Super Professor's Podcast

Donald J Trump is an Epidemic and American are the CRUE! @realdonaldtrump #Russia #BlueWave #Resistance #Putin

Donald trump doesn't care about Children, He puts them in DOG CAGES! YOU Can't get any SICKER than That. Vote Republicans OUT.

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Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast. You're listening to Clemons Kunkel, Aka a super professor, and today I want to talk about the sickness and the disgust that the fake president is doing, the sickness that is trump, Donald J. trump is a disease and Americans must be the cure. He thinks now this, this is, this is what this thing is doing. Yanks children away from the mother, two years old, three years old, four years old, all the way up to 15, 16. Yeah. He just a horrible human being. He takes children away from their mother and father that came over here, refugees that came over here looking for asylum, trying to find a better world, a better life for their children, takes them away from their parents that love them. They can't speak English. There are babies, their children in two years and three years old. Anybody out there got a child you've ever. You know when you take a kid to school at two and three years old, they cry because they missed their mother, but they're going to go home to their mom. Trump had no intention of given children back if it wasn't for the Americans speaking up and getting the children back to their parents. We would have over 2,500 parents without children that we're supposed to take care of it, but trump wasn't planning on taking care of him. I think he's trying to sell him into slavery. That's what I think because you don't take children away for fun. We have more than 100,000 people. Children that are homeless already that need parents. This person, this thing that's an office, took them away from the parents and then he says, oh, I don't know where they are. We need acl. You don't try to find the parents. So he throwing other people responsible. He's not responsible for what he did. Yes, he is responsible. He needs to go to prison for life, for just kidnapping children. Period. Russia has nothing to do with this. Destroying the environment has nothing to do with it. No. He's torturing children. He kidnapped Joel, Darren, and he's enjoying it. He gets his jollies out of torturing children. You can't get any sicker than that. The man needs help get him out of office. No, wait a minute. Who else allowed this to happen? Republicans, Republicans. Job. I don't think, don't have any clue what their job is anymore. We need to remove all the Republicans. Not one of them screamed and yelled and said, this is a horrible thing to do. They should have every republican in there should have stood up and said, no, you're not doing this. No, they allowed it to happen. There is not a good Republican. I don't care. They're not good. If they're Republicans. You got maybe one, two, three, four. Good Republicans. Well, they have to switch sides because what they. What they put in office is disgusting. They. They are a disgrace to the human race. We had the United Nations telling us what we did wrong. No, it's not. What we did wrong is what Republicans and trump did wrong. There is no way that I voted for trump because that man thinks it's okay to walk in on children change in clothes. He bragged on it on Howard stern radio. This is what the. The these troppers put in a man that can brag on Howard stern radio that he can walk in on girls changing clothes at a beauty pageant because he has the right. No, he has no rights. He's taking rights away from children and parents. There is not a good trumper. There is no such thing as a trumper that's decent. None of them are any damn good melania there. They don't care. They don't care about children. You can't get any sicker than not caring about kids. How? Why? Someone explained to me why this sick thing is still in office when when voting comes up, I know Russia is hacking with our elections and trump is protecting boot and he wants him to mess with our elections. He wants this to become a dictatorship. He's working on it. Russia. People are standing up. American people are standing up the. It's insane what this man keeps doing and the Republicans have not removed him. We shouldn't need molar to go after them. Right now. The Republicans should have done remove this man from office. He is nothing but sickness and a disease that keeps spreading. His father was KKK,

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Klu Klux Klan that hang people for fun.

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Trump said, I can drive. I can shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose any votes. Now, that's what trump said before he became an office. Guess what a trumper did. So many people don't know, but a trumper listen to what trump said and were murdered someone at a voting booth and injured three others. So trump gets to say horrible things. Murderer killing, beating, and his people do what he says. Trump does have a voice right now. The KKK, the alt right, the neo Nazis and white nationalists has a voice and the White House, the White House is no longer a White House. It has become an outhouse. We must remove the shit that's in the White House. It is disgusting. The steak is unbelievable. Now when voting comes up, get out and vote. That's the only way to remove these people because we're going to have to massively vote because Putin is messing with our election and trump don't care because he won. He won from cheating. This is how Republicans cheat. You got gerrymandering going on. If you don't know what that is, go study it. They cheat with Gerrymandering to win elections. Why is cheating allowed? Why is cheating? Winning? Cheating is never winning. Now, here's the thing. Republicans know that Putin interfered, but oh, we don't know if it interfered, why would poot and spend millions of dollars if it bitten work? Seriously? I mean, come on. People quit being so stupid telling me stupid stuff. I'm not lose listening. Just stupid. It's like selling snake oil. Oh, this will cure this. Oh, this, secure this. Oh, this will do this. Why are people listening to a snake oil sour? This is insane. This is this. I think I'm back in the Stone Age when I listened to people talk about the earth is flat, although those are trump's people. We didn't land on the moon. Those are trump's people. Man made climate change is unreal. Those are trump's people. They don't have any knowledge. They have lack of knowledge. They have lack of moral values. They have lack of compassion for children. They think they can threaten us with guns. That's not a good thing to do. I come from a military family. My father was 22 years. Marine Corps. You can't scare us with guns. My children got guns. What is wrong with this stupid trumpers? They think they're the only ones with guns. Guns don't kill people. Stupid people do. It's disgusting. What is going on in the United States? You've got children dying in school from the murdering stupid people with guns. Why do children have to fear going to school? Why has hate crimed jumped x, but dentally up because of trump's hatred is why trump is not decent. There's nothing and decent about him. He's a disgrace to the human race. I am a past off white man. He does not represent me or my family are the United States. He is a disgrace. This is America for every body, not trump or stupid white people. They're stupid people. They're not white. They're ignorant people. There are bullies, trumpers or nothing, but baby bullies. They're just like, poo poo is not intelligent. He's a bully. Trump is not intelligent. He's a baby. Boli. We have bullies and bullies and boys. There's more than 40 dictators around the world. They're just bullies. They're not smart or not intelligent. No, there are mean people. There's nothing decent and about. Poodles are trump. There are twins, Puente and murder someone. If you go against him, he kills you, shoot. You in the back, should report it that trump does the same day. He just a little bit slyer. He goes and attacks you on twitter, so his trumpers going attack you, threatening you trumpers going threatened people daily. They're gonna kill you. They're going to kill you. Go. They're going to kill you. Don't go against trump. He goes, goes at your 10 times stronger. No, we go 100 times stronger. You don't threaten us. That is wrong. It's wrong to threaten people. Someone's threatened someone you them in jail and you put them on an island. You get them out of the United States. The terrorists that's in the United States. It's trump. Trump is 100. Let me help you out. Trump is 100 percent a terrorist. He's getting people murdered and killed and enjoying it. Trump is 100 percent a dictator. Trump is 100 percent brain dead. He doesn't have a brain that works, doesn't have a body that works. You've got trumpers at follow a balloon. Boy, you got trump. People that follow that man doesn't know anything. You can't have a contest with him playing jazz because he plays marbles and he doesn't do that. Good. Trump doesn't have any knowledge. He's an embarrassment. We are going to go down in history as an embarrassment to the human race. I need more people to stand up, talk to people, talk to people, talk to people, talk to people. Don't run away from a trumper. Be ready to fight because they're stupid. Everyday I go out. I'm looking for a dumb trumper. I'm not nice anymore. I found out he voted for trump. I'm giving you an ear full and I'm not backing down. You're harming children. You can't get any sicker than that. Oh, they're not from here. Everybody in the United States is an immigrant. This is Indian land. American Indians should have rights here. Not trumpers. Trump overturned the Dakota pipeline were harming the Indian land. Again, we just bullied people. Bullied it. COMP is wrong. You had don't bully people. You work with people. Obama was a decent human being. We went from decent to garbage. Someone needs to take the garbage out. What do you need to get rid of the people in the White House? They're a disgrace to the human race. Why does Mahler have to do everything where the Republicans are no good? They knew the sickness that was trump and they still put him in. They only care about money. Look at the tax. If you don't think they care about money, look at the tax. Look at all of the destructive. You know we've got ways around the world and trump is insulting. Every one of them he is making is horrible. Why? Because he wants it to be a dictatorship. He wants to become a booty. The Russian people are standing

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up against Putin, but they know now that they have to be a little bit more different. You got dictators, they get booted out, but puente has been in power for 17 years, but he's killing people. The all the guards, they're disappearing because he wants their property, their money, and he takes them out. If they. If they go against him at all, they end up dead.

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If you don't know who poo is, go find out. He's only been in power for 17 years and he just got elected for six illegally. Again, it was a four year term. Now he scooted it to a six year term so he can rule. Boot was going to plan on running forever. Don't listen to him when he says, Oh, I'm not. Oh, this is my last term. Know he's gonna. Say, oh no. They wanted me to stay in. No, he. He's a liar. There's nothing different between trump and Putin. They're twins, absolutely twins. Both of them are sick people. They're a disgrace to the human race. We must remove gluten right after we remove trump and all the republicans that worked with trump to become a dictator, they only care about money. They don't care that the climate has changed. They don't care that our children gonna suffered greatly. We're going to go into starvation because of the droughts everywhere around the world. We have to fix mother nature. We've done pissed her off and trump is trying to piss her off more. If you don't know what manmade climate change is, do not listen to trump. He's doesn't know anything. Listen to the scientists. Manmade climate change is dangerous as hell, and you got a stupid person saying, it's not an stupid people listening. You got 197 countries around the world that understand man made climate change is dangerous. If you don't know that manmade climate change happening in the United States, go study the 1930 dustbowl and get some knowledge. Quit being a trumper. The 1930 dustbowl destroyed 60,000 acres. It took seven years to bring that land back. People lost home. People die. You have to understand manmade climate change. It's US causing it. Quit listening to trump. He doesn't know nothing. He doesn't know anything. He. He literally is like the dumbest person on the planet. He didn't get. He's not a billionaire. Got money from pooting. He got money from his father and he owes millions to people. He's stealing from and he's still in front of the United States that man golf every damn weekend. It's like, what? One hundred 30, 840 times. Now he's went golfing. He's only been president for two years. He's stealing from us 24 slash seven. We pay him to golf at his own golf course. Why? Somebody explained it to me. The man gets to make more money off of us. He's never working for furry. Ivanka is not working for free. Paul Manafort is not working for free. They were in it to steal more money from us and work out deals where they get millions. Who's going to pay trump million posts? I guarantee you Putin, trump owes putting a billion dollars because he couldn't get a loan in the United States to do is golf course. He got his money from Russia. Trump is in debt and it's going to come back and bite him and were the ones paying the price. Right now, trump is a sickness. He's got children missing. How can you not care? How is this possible in this day and age in the United States, in America where you have children kidnap it, missing, and then you take the parents and you deport them and you threatened them and you make him sign papers and you just pull the parent and you take the children and you stick them on the edge of the United States so you can get them on boats and get them out of the country. Trump most of the children by the water so he could sneak them out because why? Because the airline says, we're not doing this to children. We're not deporting jolen. Traveling trump talked about adoption is not on now. Now he's selling children. That's the only logical thing to get the Jolen, send them away and put them into two camps to make them work. And slave labor. Trump is a disgrace to the human race. What he has done to these children, these children will be scarred for life. And I don't know if you know, but uh, a parent committed suicide because they took away his wife and his kid. He blamed himself and committed suicide. Think about it. What it would feel like someone did that disgusting thing to your child. How would you feel? Anybody got a hard out there? Anybody? God's compassion. Well, I can tell you who don't it's trumpers there. There's sickness. Their disease trumpers are the KKK. All White Neonazis, okay. The white nationalist white and answers do they throw acid on women's faces that were a scarf or something? Acid. They scar them for life. Neo Nazi takes the car and drives it and killed Heather Heyer and injured 13 other. They murdered people. Those are trump's people. There's sickness. They're not decent human beings anyway. Shape or form. They're a disgrace to the human race. They want to bring back slavery. It's not going to happen. There's more of us now, but the sickness is disgusting. Someone threatened someone. They gotta be they gotta be shipped out out of the United States. They've got to be put on an island. Let them defend for themselves on the island. We quit taking care of these people. We remove them from society. Alex Jones with these conspiracy theories everywhere. He wants to civil war. He's sick. Get Him in a hospital. Get him off the island company, put him on an island, get him off the United States. Alex Jones, his sickness. He spews sickness. Twenty four slash seven. He threatened to kill molar. He's just, he's. Why is he not in jail? We have got to change the laws. We're going to empower. We got to remove these people. They got to be removed from society. They're killing children. They're kidnapping Jovan also. It's a disgrace. Children are being shot in schools with high powered rifles on. It's like what is wrong with people allowing this? You need a license to drive a car. You should have a license to have a gun. You should be able to pass the psychiatric tests. If you're mentally ill, you don't need a gun. You're sick. Trump is sick. Alec Jones sick. They love people. They love other people to listen to them and do harm. They go and make named trump insults. Every human being on the planet, except for Putin and the KKK, the neo Nazis, neo Nazis. Oh, trump said, oh, there's violence on both sides. No, there's only murder on trumpers side. Neo Nazi murdered someone and trump said, it's fine. There is nice people on both know if you're a neo Nazi, you're not a nice person. You're a sick person, you're KKK. You're not nice. You're sick, you're white land nationalists. No, you are sick. You're a sickness. We need to remove these six people from the United States, threatening people, murdering people. Killing people is wrong. Why do I have to tell human beings what's wrong? If you have a heart that works or a brain that works, you know what's wrong? Trump doesn't have a heart, doesn't have a brain, doesn't have a body. He has nothing that works. He's a balloon boy. Him and betsy devoss. We're getting rid of so much physical Ed and what people are doing, what they have done in the short period of time is unbelievable how much of the destroying my United States, President Barack Obama was a smart, intelligent human being that cares about that Dang world, not just the United States. Trump don't care about nobody but booton and he doesn't care about the United States. He has no idea about farmers. He has no idea about working. Period. He doesn't understand farms. He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand anything. Trump doesn't know anything. The man, his brain, daddy ain't God a brain that works and the crazy person is in power. He is like a baby baby, baby, baby dictator. He is not decent in any way, shape or form. He threatens people. Twenty four slash seven and sold swim and a police. He tells the police, oh, go smack their head. When you put a person into cars, smack and we'll back you up. He tells cops to beat people. He promotes violence. A president is not supposed to be promoting violence. Arts conspiracy theories are lies. After lies after lies, man made climate change is a hoax. Jina did it not stop listening. A crazy person. They're crazy. They're never gonna say anything intelligent because they're stupid. Trump doesn't have a brain that work, doesn't have a body that works. He's an embarrassment. He's always been an embarrassment. Torturing children is like the most disgusting thing you can ever do. And he's president. No, he's not a president. He's a buffoon. He's a fake, fake human being. He's not a president. Republicans should have done, removed him. We need to remove Republicans because they really don't care. There might be what, five or six of them that do? I don't think entire group that says something about the Republican Party. Let me help you out. I have voted Democrat and Republican. I vote for who I can think can run my country. I don't vote by party. This is not a baseball game. You don't stick with the team. That's horrible. This is the United States. He will bake. Wrap the United States. We're going in debt. All the millions and billions of dollars. Here's people got one percent rich people got rich. Richard in trump is doing the same thing again. He wants another tax cut for the rich. Only rich people are making money. Farmers are going to be losing their homes, working class people losing their homes. The weather just going to get worse. If you people don't wake up. We're in serious trouble. Trump hasn't it die in the planet is we've had the one. You got to get out and study. If you don't understand, man made climate change just a little bit. Go to NASA and start listening with the smart people. Not Stupid people in a trumpers. They are brain dead. Their brain doesn't work. All they want to do is bullied people. Oh, it's America is for white people in America is not for white people. I'm a pissed off white man. It is not for white people. It is for every race, every color, every religion. Quit picking on people. It's disgusting what's going on? Get out and vote. Tell people stand up. And if it's your family, you tell them to, I have to go against mine. They're not paying attention either. Things will fixed itself. It won't. The planet will fix yourself. After we're dead and gone. Our kids and grandkids, we have got to fix this. The planet is in danger, not just in the United States. Stop listening to trump. He doesn't know nothing. He's stupid and he's a bad bully. Alright, I gotta end this. Alright, so anyway, this is Clemens Gunckel, Aka super professor. I got children bookout. Mystical truth tells, magical coloring book. I got a science book out. New theories on the universe, how to make the, how to go faster than the speed of light. And you know, I, it's, it's a like 170 pages book. But anyway, so I wrote new theories on a universe. I explained what Macho is. Montrose fans for massive, compact halo object lanes in effect of a binary star. So I explained what that is. It's dark matter in case anybody wanted to know. So I have um, cds out. I got cds and I got it. Oh, self help CD dream your dream. And uh, I got um, dream your dream bookout too. So we'll see. I think people should help one another and become better. I do not think you need to be ignorant. That is just, that's just a waste of time. Knowledge is power. Getting some knowledge. Understand what, how dangerous things are. Stopped listening to trump. He doesn't know nothing. I did a podcast on climate change. I did a self help book out. I have a CD. One of my podcast is how to make yourself better. One of my podcast is on dark matter, new theory. Mine. I explained. Excuse me, I explained my books and you know just how the world. We've got to fix this. We gotta remove trump and Republicans. They can't stay anymore. All right, so anyway, this is Clinton Kunkel, Aka super professor. Oh, I got youtube videos too. I break beer bottle with my bare hands. I break wine bottle with my bare hand. Oh, and I also break concrete block with my bare hands. I am not a trump trumper number. I am 61 this year and I'm not weak in any way, shape or form.

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check me out. Find out who I am. I'm not a trumper number. Speak out. Get heard and tell people you're against children. Being tortured, ripped away from their mom. It is absolute torture to a child. Putting them in dog cages is disgusting and not being able to find their parents. These children go see their parents and they don't need recognize their parents because they're too young. That will scar the parents also. So you're scarring mothers, fathers, and children for life. This was a United States that help people can stand up. We've been all standing up against trump, but we did not realize that he, he, him and Putin and Republicans were working together to be to control our country this bad. We cannot allow this to turn into Russia. Can't happen. Won't happen. Anyway, this is a Clinton Kunkel. You guys, be safe. Be Good. Speak out. Get her. Do podcasts, youtube videos, twitter. Get Out. Just keep spreading the word that you are against the sickness that is trump. The White House has become an outhouse. It is disgusting. Every time I see something else that trump did and more people cannot connect it to Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. We need to fix this. So speak out. Get her. Do something. Thank you. You guys take care.