The Mike Holt Show
Mike and his invited guests discuss politics and issues that affect us today and into the future. Mike speaks up for all Aussies who want to live free of government interference, under a fair and just political system of laws governed by our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and English Common Law.
208 episodes
Whitlam's Hand. A song written and performed by Mike Holt
This is a political song exposing the dirty deeds by EG Whitlam, the PM who committed massive TREASON as he attempted to create a Republic of Australia under the thumb of the political parties.

Grant Hilton explains Trusts and Foundations
Grant and Mike discuss setting up trusts and foundations, what to look for and how to protect your assetts from government scrutiny.

Grant Hilton talks about his Inspirational book
Universal Shift is a book written to inspire everyone to create a better life for ourselves.

Mike chats with Grant from KSGH Security
Grant explains how we can deal with the police as private people, instead of slaves of the Mother-WEFfing crud attempting to control the world.USEFUL INFORMATIONAffidavit of Repudiation:https://cirnow.com.au/affidavit-of-rep...

Law or Lore?
Mike and Michael Rolf discuss the differences between Law and Lore, and when we should use them.

What are Queen Victoria's Letters Patent?
In 1901 the first Governor General arrived to take up his position as Leader of the nation and Commander In Chief of our armed forces. He carried Queen Victoria's Letters Patent to guide him how to manage a Federal government in the name of the...

Love always wins
Tyrants throughout history have learned the hard way that they can only subjugate a man's spirit for so long before he pushes back with disastrous results for the tyrant.

What is Digital ID and how will it affect you?
China offers a chilling insight into the kind of world the Mother-WEFers want to subjugate us to. Is this what you want for your children?

How to Live Free
Freedom comes from within. In this episode you'll hear how people are discovering how to live without government control

Where are we going?
Australia is in dire political trouble. The people we elected to serve us have betrayed us. Many want to change the system, but the questions is: HOW?Once we identify a problem, then we can fix it. But to fix it, we need a plan. Th...

Grassroots Movements for Australian Liberty
What if the very foundations of our government are being ignored, and your freedoms are under siege? Join us on the Mike Holt Show as we unravel the historical significance of the Magna Carta 1215 and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution ...

A New Paradigm
A recent outage of phone and internet access around much of Australia demonstrated how tenuous is the Mother-WEFer's control over us is.But.... What if there is no technology?

Mike & Peter & S53 Constitution
Mike and Peter discuss the constitution section 53 and the ramifications is has on the government.

Mike & Peter & Freedom of Speech
Mike and Peter Gargan discuss Freedom of Speech and Julian Assange.

Dick Yardley's Book
Who is Dick Yardley?Dick was a North Queensland fruit grower who had his farm stolen by the Cairns Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats with electric grids. The Council told him to stop. He refused. It was his land… but not ...

Where can you get the Common Law Reference book?
Learn why every Australian should learn about their rights and freedoms using this handy booklet you can easily carry around with you.

The CWB Newspaper
At last Australia has a truly independent newspaper that is not afraid to publish the truth and expose the crimes.The Corruption Whistle Blower is available here:https://corruptionwhist...

The Sovereign People's Assembly WA
Mike and Mandy discuss the work the WA assembly has been doing to recruit and swear in common law sheriffs

Mike and Schulzey discuss driving with Royal Registry car plates
Mike shares his experiences driving around with Royal Registry Plates

Mike and Schulzey discuss the Royal Registry
What is the Royal Registry? How does it work? Will it protect you from government interference? These, and many more questions are answered in this chat.

Mike and Schulzey explain how to settle accounts with a BOE
A Bill of Exchange is a financial instrument approved by the Bills of Exchange Act 1909 with is helping free millions of Australians from the debt enslavement we have been subject to for so long.

Nick Patters talks after his trial
Nick joined Mike to tell us about his legal battles as a result of his Covid arrest ordeal and the successes he achieved in court for himself and for all Australians