Church in the Peak

06/06/21 // Being Fully Satisfied With All God Is For Us In Christ Jesus // Phil Hardy

Church in the Peak

Fully Satisfied with all God is For us In Christ Jesus

Every person in the world wants to know what will make him or her happy. We’re all desperately seeking for the person, place, or thing that will meet our expectations, needs, and wants.

We were designed for so much more than the trivial pursuit of pleasure

So maybe here in Colossians we find the answer to all this

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.
Colossians 2:9 - 10

Col 1:27
Eph - You In Christ - Loved, Chosen, Adopted, Kindness, forgiveness, Wisdom, Understanding,
John 1:1-4
Colossians 1:19
John 1:16

How do you see God?
Some higher power?
Some spiritual force?
A God who is cruel, mean, Authoritarian, unloving?

Do you see God as 3 persons in one? Teacher at my Junior school could not sing from the hymn Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty : “God in three persons,  blessed trinity” as he could not believe that truth

If you do, how do you rank them?  in an order of importance or position?
1. God the Father - Most Important
2. God the Son - Second
3. God the Holy spirit - Least Important
Or are they just one third of God?

Each Person is Fully God!

The Doctrine of the Trinity - Bit of homework for you!

Promises of Satisfaction

The Bible is full of glorious promises of satisfaction for the discontent:
John 6:35
Psalm 107:9
Psalm 22:26
Psalm 16:11

Our Good and His Glory

Seeking satisfaction in Christ alone serves two purposes:
It is for our good and for the glory of God. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” John Piper
There are benefits we reap as we know, love, and delight ourselves in Jesus.

1. The Father gives us peace that surpasses human understanding
2. He provides for all our needs according to his riches in Glory
3. No good thing is withheld from us
4. He makes ALL things work together for our good.

Living in light of these truths proclaims to a discontent world that Jesus is better than anything the world has to offer.

As we look to Jesus to make us truly happy, we also proclaim to a world in need that only Christ can truly satisfy.

When we are most satisfied in him, he loves that,
“We glorify God when our satisfaction is Jesus alone”.

This can be hard for us to grasp. Why?
• Because to us, we have to read our Bible to glorify God
• Or we have to pray to make him happy.
• Or be telling others about him all the time.
• Or Trying really hard to not sin. 

No. When we are fully satisfied in him, all those things will happen as a consequence and he is happy with us.

“He is most glorified when we are happy with him and in Him. That's crazy and difficult for us to comprehend, but does not change the fact it's true.
Jirah - The Lord Provides
He provides for all your needs Because he is enough
Is he enough for you - Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

• How do you understand the Fullness of God living in Jesus human form?
• What does that teach us about our own christian life?
• How should that affect our understanding of God who fills the whole universe and more?
• Have you ever considered what it means for us to have been created in the Image of God? What are the possibilities for us? Is there anything you have not seen or understood about this truth before?