Church in the Peak

20/11/22 // Know Your Enemy // Phil Hardy

Church in the Peak

God is on the move
There are many Prophecies around in the UK all saying the same thing - there is a Spiritual change beginning.
Ephesians 6:10-12 NLT
We are in a battle – Whether you feel you are or not we have an enemy.
Our enemy is unseen. How do you stand firm against an unseen enemy.
David was going to fight Goliath and Saul gave him his armour but David could not move in it. Physical armour
The spiritual armour we have been given fits perfectly on each one and on the church collectively. To fight an unseen enemy
1 Samuel 17:46-47 ESV
3 Enemies
○ The world - seen
○ The flesh - seen
○ The Devil - don't see, only the effects
● Paul here is talking about our battle with the devil and his schemes
● His tactics are to kill, steal and destroy.
Division and isolation.
God has divine connections lined up for your life.
There is power in connection. Connections lead to life. The devil fears connection. His ultimate aim is to cut you off from God. He tries to split marriages, to split friendships, to divide churches, to divide denominations and to isolate people. Although our culture is more connected than ever, people are more isolated than ever.
Ephesians 4:1-10 ESV
A stronghold - A fortified place where someone or something has rule and Authority. (satan)
It can be
● Cultural (Society)
● In a community
● In a Particular people group
● In the church
● In individual
The church out of Egypt / Egypt out of the church - embraced the culture of our nation.
Knowing your battle –our battle is not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers
● What are our Cultural Strongholds?
● Its time for Church to wake up
● Given opportunity to the enemy to take ground
● Where in your / our life have you /we given opportunity for the enemy
● Are there any areas where you are allowing him to build a stronghold in your life or the life of the church ?
● A pattern of behaviour, an attitude, a deliberate acting opposite to what God would want.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT
What are weapons?
Knowing who we are, we have been given authority to stand against, resist and demolish.
When we came to Jesus accepted him as Lord and saviour we were given a new identity that gives us authority over every work of the Devil.
Our authority comes from our identity in Christ Jesus
Here's some things the bibles says;
● I am eternally loved by God – Jer 31, Eph 1:5
● I am personally chosen by God – Eph 1:4, John 15:16
● I am saved by Gods Amazing Grace – Eph 2:8-9
● I am adopted into Gods Family – Rom 8:15-17, Eph 1:5
● I am completely Forgiven – Col 1:13-14, Eph 1:5
● I am the Righteousness of God Rom 5:17, 2 Cor 5:21
● I am a new Creation – 2 Cor 5:17
● I am Gods Masterpiece Eph 2:10
● I am being sanctified – Rom 6:1-4
● I belong to God – Rom 14:7-8, 1 Pe 2:9
● I am the dwelling place of God – 1Cor 3:16, Gal 2:10
● I am Gods heir and co heir with Christ Rom 8:16-17
● I am deeply and Unconditionally loved by God Rom 8:38-39, Eph 3:18-19
The Whole Gospel - Salvation, baptism in water, baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Worship –in the mist of difficulty sing, when everything is good sing, Praise a Worship of Jesus brings us close to God and the enemy hates it.
Prayer – Pray in the spirit at all times, When we pray to the right person (Jesus ) our focus becomes him not our enemy our problem, situation and he does answer prayer!
Matthew 11:11-12 NLT
Are we the ones who will partner with God to advance his kingdom in the face of every opposition using the weapons he has supplied?
1) What Battles are you facing? And what's your view if them?
2) How are you standing in the battle
3) In what ways are you able to fight knowing that Jesus has already won the Victory?
4) How do you see yourself before God? And