Super Professor's Podcast

#SCAREDYCATDONALD J #TRUMPINCOMPETENT #YELLOWBELLYtrump!!! !!! @realdonaldtrump #republicans


Scaredy-cat Donald J Trump the incompetent human being has allowed 155,000 Americans to die from stupidity or is it from helping Vladimir Putin to control our country? Is it not murder when you do stuff intentionally to kill someone? Why did I know a Global pandemic was coming?  I said it in my podcast. WHO (World Health Organization) said it was a global pandemic and dangerous but the clown in the office does not believe it's a problem and will disappear?  Is it because I care about human beings and he doesn't? Is it because he only cares about money that Vladimir Putin helped him to get from the United States? Vladimir Putin helped Trump to get in office the first time by cheating and Trump is doing it again the second time. Trump had to cheat to win the first time!  Think about that? He knew the first time he didn't have a chance so he cheated! The Mueller report was real, not fake it was done by a Republic, and Republicans didn't care that Mueller did the report, but they decided not to read it. How many Republicans are in Putin's pocket? In 4 months more Americans are going to die because we're not doing what we need to do to stop this coronavirus from spreading. The longer it stays in America and grows the stronger it will become. We are at 155,000 dead Americans and the number is just going to keep growing. Why is incompetence allowed to keep destroying human lives? This is on the Republicans also not just Trump. They say they want a Civil War when they lost the first one!  The Confederacy is dead and they're trying to bring slavery back because they are lazy fat stupid people the Superior stupid race!  LOL! They are nothing but cowards and Incompetent babies scaredy cats that need a Trumpy Bear to feel safe.  Adult babies that need a teddy bear are you serious?!?! This is a clown show! 

The only thing good about Trump being in office is we see all the Klan, KKK, alt-right, Neo-Nazi, and Stupid people that think they're white when they're stupid! Yes, done being nice to you incompetent people. You want to rumble so do I! I want to Rumble in a ring! Surely you're not afraid to get in the ring with a real white man, are you? I'm only 62 trust me, Believe Me, you can take me out! Let's get on that Fake Fox News Clan Channel and say you want to rumble with Clemons Kunkel! My number is (217-320-5827). My number has always been public. This is not NEW! We will have 20 different contests I picked things you picked 10 things that you're best at!  Let's see if you can even win one! I don't hide who I am that's my real name. Google ME! (Clemons Kunkel). I've talked to you clan people all the time on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. The funny thing is that not one of you cowards we get in the ring with me. NO, you'd rather pick on women and children. Nothing but scary cats! Get in a ring prove your superiority with me, Not a child not a woman! Tucker Carlson this is for you too. When are you trumpers ever going to grow up? You'd rather hold your trumpy bear!  Teddy bear is for a child you baby grownups! Wake up are get in the RING! Children’s lives matter! Human lives matter! 

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