Super Professor's Podcast

White House name needs to be changed, because it does not represent AMERICANS! Only WHITE Stable Genius Individual 1 the CRIMINAL? @realdonaldtrump #republicans


White House name needs to be changed, does not represent AMERICANS!

The White House has become an embarrassment because of Donald J Trump. People are being murdered and Trump supports it. George Floyd was murdered and not one compassionate word about it from trump. Saudi Prince murdered a reporter! The prince had him sawed up at a consulate and Trump did not care. Vladimir Putin murders people and is Trump’s best friend. Trump said Vladimir Putin is very strong and powerful! No, Putin is a murdering dictator just like Kim Jong-un Supreme leader that kills his family members to become in power, and Trump is his best friend they fell in love he said. The United States is becoming like other dictatorships if we do not stop it. Vladimir Putin helped Trump to win and Republicans allowed it. They will cheat again in the election. Yes, cheating is winning in Russia, and yes, only one time in the United States. Trump should have been removed twice already.  He has committed one crime after another and Republicans will not remove him but that is their job when there's someone horrible in office.  I don't vote by party I have put every president in the office I am 62, but I did not put Donald J Trump in the office, that man is too sick.  Donald Trump is an ignorant stupid dummy. Why would anyone put someone in an office that sleeps around on all of his wives?  Why would someone put someone in office that has 22 failed businesses?  Why would someone put someone in office that has six bankruptcies on their belt and owes millions of dollars to people, millions of dollars?  Why would someone like someone that says neo-Nazi very fine people that murdered Heather Heyer? Why would someone put someone in Office that insults women and immigrants? Man-made climate change is dangerous as hell and this dummy doesn't know it but 197 countries do! Covid-19 has killed 115,000 Americans so far and it's only going to get worse because of the stupid people running the government. How many American lives must Die before stupid people wake up? The answer is stupid people don't wake up they’re stupid! George Floyd was murdered and we've had 11 more murders after that. Donald Trump's father was KKK and was arrested for being KKK member.  Trump and his people are trying to bring back the Confederacy they want slavery back so they don't have to work and killing is so much fun! You watch the cop kneeling murdering someone and that is an always Trumper fan! Trumper fan murdered George Floyd on camera and knew he was being filmed he was proud of what he did. Sickness and violence has grown because of Donald J Trump  Individual-1 the criminal.  Criminals love criminals! Dictators love dictators.

30,000 KKK members wore white hoodies back in 1925 when they marched in Washington.  The KKK, alt-right, Neo-Nazi, and white nationalists all took their WHITE HOODIES  off when Donald Trump became president in 2017! Why? They took their hoodies off because they have a leader in power. We must remove them all! I'm a pissed-off white man you have something to say, say it to my face, or get in the ring with me. Let's have a contest, you against me.  I'm white the superior race, Welcome to Hell! We are still HERE!

Sad so sad LOVE!

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