Church in the Peak

13/03/22 // Walking Through Life's Storms // Paul Blecker

Church in the Peak

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Walking Through Life’s Storms

The thoughts for this morning were triggered as I studied Psalm 46 and the fact that the only way, I believe we can manage to survive the “Storms of Life” is by actually putting into practice “Be still and Know that I am God” (v10a).

Do we expect the storms of life or are they just for the bad people around us? I was taken back to the story of Job as well as the parable that Jesus told of the two builders.

So should we expect “the storms of life” or do we hail from a rose-tinted glasses journey with Jesus where we will have a lovely life without any troubles. Quite simply NO WAY! In this fallen, damaged and wicked world troubles will come and following Jesus will not insulate you from them. 

Job 1-2
Matthew 7:24-28
Psalm 88:3
Isaiah 43:1-2
Matthew 8:23-27
John 16:33
Psalm 46
Isaiah 2:4
Romans 8:28

Here is the challenge whatever we face the good the bad or the ugly – we need to seek our father God and draw close to Jesus to be willing to be still and make the time to share our heart and our worries with him. The to listen to His response and be reminded again and again just how much he loves and cares for each one of us.

Romans 8v28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

As I was preparing, I was listening to the song WAYMAKER. 

The words “Even when I don’t see it, you’re working, even when I don’t feel it you’re working, You NEVER stop working”

So, this morning we need to turn to God whatever we face and whatever we are going through.

And turn to Jesus who died that all our sin and all our shame could be dealt with. So, that all our guilt could be removed. Today, whatever you have done – God’s promise in Jesus is that it has all been dealt with.

Whatever you face today & in the coming week Jesus is there to walk with you through it & when your strength fails to pick up and carry you. 

So, as we’ve been praying for those in Ukraine whose “Troubles” make ours fade. We need more of Jesus as Colossians reminds us Christ is all and Christ in us is all we need.

For this I have Jesus - For the joys and for the sorrows, The best and worst of times, For this I have Jesus, For this I have Jesus, For this I have Jesus, I have Jesus (Repeat)


So, this morning are you stuck in the midst of the storm? 

Do you need Jesus to still the wind and the waves?

Are you ready to be “Be Still and know that I am God”?

Are there things that are stopping you – do you feel God has let you down or forgotten you? Whatever it is you need God is here to meet with you afresh this morning.

He wants you to know that whatever you face, whatever makes you feel unloved, whatever you would hear from that inner voice accusing you of – Jesus wants to tell you afresh that. He wants to come and wrap His loving arms around you and declare He loves you and wants you to know afresh His peace that passes all understanding


"Jesus, I don't know what tomorrow may bring,

let alone next week or the next decade.

But today, knowing you and all you have done for me,

I chose to follow you into the unknown.
