Church in the Peak

09/05/21 // Christ In Me The Hope Of Glory // Neal Garratt

May 09, 2021 Church in the Peak

In our series on Colossians we have looked at how Christ needs to be at the centre of our thinking and that Paul constantly brings us back to Christ – who he is, his position in the world and also where he should be in our experience and Christian lives.
We know that the local church had been influenced by different thinking and that the teaching was that Christ was not enough – you had to add things to Christ to become more Holy and more useful to God.
v2 Christ himself
v9 in Christ
v10 with Christ
v13 alive in Christ 
v17 Christ himself
v19 connected to Christ
v20 with Christ
v3 “In him (Christ) lie all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”: If I asked everyone do you believe this verse I hope and trust that everyone would say YES! We do believe that verse and yet in our experience is that what happens?
We spend a lot of time using our own wisdom and knowledge in situations of life – and we use other people’s wisdom and knowledge trying to work  everything out. Be CAREFUL WHO YOU ASK AS NON CHRISTIANS CAN ONLY GIVE YOU WORLDLY ADVICE NOT SPIRITUAL ADVICE – THEY DON’T KNOW GOD AND WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE CAN DO!!
When we are at the end of ourselves we can use God like an emergency button to try and resolve whatever situation we are in!
It’s like calling International Rescue or Batman when trouble strikes and we have worn ourselves out trying to work it all out. God wants us to know and understand this verse and what it means to live our lives with this knowledge.
John Piper: “What churches and leaders need more than anything is a GREAT BIG VISION of a GREAT BIG GOD – A God of magnificent love and lavish grace”
I would say that we all need that revelation of God for ourselves and that is what Paul is writing about here!
Ephesians 3:20
This is the vision of God that Paul wants us to grasp – and note where the power works: WITHIN US….
AW TOZER: “God is looking for people through whom he can do the impossible. What a pity we plan only the things we can do ourselves?”
What is your vision of God like? Is he big enough in your thinking or is he limited by your understanding/experience?
1 Corinthians 1:25
God is the God of impossible situations. We need to remind ourselves of what God can do when all seems lost in the bible or in our own lives and circumstances!
Abraham and Sara conceive when they are 100 years old
Moses and the Red Sea
Daniel in the Lions Den
Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego in the fiery furnace
Paul persecuting the Church and then becoming a Christian
Peter being released from Prison by God’s Power
Jesus Miracles throughout the gospels
John Piper: “If we don’t call to mind what God says about himself our mind can be filled with negative thoughts such as I can’t/They Won’t/It won’t work/It’s not going to happen/etc. Reasoning your way out of an impossible situation is not as effective as reminding yourself that God does impossible things!”
God says “I hold all the aces.” We need to remind ourselves of this.
Proverbs 3:5
Why? “Because in Christ lie all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”
George Muller: “Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith really begins when men’s power ends!”
Proverbs 2:1-6
Let’s have faith and trust in God – the God of the impossible - the God that holds all the aces!

1. What is your vision of God like? Is he big enough in your thinking? How can we change our vision of God?
2. Why do we rely on our own wisdom and understanding so often? Is this part of our upbringing? How can we change this thinking?
3. See George Muller's quote about faith above. What do you think of this statement?
4. Think of examples that are tough/impossible in your own life. Perhaps share with your group if you can and pray that impossible situations are changed by