Super Professor's Podcast

George Floyd was MURDER no GRAY! Trump will say GOOD JOB just like 104,000 DEAD AMERICANS!

June 03, 2020 CLEMONS KUNKEL

My condolences to the Mother, Father,  Family members, and Friends from the Senseless violence to George Floyd a man you all loved that was taken from you. I am ashamed to see this still going on in the US! I am a Pissed-Off WHITE MAN  and I did not put the piece of garbage (donald trump A.K.A. Individual 1) in the office that loves the death of George Floyd, trump Promotes violence 24/7 and works with a murdering dictator valdimir Putin, Trumpers are not white they are very weak sick people! 
My father was a cop for 3 years and was in the Marine Corps for 22 years and was a very good man! He had 7 kids and we all were raised to respect people and protect people and we all do! I have 3 girls and can’t begin to understand what you are going throw now! I wish I could say the Murders will pay but trump and the republicans love killing! I just don’t know anymore, this is a sickness that is growing and I only have a small Voice to tell the world about your loss! Your son was Murder and I am sorry for your LOSS!

Trump's father was arrest for being KKK! Facts Matter!

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