Church in the Peak

Prayer // Peter Williams

Church in the Peak

Peter spoke on prayer.

Feel bad about prayer, because don't feel I am that good at it, and that when I do they're really short.
Pray and distracted quickly.
Not that I haven't tried.
Prayer meetings, nightmare. Feel quite inadequate.

What did Jesus say?
Don't stand and do big fancy prayers, but pray some simple things.

When I communicate it can be short and to the point.
When I send an email, they don't span to lots of pages.
My texts answer the question, sometimes with one word.
When I wrote a book, it was very thin.
Why would prayer be different? It's communication between us and God.

Jesus on the cross. "My God my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Answer to the prayer, 3 days in hell, and then victory.
Probably not what he was hoping for, but all part of the father's plan.

The thief, remember me.... answer, today you will be with me in paradise.
Talk about how that can be our experience.

We get the idea God loves the long flowery communication. Maybe He does. However, the short may be sufficient.
Pamela sends long communications. Sometimes she just sends me a text with 1 letter, x, and I smile.
Chloe is even more succinct that me, and sends the letter k. I know she agrees.

The more words you speak, the less they mean. So what good are they?
Ecclesiastes 6:11 NLT

Do you think God hears us less when we say a short prayer.
I'd argue when a child cries out "Help, mummy" that they are heard more clearly than when they are rambling on about something.

What does the bible say about quick prayers?
It is littered with examples, from Paul in prison, Jesus on the cross, Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, to many of the Psalms.

What is my experience?
The reason I started to be meditating on this topic.
3 close calls in a couple of weeks.
All involved a quick prayer of help….

Psalms 124:1‭-‬8
Job 33:29‭-‬30

How many close calls don't we even know about?

2 Corinthians 1:8‭-‬11

Not mean don't sometimes need to wrestle with something in prayer.
Make the arrow prayer part of your normal life.
Communicate your concerns

Psalms 46:1‭-‬2‭, ‬10

Arrow prayer ideas

Comfort all those that are hurting today, O Lord.

Forgive my wrongdoing I pray

Hear My Prayer O Lord.

I surrender all to You my Lord and my God.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your word, I pray.

Restore the joy of my salvation and forgive me all my sin.



When was the last time God miraculously rescued you?

How do you find praying? What's your top tip?

What are you praying for most at the moment?

Spend time praying for one another.