Church in the Peak

19/11/23 // Money And Our Heart // Neal Garratt

November 19, 2023 Church in the Peak
19/11/23 // Money And Our Heart // Neal Garratt
Church in the Peak
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Church in the Peak
19/11/23 // Money And Our Heart // Neal Garratt
Nov 19, 2023
Church in the Peak

Does money make you happy? Google – 766m hits

There are 2,350 verses about money in the bible – More than those on faith and prayer combined!

Tithing is an OT principal

Leviticus 27:30/32 

In Malachi God has an argument with Israel because of their tithe and its quality! God declared that it is not right.

Tithing in the OT was mandatory, part of the Jewish Law and culture, but they recognised that everything came from God, the provider of life and sustenance.

In the NT Jesus brings a different perspective – Jesus affirms the practice of tithing (Matt 23:23) but he also urges us to think about justice, mercy and faith rather than just the law.

Matthew 23:23

It is all about what is in your heart.  It’s not about following the letter of the law, it's giving out of a heart in love with God.

Luke 18:10-14 

Jesus continually teaches us it's not your outward actions that count. We can't earn God’s favour by our works – it’s all by grace – We are justified by our faith in Jesus and recognising we are sinners that need to be saved by GRACE!!

Mark 12:41-44

When we give, do we hold back? Do I give as an act of obligation or of worship? The Widow dared to love God, to have faith that he would provide, to give it all. Do we have that attitude?

God owns everything anyway!

J John – God owns all the doughnuts

The question for us – what are you going to do with yours? What if God said give your 9 away. That’s where faith comes into play – God will provide all my needs!

Proverbs 3:5,9&10

God’s promise to us. Trusts God and rely on his promises!

Three areas to be careful about in thinking about money

1.    Your treasure

Matthew 6:21 “that wherever our treasure is – that is where our heart will be” Conversely – where our heart is, that’s where our treasure will be.

2.    Pride

God owns everything,  we are stewards of what he entrusts us with – Pride can enter our hearts and we believe that we OWN what we EARN – because we deserve it! 

Ezekiel 28:4-5 

ITS MINE is the cry of our selfish heart  - It can so easily become our possession, our right and precious!

3.     The Enemy.

He is a liar from the beginning and will lie to you about everything including your money, possessions and heart attitudes.

A:  He will say - It’s your money. You earned it. You spend it. You deserve it!

Truth - All we have is God’s – we are stewards - he owns all the doughnuts!

B: He will tell you that you won’t have enough for yourself if you give it away!

Truth – Generosity of heart enables God to give us more

Proverbs 11:25

C: He will tell you that God will not provide for you and that God is not interested in your financial situation!

Truth – God cares for every part of your life

Matthew 6:25


Have faith v30. This is the key.

Luke 6:38

God’s heart for us: He is not a God that gives us just enough, he is generous and extravagant in all he does for us -he wants us to have the same heart

“Freely you have received – freely give” Matt 10:8

You cannot out give God.

Pray about money and ask God how much to give – he will often give you a specific amount. 

This is how the church works: love each other through giving and sharing doughnuts!


1.     How do you feel about giving after this talk?

2.     Has anything helped in understanding the biblical principals involved here?

3.     How do you feel about praying and asking God if he wants to use any of your doughnuts this week?

4.     What is your fear when it comes to money and finance?

Show Notes

Does money make you happy? Google – 766m hits

There are 2,350 verses about money in the bible – More than those on faith and prayer combined!

Tithing is an OT principal

Leviticus 27:30/32 

In Malachi God has an argument with Israel because of their tithe and its quality! God declared that it is not right.

Tithing in the OT was mandatory, part of the Jewish Law and culture, but they recognised that everything came from God, the provider of life and sustenance.

In the NT Jesus brings a different perspective – Jesus affirms the practice of tithing (Matt 23:23) but he also urges us to think about justice, mercy and faith rather than just the law.

Matthew 23:23

It is all about what is in your heart.  It’s not about following the letter of the law, it's giving out of a heart in love with God.

Luke 18:10-14 

Jesus continually teaches us it's not your outward actions that count. We can't earn God’s favour by our works – it’s all by grace – We are justified by our faith in Jesus and recognising we are sinners that need to be saved by GRACE!!

Mark 12:41-44

When we give, do we hold back? Do I give as an act of obligation or of worship? The Widow dared to love God, to have faith that he would provide, to give it all. Do we have that attitude?

God owns everything anyway!

J John – God owns all the doughnuts

The question for us – what are you going to do with yours? What if God said give your 9 away. That’s where faith comes into play – God will provide all my needs!

Proverbs 3:5,9&10

God’s promise to us. Trusts God and rely on his promises!

Three areas to be careful about in thinking about money

1.    Your treasure

Matthew 6:21 “that wherever our treasure is – that is where our heart will be” Conversely – where our heart is, that’s where our treasure will be.

2.    Pride

God owns everything,  we are stewards of what he entrusts us with – Pride can enter our hearts and we believe that we OWN what we EARN – because we deserve it! 

Ezekiel 28:4-5 

ITS MINE is the cry of our selfish heart  - It can so easily become our possession, our right and precious!

3.     The Enemy.

He is a liar from the beginning and will lie to you about everything including your money, possessions and heart attitudes.

A:  He will say - It’s your money. You earned it. You spend it. You deserve it!

Truth - All we have is God’s – we are stewards - he owns all the doughnuts!

B: He will tell you that you won’t have enough for yourself if you give it away!

Truth – Generosity of heart enables God to give us more

Proverbs 11:25

C: He will tell you that God will not provide for you and that God is not interested in your financial situation!

Truth – God cares for every part of your life

Matthew 6:25


Have faith v30. This is the key.

Luke 6:38

God’s heart for us: He is not a God that gives us just enough, he is generous and extravagant in all he does for us -he wants us to have the same heart

“Freely you have received – freely give” Matt 10:8

You cannot out give God.

Pray about money and ask God how much to give – he will often give you a specific amount. 

This is how the church works: love each other through giving and sharing doughnuts!


1.     How do you feel about giving after this talk?

2.     Has anything helped in understanding the biblical principals involved here?

3.     How do you feel about praying and asking God if he wants to use any of your doughnuts this week?

4.     What is your fear when it comes to money and finance?