Church in the Peak

14/03/21 // Suffering // Peter Williams

Church in the Peak

Colossians 1:24‭-‬27 NLT

Suffering in the world is probably the biggest excuse of why people say God cannot exist.

What is suffering?
Suffering is having what you don’t want or wanting what you don’t have. Elizabeth Elliot

For centuries v24 has been used as reasoning to torture yourself and feel that your pain is a good thing. This is not what this verse is about.

How do we suffer?
Paul suffered in his body, in jail and beatings. He understood that this was part of the suffering of Christ for his church, which is Jesus' body. Paul was 'glad' when he suffered. Why? It was for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Christ died for His church. He is passionate for her, His bride. 
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot
What man meant for evil, God used for good.

Some feel we are suffering by not meeting. The law does allow up to 30 people to be in the building, socially distanced with masks on. They are not allowed to sing, and refreshment is not allowed. Not a great experience, and what about the other 150 people? We decided to meet together using technology was better for now, knowing we would be able to meet in person soon. Most of us would prefer that, though some would like to stay away, and we will continue the livestream when we meet in person again.

Now the Chinese church meets on Zoom etc. It's still meeting. It's not the same, no, but it's as good as they can get whilst staying on the right side of the law. The church is flourishing in China whilst being persecuted. The church in the UK has also flourished during lockdown, with an explosion of Alphas and meetings, which are now accessible to all.

The other way people look at this passage is saying that it's about personal suffering? Illness etc. I do believe God can use illness and pain to extend the church, but I don't believe he ever causes pain for that purpose. He just uses the bad thing.

Correction of heresy. God doesn't heal everyone. Otherwise no one would die. God doesn't magic away our personal suffering. We live in a fallen world, and so there is disease and sickness, and God won't take that away till we get a new heaven and earth, which will be after this life. Have faith for the miracle yes. But don't be disappointed in God if it does not happen.

Salvation. Isaiah 53:4‭-‬6 ESV By his stripes I am healed. Yes. But nothing to do with physical healing. This is healed in your soul. Mustn't take verses out of context.

Paul served the church by proclaiming the message he had been given by Jesus. How do we serve the church? What is the job Jesus has given us to extend the kingdom of God? Paul said he was giving the 'entire' message. The Colossian church was giving less than the full truth, and that was not right. It was robbing them of the fullness of joy in the gospel message. So Paul was helping correct that, so that they could know what joy and riches were on offer in the gospel message.

What is the secret message? Christ lives in you. This is a big deal. It changes everything.
It changes how you respond to everything, even suffering.

What are the riches and glory of Christ? That he lives in us. So we have assurance of sharing in his glory. What's that? Eternal life, overcoming death.

So. How do we respond when God gives us something to do? Groan, or rejoice? It might be hard, it may feel like suffering, but if God wants us to do it…

Whatever is in the cup that God is offering to me, whether it be pain and sorrow and suffering and grief along with the many more joys, I’m willing to take it because I trust Him
Elizabeth Elliot


What type of suffering do you struggle with?
How do you feel about church coming back to proper meetings? What will have changed or need to change?
How do you feel when God is not healing you?