Super Professor's Podcast

Alternative Universe 2 of Individual 1 AKA @RealDonaldTrump! Not a Stable Genius! Not in Superior Condition! LOL! Fat BABY Bone Spur!

October 18, 2019 CLEMONS KUNKEL Season 1 Episode 2

Tump and Putin brotherly LOVE is so SWEET! 

Looks like more people are getting tired of trumpers alternative facts and looking for facts! Most of the Republicans haven't even read the Mueller report! WHY? Who are they kidding?
There's a crook running the White House! It actually looks like there's a couple of Crooks in the White House! Trump got help from Putin and ask for help again, nothing's changed! Facts Matter! Most Republicans now only care about Money that baby bone the Clown gave them!! SAD. SO SAD LOVE!

Putin is half of trump a balloon baby! Putin Sucks in Judo doesn't know how to randori he picks his feet up too much! And rides a horse like Roy Moore. Mike Pence is sinking with Trump! He did not read the Muller report also! SAD SO SAD LOVE!

The STABLE GENIUS Act is a proposed Act of Congress authored by U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle to require presidential candidates to have a medical exam and publicly disclose the results before the general election. Wikipedia
Originally published: January 9, 2018

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