offers that I'm going to only be sharing with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now, if you've enjoyed this episode, Be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners, just like yourself, confined us and starts to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and holler at your girl. I'm at dog-walker coach. You can find me dog-walker coach and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.