Super Professor's Podcast

240,000 death is okay, trumps said because he did a Good JOB with the Coronavirus covid-19! CHINA never said that it okay for their people to DIE! #coronatrumpviruse @realdonaldtrump


Donald Trump said it's okay because he did a good job even if 100 thousand or 200,000 people die!  The truth is Trump has done nothing to save us!  He's allowing people to die that is murder!   Donald Trump said this is a Democratic hoax to remove him from Office it's always about him. 100% he's an illegal president he cheated to win with Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump is responsible for every death in the United State cuz he's done nothing to keep us safe!  China lockdown  11 million people to save their people and built hospitals and told everybody to put a mask on! 

 Trump has said no Mask and go back to work! It's a democratic hoax!  Now he's calling it the Chinese virus to switch the blame from him to the Chinese!  Donald Trump removed the pandemic response chain of command in 2018.  He is the one responsible for every death in the United States No Gray!  Also, the Republicans are responsible for not removing this sick thing when they had the chance, twice!  Remember they threaten us with guns when everyone I know it's got guns!  Children died in school and they do nothing about gun violence! Trump put innocent children in dog cages and kidnapped children from their parents that love them!  Donald Trump is a disease! 

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