On My Box
On My Box is a podcast where a regular dude (Joe Greene) gets on his "soapbox" to give his review on various Nerd related topics that are near and dear to his heart. Sometimes joined by his friends Brandon and Jordann, along with other special guests from time to time, expect to hear candid conversations about Movies, TV shows, Comic Books, and any "Nerd" related topic.
129 episodes
On My Box #101 - Deadpool & Wolverine (unedited)
On My Box returns with guests Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, Navy Veteran Kyle Dycus, introducing Bryan "Grumpy ol Man" Aycock, Breaton "insert nickname" Wall and AG "the Anonymous Voice" (in Take 2 of the episode).The topic is Deadpool and...
Season 7
Episode 101

On My Box(+) - Marvel vs DC
leading up to epiosde 100, this is Marvel vs DC. And to help me with my biased opinion for this episode, I'm joined by regular guest, Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt.
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 98

On My Box #98 - The Flash / The Worst Superhero Movie Draft
*** DOUBLE EPISODE ***Joined by guests, Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, Jermey "The Superfan" Hall and Kyle "I Piss Excellence" Dycus, we first talk about the DCEU Flash Movie. Then as a bonus we hold a draft to come up with a list of our fi...
Season 6
Episode 98

On My Box(+) - Star Wars vs Star Trek II: The Wrath of "The Megastar"
The Megastar, Peter Popiel, returns to the podcast to dispute what was said on the On My Box(+) - Star Wars vs Star Trek Bonus episode.This Bonus episode continues from On My Box Episode 97 - The Star Trek Mega Episode.
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 97

On My Box #97 - The Star Trek Mega Episode
Joined by Peter "The Megastar" Popiel and Beau "The Lyin Hawaiian" Turner, we talk about the three live action Star Trek Paramount Plus series.Picard (season 3)Strange New Worlds (Season 2)Discovery ...
Season 6
Episode 97

On My Box(+) - Star Wars +
Sequels vs. Prequels vs. the Disney+ series.I wrap up the block of Star Wars episodes by talking bout my thoughts on the current direction of the Star Wars franchise.Go back and listen the the previous On My Box episode which talked abo...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 96

On My Box #96 - Reboot the Star Wars Original Trilogy!
Introducing Jermey "Superfan" Hall and joined by Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, we talk about why it's time to reboot the Star Wars Original Trilogy.
Season 6
Episode 96

On My Box(+) - Star Wars vs Star Trek
As we get closer to On My Box Episode 100, I start a side series of debates that will lead to the grand debate on the 100th episode, which francise is the greatest.The first debate, Star Wars vs Star Trek. With both being in Movies, TV, Com...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 95

On My Box #95 - Mandalorian Season 3: Finale (Ch.21-24)
Jordann, Josh, Beau and Myself talk about the last 4 episodes of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 3. We talk briefly about how we felt about the 1st four episodes of The Mandalorian season 3.Chapter 21: The Pirate - W...
Season 6
Episode 95

On My Box(+) - Star Wars: Heir to the Empire
While recording Episode 94: The Bad Batch, Episode II, Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt and myself took a moment to talk about some of the content that was announced at the Star Wars 2023 Celebration. During that segment we were both mostly excite...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 94

On My Box #94 - The Bad Batch, Episode II
Joined by "The Darkstar"Josh Greenwalt, we talk about the second half of Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2. [episodes 9-16]We breifly talk about the episodes 7 & 8, which were talked about on the On My Box + Bonus episode.<...
Season 6
Episode 94

On My Box(+) - John Wick 4: The Bonus Episode
The "Darkstar" Josh Greenwalt, joins me to continue the talk about John Wick 4.
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 93

On My Box #93 - John Wick 4
Joined by guests: Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, Beau "The Lyin Hawaiian" Turner and introducing Kyle Dycus.We ask the question, is this the best John Wick Movie?We talk about the new characters introduced in John Wick 4.
Season 6
Episode 93

On My Box(+) - Rocky vs. Creed: Round 3
Rocky vs Creed: Round 3I compare some of the similar plot themes within the 6 Rocky movies and the 3 Creed movies.I ask the question; can Adonis Creed defeat the same boxers Rocky Balboa defeated.I ask the question...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 92

On My Box #92 - Rocky vs. Creed: Round 2
Rocky vs. Creed: Round 2. I talk about the 3 Creed movies. When I talk about Creed 3, I'm joined by the "Darkstar" Josh Greenwalt.Creed 1Creed 2Creed 3 (with Special Guest Josh "The Darkstar"Greenwalt.)
Season 6
Episode 92

On My Box #92 - Rocky vs Creed: Round 1
In Rocky vs Creed: Round 1, I talk about the 6 Rocky Movies.Rocky.Rocky II.Rocky III.Rocky IV.Rocky V.Rocky Balboa.I continue to talk about the Rocky Movie Franchise on Rocky...
Season 6
Episode 92

On My Box(+) - Star Wars: Rebels - It's all connected to Rebels!
After watching Star Wars, the Mandalorian chapter 21, The Pirate, the cameo of Zeb from Star Wars: Rebels made me realize that every Star Wars series is somehow connected to Star Wars: Rebels.I talk about the characters from Rebels ...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 91

On My Box BONUS - The Ahsoka Teaser
I go on a brief rant talking about the new Ahsoka Trailer.The live action Star Wars: Rebels charaters which appeared in the trailer.The "Heir to the Empire" reference.What is the Kitana Fleet.My expections...
Season 6
Episode 91

On My Box #91 - Mandalorian Season 3: Mid-season (Ch.17-20)
Joined by Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, we talk about the first four episodes of Star Wars, The Mandalorian.Chapter 17: The ApostateChapter 18: The Mines of MandaloreChapter 19: The ConvertChapter 20: The...
Season 6
Episode 91

On My Box(+) - Criminology & the Purple Tape: The Bonus Track
I continue talking about the Wu-Tang Clan, and the "Purple Tape," Only Built for Cuban Linx.I talk about some of the Wu-Affiliates which appeared around 1995.I ask which album is the sequel to Only Built for Cuban Link, Onl...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 90

On My Box #90 - Criminology & the Purple Tape
I talk about Wu-Tang: An American Saga season 3 episode, Criminology, and the album, Only Built 4 Cuban Linx, also known as the "Purple Tape."1. In the Wu-Tang: An American Saga episode "Crininology"I talk about how the characte...
Season 6
Episode 90

On My Box - Behind the Mic 6: Maki
This is a story about a special woman, my friend Maki Cook Ruiz. In this special episode dedicated to her, I tell the story about how we became friends, how she became an important person in my life, and how she even introduced me to podc...
Season 6

On My Box(+) - The Harry Potter Bonus Episode
I continue from episode 89, The Harry Potter Mega-Episode, and continue to talk about the Harry Potter movies and books.I talk about the release dates for the Books and MoviesI give my opinion on how each movie director ada...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 89

On My Box #89 - The Harry Potter Mega-Episode
To celebrate the 100th published episode of On My Box, We (Brandon, Jordann and myself) are joined by guests, Nurse Ashley, Josh "The Darkstar" Greenwalt, Zachary Greene and introducing TikTok Mega-star Cindy Murphy, to talk about the 8 Harry P...
Season 6
Episode 89

On My Box(+) - Transformers G1
As a follow up to episode 88, I talk about my favorite toy line from the 80s, The Generation 1 Transformers.I talk about the TV series seasons 1-4.I talk about the original Marvel Comics Transformers series.I talk ...
Subscriber Episode
Season 6
Episode 88