Church in the Peak

12/02/23 // Praying On The Armour Of God // Neal Garratt

February 12, 2023 Church in the Peak
Church in the Peak
12/02/23 // Praying On The Armour Of God // Neal Garratt
Show Notes

Ephesians 6: 10-20
v18 How do we actually put the armour on? Praying in the spirit.

J John says this about prayer:
“Prayer helps us put ourselves in a right relationship with God and in doing so places both us and our problems in perspective. Prayer brings us close to God: it allies us with him so that we are involved in his purposes and it makes his priorities ours. Effective prayer deepens our relationship with God – It builds bonds with God that will last. It lays the foundations in the light that we may need in the dark”
Romans 8:26-27

I want us to think not of the individual pieces of armour as such but what they represent.

TRUTH (Belt) - We believe what God says – The truth of who God is – That what he says is true and what he says about us is true – Knowing Our position in Christ and not listening to the lies of the enemy.
2 Thessalonians 3:3

RIGHTEOUSNESS (Breastplate) – Not our righteousness but Christ’s righteousness makes us right with God. We are righteous in God’s eyes because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross. He has reconciled us to God. This protects our heart.
Romans 5:1

PEACE (Shoes) – We need God’s peace in our minds and lives – commit decisions to Christ – let him bring peace to our hearts and minds or not as the case may be – align your thinking with Christ through the Holy Spirit. Be prepared to bring the good news of the gospel – the peace that a relationship with Jesus can bring – the reconciliation of God and man - God’s eternal plan
Hebrews 13:20

FAITH (Shield) – Protection from the accusations the enemy
Trust in what God says even though you cannot see the outcome. Trust that God will be with you and protect you – Believe God and his promises – no matter HOW YOU FEEL! Don’t doubt in the dark what God told you in the light.
Isaiah 41:10

SALVATION (Helmet) - Protects your mind – Declare your position in Christ – Set your mind on things above – Determine to believe God and all he says – You are precious in his sight – you are God’s masterpiece – Who does Christ say I am? Chosen, adopted into his family, sons and daughters of the King.
Romans 5:9-11

Important for us to know the word of God and be able to quote back to the enemy when he attacks. Have verses committed to memory or on your fridge – ready to use as your sword. This is GOD speaking to us directly – Its full of his promises and full of truth for us to stand on.
Psalm 91:14-16

I could use so many other scriptures here but I encourage you to find your own and print them off or memorize them.

Pete Greig’s book “God on mute”. He introduces Lecto Divina which is a way of reading the bible and hearing from God which has been used for centuries. It has four sections – READ – MEDITATE – PRAY – LISTEN. Phone app “LECTIO 365”.
See 08.11 – 13.47, but do watch the whole video!
“This is the moment when I have a personal encounter with Christ – guaranteed”
“Have faith, open expectant hearts and read with Love – remember this is the revealed word of God”
“He is limited only by how much I hope and believe in him He has unlimited treasure – God’s power transforms me”
Invite the Holy Spirit into your prayer times that you may align with the will of God – The Holy Spirit knows what you need to pray and at all times pray in the Spirit!!

Romans 8:26-27
Have you ever thought about your prayers being in harmony with God’s own 
will? How do we make sure this is the case?

Have another look at the video – what challenges you about what she says – what blesses you about what she says and what can we learn from what she says? Please look at this as an encouragement not as a discouragement!