Super Professor's Podcast

New CD Creation of Life by BLESS CHILD AKA Jeffery Boney, Why he did the CD and His Gold is to Be a Life Coach.

September 07, 2018 CLEMONS KUNKEL
Bless Child talks about becoming a Life Coach to Help people and he is going to study under Tony Robbins. He is working hard on making it work. He has 2 books going out also. He is a very Happy Person with a lot of LOVE to Share. Check Him OUT.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast and here we are again with bless job. Hey people, are we doing today, Jeff? Less child. So we're talking about your new cd that you got out. Call creation of life and now tell us what, what, what's a CD, what, what's it for? What, what are you doing with it actually is, it is a life coach, you know, and I want to help people have to know what to do and out of what struggles, situation in life, getting the situation, bringing them back up from down. So once you come out that whole it's you fall deep, man. Really it just makes you stronger. And basically the book is going to be an audio book is well, so I am doing things but everybody, you know, so everybody you know, love that. Listen to cds and a lot loved to listen to audio books, right? Okay. So, so you're gonna have, it's going to be a CD, it's going to be a book and you're going to get it to an audible book and then you're going to do it as an ebook. So you're going to have it on four different platforms. Yes. Oh, you're busy now. Now you also have another book going out and now you're wanting to turn this into. You're going to be a life coach, right? Is that your goal? Right. So, wow, that's, that's great. So what is your next step? I know, I know you got these cds and got these books going out. What are you really want to do? I mean, it's like you're going to be a life coach and you want to travel. I mean, what's your dream? My biggest dream is, you know, to travel when you see the world and meet different people. And the one thing I really want to do is help people. I've been here and I, you know, I've been around and I have seen people you know, need help, just like meeting, you know, you helping me in this situation. I needed the help and you helping me. Oh, I'll let you get another podcast out and get your own goal. I would love that. So you're not think we're going to do it, you know, really wonders for this. And the people who's going to be satisfied and happy once they read, once they hear you know the CD is a beautiful piece, is beautiful. It's going to keep your heart in dual forever with this city is going to give you challenges that you can overcome and I know you people want to overcome things in life that you go through. His throws out that big struggles. Many struggles and I went through a lot of struggles and I'm still going through struggles, but I get out of them because it's not a jail for me because I figured if you keep pushing yourself more and more, you will win that battle. You have to reach for your stars. Like I say, we are a part of the stars, so that's all in my book and you're going to love it. Your eyes will brighten up. You're going to be cheerful towards yourself and other people as well. Well, that's nice. Now what are you gonna like? You're doing the CD and you're going to be a life coach now. Who? Life coach now? Who are you going to be training under? Well, actually I want to go in his seminar with Sonya Roberts and on that guy. Now he's good. I love Tony. Yes. Tony is a guy. Love Him. You know you have an episode. I noticed I had caught it on Oprah. He was just speaking and it caught my eye. It got my attention and what I did, I was already writing. Actually I do hip hop, but I just threw that out there so of that hip hop started writing, you know more about my life and I always, like I told you before, I want to get a book out years ago, so now I'm going to reach it and now I got enough rope to get up. So now I'm approaching this scenery a little more different when I get this guy on my team, Tony Roberts and I know he got some good stuff for me and that seminar and I'm going for the Gusto is my time and is my chance to teach and this is what I have my gift, so I got to use it. I cannot keep it and bury it away because nothing left over. Dean was the flavor's gone. Yeah, yeah. No, no one gets to taste. There's all gone. You've got to do something. You have to use what you get and, and by you doing books and cds you're sharing and it'll be there forever. Your kids, your family, and you'll be helping people. And that's what Tony does. Tony does books. He does cds. Even. I love Tony. I mean I've been to a Tony Robbins seminar and I went to, um, a power to influence a breakthrough. I took my daughters to breakthrough breakthrough seminar. You have to break board. The, my, my daughters were young, gave me, Katie and amber went to break through the seminar and give you an example. My daughter, she, she had to break the board and she was only like 11 years old and she did it and she did it. So breakthrough is breaking youth and I, I didn't know if she could do it, but unless it was done and like, oh my gosh, I forgot my sister Leona facilitated for Tony Robbins. They just like, I think I'm brain dead sometime today. Just dawned on me, you know, things in the past, you forget that stuff. You just bought it up pretty much. How did you know? Yeah, yeah. My, my, Oh my gosh. Wow. I gotta pay payment for. Yeah. You know, you get used to stuff and like my sister did work for Tony Robbins. Okay. See that may already. They just, I just, when I'm on a life. Boy Tony is awesome. I love Tony. I went to and you know what? That was 20 some years ago and now now are we group? You Bet you bought me back to Tony where he's, he's a part of this world. We all are proud of this world. We have to help one another because like I say, you have to reach farther and farther go has you can go in life because it's never something that you cannot accomplish because it will come to you, you know, sufficiently. Because if you really see something, the vision is all about a vision. When you open that vision up and you see it clearly, you have to really go for it. Because I know it was just like, you know, like you like space, just like going to space, you getting a new reality in your life that's really supposed to come out. And so by me, you know, coming to you and needed information on how to do things and get myself together on my books, my cds, it been going wonderful and I love it. You know, I stay positive, you know, I'm not gonna let nothing break me down. So a physical illness or something to a point that I cannot get back up, you know, that's good. That's what I believe in myself. I have a heart for people. I want to love people forever. And if you don't love yourself, you cannot love others. Mastro. So go for the Gusto you know you have to is your only chance to show life. You don't know what's going to happen. You know what I mean? Large today. If you don't know because chances could be slim, but you won't think of that. If you're going for your best or everything can stick is going to work. Going where it's going to manifest to the goodness of your soul to your spirit and come out of your mouth and you have to go for it and you cannot be scared. He got to go for it. Like I have fears of height sometime, but I'm going to tell you super vest right here. I'm going to say he jumped out of a plane, right? Yeah. I guess what I'm ready to do it. He said that last night. He really aren't going to go. I cannot be scared. I have to perform what's been given to me. You got to get out of the fears. Fears, you know, it's nothing. It's just something that you create. You have to go home. The creation of life, you know, but you are going to love the CD. It will be out on September fifth safe or the 16th. It will be out and I saw the cover on Amazon. It, the cover I love the cover is wonderful. Yeah, I like to cover it. I liked the way the CD. I didn't like it all that you go, I like it and I can't wait to see it converted into the book form where people is gonna. Love that one because you ride any, you know, hey, let me put this in and you, you hear it and once you hear it, it's gonna make a difference in your life because you're like, hey, this guy is really doing something. He's trying to make a positive image of yourself and others to go for that drive as well, so why not? Come on guys. We need some followers. I'm following you. I mean I, I'm a, I'm looking at your CD. I'm definitely getting used CD and book because it listening. Just when I listened to the podcast doing with you, I'm with you doing and I'm like, Hey, this guy's really good. And then you let me read part of the book. The other book that you got coming up, you've actually got two books coming out soon. So the other book, I'm like, Hey, I liked this and yours is your, your, the way you market is different, loves you, you, you, you, you are all about low v, you know, you're know you're a romantic ladies. Okay. Now I'm a little romantic, romantic love all building people up and not putting people down and just going forward. I mean a lot of people, you know, put people down in this world and you can't even look at it like that. You gotta you know, if you get put down a life, you, you look at that and you say, I used that as a stepping stone to step up, step down. And like I said, that person gives me something to step on so I can go up the ladder. Oh, I like that. Climbing the ladder useful. You got to climb on a ladder to get high, get hired to take care of, you know, I love it. That's good. That's good. So when someone tries to put you down, it's just a stone to step on to get you high, right? Stepstone? Yeah. Yeah. Give me some more stones I'm going up is right. Come on. I'm getting out of the gate. Great. I. Oh, I love that one. I love that because I didn't want to be stuck on this side and I'm on that side. I want to be on the stand that I won't be home because if you own two side of fence, you wish you wash it. You got to pick a side. You know? I don't want to look at a person like, okay, I'm kinda confusing because on this side he's on that side. What side are you on now? You got me going, but yeah, you gotta you gotTa. You gotta make a commitment. Stick to it and move forward. You have to speed of light. Speed the light. Oh yeah. Hundred Eighty, 6,000, 22 miles per second. And the vacuum of space. I am kind of a science guy. I get to keep that. Yeah. So this work together, hand in hand, everything worked hand in hand. You all, you just got to go for inspiration and if you don't have the inspiration, you go dig down deep. Dig down deeper because it's not going anywhere. It's inside you already. You have to be pure to this. You know what I mean? When you go for the drive, you go for it. It's just like Jordan did it. He went for it. He sees seat to open. He like I got to go and when it became Air Jordan Jordan know he made so people can do this, you know, I'm doing it and I'm going through some struggles but struggle with this and nothing but stepping stones for me part of my life. And I had to reach Bob and then think more better, you know, think more positive, you know, for the words. Got a little mixed up there, but I just got off of work. I'm a little tired, but I'm not sad for you all. I'm working. I do my landscaping the dirty here, but hey, I love you all and I want you all to get this book. Get the CD. It's a beautiful piece. You know, and I'm going to keep doing this for you all. Just stay with me. Stay focused. You know, you might break a tear, but you know what them two years is low tears. It's a tear of joy, a passion he creates. So that's why the book is called creation life. Nice. Nice single company. You all better. Nice cover. It was beautiful. All right, well, so we're gonna let you relax now. Jeff, bless him. Breathing. So, uh, the title of your book is creation of life. Any. We'll be on Amazon on September 15th or 16th and positively speaking, I love you all and I'm gonna. Keep doing this for you all. I love it. It's part of me. It's who I am. I'm going to keep going for this. This is my chance and I cannot let it go. Wait, I don't want it to go to waste. Nice. Don't let it go to waste. Not. All right? So this is Clemens Gunckel, Aka super professor and I am with bless, chat. Bless job, pleasure meeting you. Likewise. Oh, and everybody, be sure to share it. Comment, share, and check out the CD. You take care now. Have Fun, have fun.

Speaker 2:
