Super Professor's Podcast

Trumpy Bear make in China with LOVE for Adult Babies! Not for Children that need LOVE! Sad


Why do adults need a teddy bear to feel safe from women and children asking for help looking for Asylum?  The trumpy bear is for baby adults that have never grown up!  Trumpers by the lies that Trump sells because they also lie and it's okay because they do it!  Trump sleeps around on his wives they must also do the same thing! They are also in Superior Balloon 
Conditions just like Trump!

Sad so sad love, love, love! Believe me! Trust me! I said so, so it's true! I Alternative facts are Awesome FACTS! BELIEVE ME! I KNOW THE BEST WORDS! I AM the CHOSEN ONE TRUST ME! 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast. You're listening to Clemens Kunkel, Aka super professor. You can, um, get my book on Amazon. There's only four of them keys to unlock in the universe. New theories on the universe. Um, dream your dreams. You can, um, how to make yourself better and the kids book mystical truths tales. I also got a book out there on manmade climate change made super easy to understand. It's even for Republicans. So today's podcast is about don the con, the con man that gets to sell his Garri Abuse 24, seven to the United States in the world. Now Don, the con says he's a stable genius buddy. Never, ever, ever, ever proven anything that he's the genius. You can't even see his school report cards. You can't see what his college grades were because he stopped him from showing it. Oh, don't show my grades. I might not be a stable genius. I'm on not being a genius. Period. Here's a simple question to the religious people that are out there. Prove to me, Donald j Trump's a genius. No, wait a minute. No. Prove to me he's the chosen. Why on as what Donald J. Trump said he's the chosen. Wait a minute, Don. The cod also said God stopped the rain for him. Are we seriously going there with all this garbage? Why are children, oh, that's running chompers have Donald J. Trump to protect them from emigrants. Women and children asking for a silent because they're gonna take the Americans white jobs away. Because why white people are lazy. That must be it. Because white people too lazy to work. They can only speak one language like Trump, but Trump can't even speak. He barely speak English, let alone another language. But he married a woman that could speak Salud or 10 language. She got the Einstein. These, uh, she can't speak seven languages. The woman can barely speak English. Why would that woman go to children and wear a jacket? Says, I really don't care to you. You know why? Because she can't read what Trump gave her. That's the embarrassing part. She's supposed to be. So she's got an Einstein visa to be here legally in the United States. She's not smart. She loves money. If he's purity in Trump loves purity

Speaker 2:

and so she married him. She got in because you know, sleeping around, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

Why hasn't Melania divorced Trump sleeping around on her

Speaker 2:

after he had his kid. She had his kid.

Speaker 1:

Does that mean do the math on this? This is a religious man. Trump's not religious in any way, shape, or form. All he does is golf, but religious people. Well, we'll have a man that sleeps around the live paid bornstar stormy. Dan was 131 30 and 30,$135,000 and paid a, was it the other person? Um,$150,000. And who went to jail for three years for that? Do you Trumpers know who went to jail? No. You don't because you don't care because you got your crazy person in office. Why? Why? Why do ignorant cowardly people like Trump?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Trump's a bully. He's been a bully his entire life. There's nothing decent about that garbage. He's a garbage man and people buy his garbage. Why are adults buying his garbage? Here's the garbage. Uh, buy a trophy bear. No. Oh, a teddy bear is for uh, children, right? I mean, little bitty child needs a big teddy bear, but uh, dolts no, this is hard to grasp, but adults need a trumpy bear to feel safe. Not just put this, think about that logically. Uh, trumpy bear is going to keep you safe. Trump doesn't keep anyone say he put innocent children and dog cages. Any you people think that's okay? They're children, they're flexible, it's fine. They're in dog. Gated it fine. We don't feed'em it's fine that they're crowding and smells in there where our pants were. Oh, it's okay that it stains. Do people understand you have no moral values, moral values whatsoever. You only care about a child. You're not even outrage that our child is putting that damn dog cages. But you love trumpy bear. You live true. What do you love about him? He cheats on his wife. Would you love, oh my goodness. You people cheat on your wives. Yes. You do. 100% there's no gray. Wait a minute. Obama wasn't born here, but that was a lie. And then Trump had to admit it. But wait a minute, you bought that. Wait a minute. Mexico, Mexico is going to pay for the wall and you up that too. Wait a minute then. Tax Cut was for the rich. Why? Oh Trump, I'm sorry. Trump is working for furry. Oh, what a nice guy. He only made$50 million at Mara Largo when he raised his golf course fee from a hundred thousand to 200,000 he did nothing to the golf course, but it's okay. He owns it. He can raise his golf course fees. Absolutely, but he's working for free. That's the reason. January one when he became in office, he made$50 million cause he's working for free. What a nice guy. He only made$50 million on that one alone. But wait a minute, I don't know. Booty Booton. I don't know Bhutan but, but, but this is what Trump said. He's strong and he's powerful. Boone that man, you don't know. How can it be strong and powerful? Oh, because he's a dictator and he bullies people. Is Trump a bully? Let me see. He threatened people. He harms people, put children in dog gauges. He picks on women. He fires people on Twitter because he's a scaredy cat to face him face on because he's afraid of them. But he'll attack a woman really seriously. This is what you people think is the decent man. Really seriously. Trump's decent in which on what planet is he decent? Because not on earth. Is he decent? He's garbage cause I live on earth. Donald j Trump's a piece of garbage. Oh wait in man. Ed, why am I pissed at Trump wallet? Let me see. What did Trump call me on Twitter?[inaudible] think about this. Oh, that's wrong. The superior condition that got no condition, the stable genius, that never proved. He's a genius, but he's a stable genius. But he'd never done anything to prove that he's a genius. But I guess he's a genius because he said so. I guess he since appeared condition looking like a balloon bout ready to pop, but that's okay. He moves mountains. He's not an Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I guess he is because he says he is. What do you, what are you people buy his garbage. Are you guys garbage collectors? What did Trump call me? Oh let's ride. He called me a stupid fool. Fuck up for voting for Hillary on Twitter. Now I understand. I follow that monkey on Twitter and he called me a stupid fool. Fuck up. You know what? Anybody that voted for Trump is a stupid fool. Fuck up 10,000 times over cause they buy the car and from the con man. Why do adults buy a trumpy bear? A trumpy bear should be given to children, not adults. Why are there adult babies in my country? That's a good question. You should ask yourself, why do you need a trumpy bear? A teddy bear is for a child. Are you telling me you're a child? Yes you are. You've never grown up and that's sad. You listen to a man that's slept around on his wives and you love that cause you did the same thing. You listened to a no, he's not a man. He's a piece of garbage that lies 24 seven and you love his lies. He don't know Poodie Booton except for Trump. Moscow. What? It's okay. I don't know Putin, but there's only a hundred frigging contact in the mauler report. Oh, that's right. I didn't read them. Mallory part. Brett Kavanaugh off. None of the Republicans read the Mallory report. Why? Robert Mueller is a Republican, but[inaudible]. No, don't, don't see what Trump does. Trump makes America great again. It was nothing wrong with America. It was getting better and better. Obama was fixing the corruption in the White House. Environment protection is for us Americans. It came back, it was around the Nixon's Day.[inaudible] and bring it in. Environment protection is for Americans to protect us, our children, because the corporations, not all of them, but a lot of them don't care about us. How about the gun violence? Which children are dying in school, but the rich people don't go to those schools where the crazy sick white people, they're not white. There's sick people.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

they harm children and there's no gun law, but there's a wall that you can't drive a car if you can't pass a test. Blind people don't drive a car. How come? Why people are killing people? That's a good question. You[inaudible] just ask yourself, explain to me why children are dying in schools. You sick people, they're children and they're being shot with automatic guns and you sick Mofo, sick. You need a gun to kill children. You explain it to me because I might knock you out. You don't need a damn gun. Go hard children. You sick things. You think you made a gun with 2030 rounds with no rec. You just give him a car. Why don't you give him a take where they can run over children in skills. Think about what you're doing. You're harming children. You're part of mad dog cage. You let them get killed in school. Rich people don't go to the damn school. They're privately taught. They don't go where these people are dying. You know what's going to happen. You stupid Republicans, someone's going to get an ar 15 and they're going to come and visit you because you killed their child and you think it's OK. You stupid people understand that. You think it's okay for crazy people to kill children because it doesn't harm you. You people are sick. You put children in dog cages. Trumpers are not the superior race. They're the weakest race on the frigging planet. Who are Trumpers people. The KKK they love cause Trump. Father was KKK. Little trumpy dumped because daddy was KKK in the KKK. New paper trophy. Don't be. Why do haters love Trump? Why does the white naturalist, they'll understand the words they use white net. They're not white. There's sick nationalists. The all right, they're not right. They're all wrong.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You people or sickness, you're afraid of a woman working with the baby or wearing a scarf. You people are sick. You weakness. I've never, you need a gun? Why the hell do you need a gun? Why? Here's the simple question. You need a gun to be strong. Really seriously, you people are this week you need a rope to be strong. Really seriously. You this week need a car. Whoa. The KKK is roped. Hang a black man cause the black man is inferior. No, you're afraid of him because he is superior to you because you're weak. You need a rope and 30 of you neo-nazis needs a car to kill Heather hiring manger, 13 others. But Trump says order is violence on both sides. No, there's only murdering going on on Trump or PSI. But here's the problem. Would you ding dongs everyone I know has got guns. If you make it simple for everyone to have guns, at what point do you think they're going to stop pouring their you? You Ding Dong. Children are dying in school from sick white people. They're not white. They are sickness only. I'm a pissed off white man. You sick. Moe foes do not represent us. Your disease, you're a cancer. Trump is bought out. You crazy people. It's nice to see how crazy you are because before you used to put a hood on your head cause you were scared. The trumpy bear. Do you understand how childish and weak you children are as an adult? You're afraid of amber goods that don't have a degree. Come over to the United States going to take your job. Are you telling me you don't have a college education and you get get a good job? Are you just too lazy and fat like Trump? You're too lazy and fat. Just like Trump. That's the problem. You buy garbage in Trump's biggest pile of garbage and you love garbage. So keep loving that piece of garbage cause he's going to destroy the country with you in it. I understand that you children, manmade climate change is dangerous as hell and there's a baby that doesn't know it. Oh, the light bulbs make him look Arina Dude, this is the monkey that's in office. He says the light bulb make him look orange. Go onto to LEDs. LEDs doesn't use it hardly any electricity, but this monkey doesn't know it. And this monkey doesn't know that solar power is becoming everywhere. But this monkey doesn't know it. He don't know that you can grab the sun

Speaker 2:

and use it for electricity.

Speaker 1:

Glow up the hat, light up the room, light at the highway,

Speaker 2:

light at the streets, everything. But this monkey doesn't know it.

Speaker 1:

But this monkey says, oh, when meals will give you cancer,

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

You children listening to a child that makes up garbage. Donald Trump is the child that cries wolf 24 seven and he never stopped. Hello? It's not somebody picking on me. I need a trophy. Bear you children are an embarrassment to the human race. You will dolt babies are an embarrassment. You're following a balloon baby, baby bone. Spar. Donald Trump never served in military, but he's smarter than the general that monkey said. He's smarter than a general and he's never served. He has no idea what honor integrity is. John McCain was a republican that Trump disrespected even after the man was dead. Republicans are not John McCain anymore. Republicans are not Robert Muller

Speaker 2:

any more[inaudible]

Speaker 1:

I have voted Republican and I have voted Democrat. I will never vote Republican. I will do everything every day, every hour, every second on everything that I have. I will go against Trump or dopers.

Speaker 2:

Did you want to run with with me? Yeah. Get in the ring with me. You don't want to get in the ring with a man. Ever. Get in the ring with me. You want to harm a child? You come at me.

Speaker 1:

Tell him, get on Fox News and say you want to rumble with Clemons, Leon Kunkel because I've only said it like 30 friggin times. I'm going to show you what I can do. I'm gonna show you what a balloon baby is.

Speaker 2:

You want to know what I can do? Did you look me? I'm not someone you want to get an arraign with, but if you want to, I want you in there. You sick? Mofos pick on a child. You sick. Mofos pick on a woman. Awareness Scar. You people are sickness.

Speaker 1:

You're not white. You're not even close you. You will never be white

Speaker 2:

because you're a disease. A cancer. You're a piece of garbage in. Garbage needs to be taken out. So why don't you get in the ring with me? We'll have 20 different contests. I pick 10 you picked Dan. I understand. When I said no cheating allowed also[inaudible] you get to pick 10 contests. I get to pick 10 we sue who we will see. Who's the best of 20 different contests?

Speaker 1:

Oh, don't bring me a baby. A fake baby bone spur lover. That's a fake account. Don't bring me those fake account people that I run into. 24 seven don't get me the Russia bots either. No, give him. Give me someone that actually real. Not a

Speaker 2:

thank you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm tired of the fake people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm fake. That's the reason I'm on everything there is, I'm calling this Leon come cold. Let's rumble.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Yeah, come on. Come on. Come on.

Speaker 1:

There's gotta be a Trump out there that wants to rumble with it.

Speaker 2:

Me, so I can take you out on news, on cable for the world to see what a Trumper is. I'm only 62 this year in October. October 1st I was born in 1957 you want to mess with me? That's a great idea. Get on Fox News and say you want to run, move with Gliomas, Leon Gunckel because you know at some point you piss people too far and you only understand power.

Speaker 1:

Not a rope, not a car. Not No, no, no cheating. You people are weak. You can't use a car and take me out. You just proved out week. You are, can't use a rope. You just proved how weak you are. Can't use a gun. You just proved how weak you are. Why are Trumpers so frigging weak? They need a trumpy bear to feel safe at night. But a child is the one that's being harmed in Puerto Rico.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Immigrants trying to look for a silent people that are starving, asking for damn help and you sick mofos think it's okay to harm people looking for health.

Speaker 2:

You are sick.

Speaker 1:

Donald Trump goes golfing and makes money off of us. Not One president ever in history has ever done that,

Speaker 2:

but trumpy dumpy does you people their sickness.

Speaker 1:

Trump is not the chosen one. He's the chosen idiot. Trump cannot go 10 times stronger. Oh, you attack Trump. He can go 10 times stronger. No, he attacked me. I can go a hundred times stronger. That piece of garbage is not strong in any way, shape or form. His family is corrupt. I am sick of them and one of Trumpers kids want to get in the ring with me. Oh, that's a great idea. Get in the ring with an old man. See how long you'll last. Oh, don't worry about me. I'm not a balloon boy. You want to know what a man can do. Look at my youtube videos. I only break concrete block with my bare hands. You little baby trumpy bears get in the ring with me.

Speaker 2:

Leave the women and children alone. You sick things. Come on, there's gotta be one baby out there that wants to run book. Don't you dare chicken out. Come on, Trump or dumpers get in the ring with me. I'm done being nice to sick people. So when I go out, I'm looking for you.

Speaker 1:

Understand that if I am looking for you, there's millions of people like me. We don't like. You're picking on children. Immigrants. Malani is an immigrant. Trump's mom was an immigrant. You understand that? You stupid. Mofos Malani is an immigrant. Trump's mom was an immigrant and Trump's grandfather was an immigrant. You sick Mofo by his garbage and everything that Trump has made is in China. Trump's not bringing jobs here. He's destroying us. We need to remove that piece of it. He's a garbage

Speaker 2:

and we will welcome to hell.