Church in the Peak

13/12/20 // God's Peace // Neal Garratt

Church in the Peak

Neal spoke about Jesus, the Prince of Peace - Isaiah 9 vs 6-7  

Isaiah was a prophet speaking to the kingdom of Judah in 600-700 BC and famously prophesied the coming of Jesus particularly in Isaiah chapter 9 and 53.

This word peace in Hebrew is “Shalom” but it means far more than peace as we would understand the word. It means wholeness, completeness. For example a house finished with no bricks missing is complete – it’s Shalom. To bring Shalom to something is to bring restoration to that which is broken and that is what the Prince of Peace brings to us.
We are broken – our relationship with God broken by sin – we are separated from Holy God and Jesus has come to restore that relationship and make it whole again – he has come to bring Shalom to us through his life and death as our sacrifice.

Jesus brings peace to us by mending our broken relationship with God and bridging the gap between us and God caused by our sinful nature – Jesus is the perfect sacrifice and becomes the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world – He reconciles us to God

Romans 5:1 – That’s enough in and of itself but actually there’s more!!

Romans 5:8-11 – We have now been made friends with God – The reconciliation is complete and our relationship with God is no longer broken or as outsiders, not even as slaves – It’s as friends of God – what an amazing transformation has taken place! Jesus is the prince of peace and brings peace to our relationship with God.

Paul in Ephesians chapter 2 describes this whole transformation – it’s an amazing chapter and at the end he says this
“He brought this good news of peace to you gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near. Now all of us can come to the father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us”

That’s great but how does this affect my life on a daily basis where there is conflict, strife, anxiety and worry?

John Piper: “Make no mistake. The natural bent of life is to be filled with anxiety, fear, and worry. Our stress-filled, deeply broken world serves up a daily dose of things that thrive on stealing the peace that God intends for our lives. It’s no wonder that Jesus, just hours before His departure from this earth, told His disciples that He was going to leave them with His peace. Not the faux peace the world serves up. But the real deal. Why? Because He knew they would need it. And you and I would need it. And if there’s one person who can deliver on that promise, it is Jesus. After all, He is the Prince of Peace, as Isaiah declares in Isaiah 9:6.”

Isaiah 26:3-4 - We have to fix on eyes on Jesus – so often we fix our eyes on our circumstances or the problem we are dealing with – it takes up our view and our thoughts and our eyes.

Phillipians 4:6-7 - The word Guard used her is actually the Greek word for Garrison – it’s a secure place, well guarded and a place of safety – This is what we are promised!

This is true in the middle of the night, when we wake with worry and concern – true in all our circumstances and is a promise from God. We cannot understand it fully – it passes our understanding but biblical peace is based on a person (Jesus) and not on our external circumstances.

This is what the peace of Jesus brings – a heart that is at peace with God and a life that has the peace of God available for every circumstance!

A prayer to Finish - Romans 15:13 

1. Do we see Jesus as our Prince Of Peace – is that something you even think about?
2. Does the meaning of “Shalom” help in our understanding of what this word actually means?
3. Why do we struggle so much with worry and anxiety in our lives and what does Paul say to help us?
4. Does the meaning of “guard your heart” and the picture of a garrison help in our understanding of how Jesus can help us in o