Super Professor's Podcast

Individual 1 A.K.A Donald J Trump IS NOT A WHITE MAN, HE IS SICKNESS ONLY! #AOC ,#bluewave #RacistPresident


I'm getting tired of telling people what they don't know! It's like these people did not have a mother or father that was decent! Donald Trump did not win through decency! Cheating is not winning! Putting Defenseless children in dog cages with no bed or FOOD IS SICKNESS! Mike Pence went to a camp and there was a  Stitch that he could smell! Did he say it was disgusting? NO, he did not and this is going on for 2.5 years! They're being tortured, No Gray! Why are women and children and men being tortured by the Trump Administration? Trumper are not white people they're just sick people, I'm white they're sick. Remove them all! This is not Russia!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor pod gas. You're listening to Clinton's Kunkle, Aka super professors. Today's podcast is about, is Donald J. Trump white? Oh, let me see if we can do the math on this one. Donald J. Trump has had three wives that he slept around on and he paid stormy Daniels 150,000 not to say that he slept around on his wife, and then he played the playboy model 150,000 for 10 months he slept around with his wife. So as Donald J. Trump white are just garbage. Let's keep going on Donald J. Trump owes millions of dollars to people because he filed bankruptcy seven times millions. He's supposed to be a billionaire that files bankruptcy all the time, and there's a limit on how many times you can file bankruptcy and it particular year. Now let's go a little bit further. Fake baby bone spur never served in the army. So Donald J. Trump is not white. He's sick. Let's go further. He walks in on children changing clothes at his beauty pageant because he says, now listen to this monkey. He says he has the right to walk in on women, girls changing clothes. They're like 15 1617 years old. He can walk in on them and he's supposed to be white. No, he sick. Let's go further. He gets to assault every human being on the planet because he gets to because he's white. No, he's not white. He's sick. He's a bully. Donald J. Trump is a baby wanting to be booed. Bully booty. Booton poon is just like Trump. The only difference is Boone's not as stupid as Trump. Buddha's sick as sure Hitler sick. Poon sick. Were they wider than just sick? They're sick people. They murdered people. They think it's fun. Does Trump murder people? Not Personally, but yes, he gets people murdered. He does racist remarks. And here's what's funny. Little Donnie Trump before he became president, said, I can shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose any votes. You don't need just told these people. Go shoot someone and guess what them stupid people did them. Six stupid people listen to Trump and a guy went and shot someone at a voting booth and injured three others. Who knows that out there. Donald J. Trump got people murdered. Let's go further. The KKK, the Ku Klux Klan, which is Donald Trump's families. Father was KKK, got arrested for being KKK. Now think about that. You got sick people. They're not white. They're just sick people and there's sick people out there. Yes. What does sick people like? Well, they like murderers, killers, rapists, uh, terrorist. They, they just sick. They don't care about people and human beings. They don't care about lives. You've got the white nationalists that throw acid on women's face with their, they're supposed to be white. No, they're sick. They threw acid on a woman's face because she's wearing a scarf. Now think how sick these people are. Then you got the alt right. The neonazis, the white light. Neo Nazi uses a car to kill Heather hiring. Oh, there's violence on both sides. What Trump said, no, there's only murdering going on on Trump or side. There's sick people. They're not white. They're sick. There is six sick people. We need to put him in a dog cage like he did to the children. Donald J. Trump, his sickness. The Republicans are sickness. Now. They didn't used to be, but they are now. They represent this sick Mofo. He gets to tell people they're there. They're not white. Trump is not white. I'm white. He's not white. He's sick. There's not one Trump are out there that can take me out. They're weak people. They're cowards. They're baby bone spurs, lovers, sick people. You want to have a contest? Let's have one. I keep saying this. I want to contest with a Trumper dumper. I'm done with you. Sick people. This is not your country. It never will be. My father was 22 years Marine Corps. I've had 10 cankles in the military. My brother was military to wake the hell up. You're not the only ones out there with guns. You people are idiots. You picking on children and women, immigrants. Donald Trump is sickness. Look at the torture they're doing to children and camps. That is sickness. That's not, that's not compassion. Trumpet. Tell me that compassion that this monkey has. A monkey has more compassion than Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump is sick. Look at the concentration camps. He had children and they didn't show that it stinks in there. There's no food or sleeping on floors and these are children and adults and women. They kidnapped women's kids. They're not white. They're sick. There's no gray. Donald J. Trump has sickness and there's sickness in my country. This is not their country. They are not white in any way, shape or form. They're sick. I want to show him what a white man can do. You're picking on Kulin you sick pieces of garbage. Donald J. Trump had 80,000 people, not paid 80,000 for four weeks. Oh, it's fine. He's got money. Donald Trump is not working for furry. He made 50 million of Mara Largo. Donald Trump is using us as a bank account. He's stealing from us. Oh, his people have to go there and protect Donald J. Trump and his places so he can charge us and we pay him for not working at his resorts where he makes more and more and more and more, more money. Ivanka is not working for free. Paul Manafort not working for free. None of them work for free. There are thieves and criminal. Look in the pedophile. Every time you turn around there has been sexual charges against someone. Trump knows there's what? 19 sexual charges against Donald J. Trump and a monkey still in office. You this is, this is not America. This is Rashawn. It sounds like Putin murders people constantly. Trump is getting people murdered in tortured constantly. There's no difference between Putin and Trump. They're not white. There's sick people. Hitler was sick. Trop is sick. No Gray. Trump thinks he's going to make it 2020 really? Seriously? You think so? You people aren't paying attention. Yes. One fourth of the country is a Trump, but not the rest. Sickness in my country is disgusting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Donald J. Trump is a piece of garbage. No, Greg, he gets to insult people all the time. He's a balloon boy. He's a scaredy cat. He can't even go against someone face on and say, you're fired. No, he does on Twitter. He has someone else do it. He's a coward. He's got no guts. He's a baby. He insults people because he's got power. Don't got money, stole money. He's a debt to Putin. It's gonna come back and bite us all in the butt cause he's never going to get reelected. He's sickness. The problem is that too many Republicans just like him, they are not John McCain. They are not Robert Mueller. They're not military people drop in salts, military people because he's a fake baby bone spur. Donald J. Trump raised a flag on John McCain after John McCain was dead and sold the demand by raising the flag when it should stay lowered and half mass. But no Trump B don't be gets through reason on him. And then Republicans said no, you got low rates lowered again. Well, why does Trump get to insult dead? People cope. His sickness, his family's sickness. Why does Ivanka get to sit in a murders, dictators, chairs, Booton care. Why is that a good thing? There is no such thing as getting along with Putin. A good thing. He's a murderer and a killer and that's all he loves to do. He's a dictator. There's nothing decent about that. Trump is Raul. Trump is sick. Yes. Kim Jones. Ooh, I fell in love. No, you're smelters sick people. There's sick people. They're not decent. They're not there. Show me the compassion of Kim Duel Moon. Show me the Camp David compassion of Hitler. Show me the compassion of Buddhi. Bhuton show me the passion of Donald J. Trump. There ain't none. They don't care about human beings, period. They only care about money. They need money. Money. They don't care how they get it. They don't care who they harm, their disgrace to the human race. Donald J. Trump is not white. He's disgusting. He supports pedophiles. He supports peep and toms. He supports haters, murderers and killers. That's not decent. There's no compassion. There is zero compassion in Donald J. Trump. It's disgusting what's going on in the camps that he put together. And it's disgusting how long it's been going on. We must remove them all. So this is me one more time. Hey Trumper dumpers you want to rumble? Cause guess what? So do I, and you think I'm the only person out there that wants to rumble with you? Yeah. Right. You pick on women, you pick on children use guns. You wheat people, Trumpers or weakness. They need a gun. They need a car. They need a rope. I don't need Danny of that. I got me. So when you balloon people, you want to rumble soon. Why get on that Damn Stupid Fox News and say you want to rumble with Clemons? Leon conquer cause I want to remember, don't give me a a Trumper that's too weak. Well and your all week. I mean not a one of you can take me out. Bad love for you to try. So anyway, how stupid is Trump? Let's God darn. How stupid is Trump? Well, let's see. He doesn't understand manmade climate change is going to get my grandkids killed. Maybe climate change is dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. Let me explain how simple it is for the children out there. If you'd cut down a tree, you just removed oxygen. If you cut down that tree, you just removed moisture. That throws back into the air. When you cut down that tree, that tree absorbed a hundred gallons of water a day. When you cut down that tree, you just remove converted sunlight. It no longer convert that tree converted sunlight through photosynthesis. That tree is not there. Now you have concrete. The concrete now is used up by the sun. Go outside and look outside and tell me if you see a tree and where you don't see a tree that is sunlight heating up the planet. Start Waking your brains up. I'm tired of this stupid people. I just did a book, man made climate change, made super easy to understand. You need to go read it. Trumpers, I'll have someone read it to you because you can't read. You can't speak another language. Donald J. Trump cannot speak English, let alone another language. Milania can't speak Tevin languages. She got here and illegal illegal through an Einstein visa. She is not speaking other languages. You can barely speak English. I'm tired of all the lies that Trump says. He gets the lie. 24, seven isis is is gone. D This monkey said Isis is gone and that's a lie. But no one like he still, you know, okay. He gets to lie like, Oh, I defeated. I says, look what I did. No, you didn't. Oh, we're going to have uh, a space for us in space. No, we don't because there's a law in effect that we don't put missiles in space, but people don't know dad. They just the Donald J. Trump that don't know anything. Oh, I love the Donald J. Trump said, oh, the big windmill. Whew. The wind turbines. Woo. Make the noise and give you cancer. Why are people listening to a child that don't know anything? Only stupid sick people. Listen to him. Donald J. Trump is stupid, sick and weakness. He is not white in any way, shape, or form. He's a ignorant human being. He didn't get money through being smart. He lost businesses from being stupid. He got his money from his father. His father was a good businessman, but wasn't a good person. The government sued Donald J. Trump family twice for being racist. Says that Donald J. Trump is racist. There's no gray. He's sick, he's not decent. And then when Donald D. Trump couldn't get any money for his golf course, he had to turn to Georgia Bank. He had to turn to booty. Boot crop is sickness. No Gray. Remove the monkey. Wake up, do more. Everybody. Everybody got to do more. No. Anyway, this is[inaudible] Leon Gungko. You guys take care. I got books out. Keys don't lock in the universe. I got a self help book. Dream your dream. I think people should be better. Not Sick like Donald J. Twell

Speaker 3:

um, I also got, um,

Speaker 1:

oh keystone locking the universe is my new theory on the universe. How to travel fast and speed lights out there.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I got mystical truth tales and another book out there and I do podcasting that you're listening to, but uh, go check out my other stuff and if you really want to see what a white man can do, go watch my youtube video. I break beer bottle with my bare hands. That's easy wine bottle with my bare hands. And I break concrete block with my bare hands. Yeah, I'm not weak like a balloon baby. I'm a real white man. I do stuff. I'm not weak like the Trumpers. Take care. Speak out. Do more. Let's remove these monkeys. Take care. Bye.