Church in the Peak

23/05/21 // Not Empty Philosophy Or High Sounding Nonsense // Neal Garratt

Church in the Peak

Colossians 2:8-10
Paul wants to people in Colossae to understand that it is not about head knowledge and philosophical argument. It’s about a heart understanding and that in Christ we are made complete. Paul in no uncertain terms states that Christ is ENOUGH!
You are complete through your union with Christ v10
This is as important today as it was for the early Church. We can be captured by reasoned argument and what sounds plausible but is in fact empty and nonsense, coming from human thinking and not Christ.
We have to be careful what we read, watch and listen to. So much of what is available is counterfeit. It may sound or look good but in fact is empty and has no value!
£10 notes example: Monopoly money and fake £10 notes

How do we be careful about what we take in and ensure that it is right, not empty words of man’s thinking?
If what you are looking at/listening to does not line up with scripture then beware, it is not truth. God gave us his word to guide us and help us and it is the truth.
Psalm 118:105
Psalm 1:1-3
John 17:17
We need to know God’s word if we are to know what is true and what is untrue, false or empty! We need to read our Bibles!
Quote: “The bible is meant to be our daily bread, not cake for special occasions. A bible that is falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn’t”
You have the Holy Spirit living in you and he is there to guide you into all truth. This is what Jesus tells his disciples in John 14:16-17
Advocate: comforter, encourager, counsellor.
John 16:13
1 John 2:26-27
This is so important in our lives. The Holy Spirit can tell you if something is right or wrong and you KNOW in your Spirit and can feel it. He is our guide. Use Him, ask him and lean on him!
Talk to Jesus: Pray and ask for wisdom! If any of you lack wisdom ASK!
Song: Elevation – Talking to Jesus
What a friend we have in Jesus
It’s not a religion. It’s more like a friendship
Just talk to your father, like you are his kid
Just start talking to Jesus. You can talk to Jesus whenever you like!
3. Don’t be afraid to ask your leaders
We are constantly bombarded with ideas, thoughts, wisdom and opinions. We have social media and millions of websites that we can access at the touch of a button. Everyone has an opinion and wants to be heard. That’s why we have so many problems with social media abuse, racial issues, bullying and criminal cyber activity. It can be a hard place to navigate correctly.
BUT you have community group leaders and elders or someone in the Church that you trust who can help if you are unsure. You can get them to check out what you are looking at to see if it’s good or bad and they can pray about it and see what God says. This is particularly important if you are a young Christian.
This is how the body of Christ works. We don’t all know everything. But pool our resources and there is a wealth of Christian experience that you can draw on.
Ephesians 4:11-16
To Finish
Dave at the end of the last meeting prophesied this
“Don’t borrow truth from worldly things – Find truth in my word
There can be errors in borrowing truth from the world
My word has the fullness of truth and full revelation of what is needed for you!
Amen to that!

1.“You are complete through your union with Christ” v10. This is so important and the enemy will constantly attack us telling us we are not complete. What can we do to counteract these lies?
2.How can I read the bible more effectively and use it to remember God’s promises and his truth?
3.How does the Holy Spirit speak to us and how can we learn to listen and feel his touch?
4.Our Church members have a huge reservoir of experience. Why are we so reticent to use that experience an