Church in the Peak
Preaches, talks and audio from Church in the Peak.
475 episodes
19/01/25 // Increased Intimacy With God Through The Word Of God // Neal Garratt
To view Neal's full notes (in PDF format), click here.We tend to think of increased inti...
12/01/25 // Jesus And The Man With The Shriveled Hand // Rosie Crooks
Rosie, from Christ Church Manchester, spoke from Matthew 12 where Jesus heals the man with the shriveled hand and the lessons that we can learn from it.
15/12/24 // Uganda Update // Sandra Walker
Sandra gave an update from her recent trip to Uganda. This time, she also went with Peter & Pamela and SueW.
08/12/24 // Why God Chose Joseph // Andrew Davies
Andrew spoke from 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, explaining why God chose Joseph to be Jesus's earthly father.
01/12/24 // Who Do You Say Jesus Is? // Neal Garratt
For a full copy of Neal's notes, in PDF format, click here.Clip from The Chosen:
24/11/24 // Don’t Be Weird, The Gospel Is Strange Enough But True! // Dave Watmore
Dave spoke about the Ascension and Pentecost. To view Dave's notes - in PDF format - click here. Questions·&n...
17/11/24 // There Are No Coincidences With God
Neal spoke from Matthew 16 about how there are no coincidences with God, and that we need God to intervene.Please note that there were problems with the audio recording this morning, so there are some quality issues with this record...
10/11/24 // Stand Your Ground // Helen Bagnall
Helen spoke about standing our ground and not giving the devil a foothold.
27/10/24 // The Easter Story // Dave Watmore
To read Dave's full notes (in PDF format), click here. Questions · &n...
20/10/24 // The Cave, The Table and The Road // Jenny Hardy
Jenny spoke about how God is with us in the cave, at the table and on the road.
13/10/24 // Jesus Comes To Dinner // Neal Garratt
How would you feel if Jesus came to dinner?To read Neal's notes (in PDF format), including the quote from G Campbell Morgan, click here....
06/10/24 // Jesus Calms Storms And Minds // Lesley Watmore
Lesley spoke from Mark 4 and 5 about Jesus calming the storm and delivering the man from Legion.
29/09/24 // The Great Commission // Richard Thomas
Richard spoke about the Great Commission in Matthew 28.
22/09/24 // How Does God Measure Success? // Phil Hardy
Phil spoke about how God's way of measuring success is different from ours.
15/09/24 // Square Watermelons // Vicki Mottram
Vicki spoke about square watermelons at our baptism service this morning.
08/09/24 // Forgiveness - Joseph’s Story // Dave Watmore
For Dave's notes (in PDF format), click here.
01/09/24 // Has Potential // Neal Garratt
School reports - Has PotentialMoses - Has PotentialExodus 3+4 - The beginning of the story of Moses3:1-15, 19-22, 4:1-17What I love about this story is that God sees potential in Moses – even though Moses doesn’t see it in himse...
18/08/24 // First Love // Ray Novotney
Ray spoke from God's letter to the church in Ephesus in Revelation 2 about recovering your first love.
11/08/24 // God Is Able // Mike Gilbert
Mike used the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to remind us that God Is Able.
04/08/24 // Be Preapred // Phil Hardy
The Ten BridesmaidsMatthew 25:1-13 NLT[1] “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. [2] Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. [3] The five who were foolish di...
21/07/24 // Christ-Centred GIving // Neal Garratt
Neal spoke on giving.To view Neal's full notes, click here.Matthew 6 vs 21 vs 24-33Two key ve...
14/07/24 // The Living God // Tim Simmonds
Tim spoke from 1 Kings 17 about the power of our Living God.
07/07/24 // Create In Me A New Heart - Saul And Ananias // Dave Watmore
Create in me a new heartActs 9:1-18Saul thought he was doing the work of God. He was sure that the law had to be defended from this blasphemous group.Saul’s theology was that God would send a strong man to free them all from the occ...