Church in the Peak

13/06/21 // Spiritual Circumcision // Peter Williams

Church in the Peak

Circumcision  - Colossians 2:11 


Jewish children, circumcised when they were a week old. It marked you as belonging.
Not exclusive to Israel, common amongst many peoples, males and females. 
Strange in our culture.

Deuteronomy 10:14‭-‬22 

Complete because you have less....

Like Phil was saying last week, need to look to the other letters to get the full picture of what Paul is referring to

There is a covenant when you come to Christ. It is done 

Unnecessary flesh
Like an appendix, just a bit of skin

A sinful nature is not necessary for your good. It is by its very nature bad. Chocolate cake is good. But actually it is very bad for us. We can not live by chocolate cake alone. Yes we like it.
Do we need it, no. Do we need a sinful nature? No.
Circumcision is also unnecessary in that it has already happened spiritually

Harmful flesh
Harbour disease, if you are not attentive and clean well. Have to explain to a child. 
All kinds of reasons that I have to refer people for a circumcision.

Sin is harmful. 
Cut out the eye that sins. Jesus does not mean us to do that physically but metaphorically. Avoid it. Run away from sin. Escape sin. 
But it had been cut off. It has gone. 
You can't put it back on.
It is finished....

Why do I keep sinning?
Now and the not yet of the kingdom of God

A sign of belonging
All the same. Join the club
What is the sign you are saved?
What do friends see as the mark that Christ has circumcised you?

No loss in the circumcision.

Prune vine, cut bits away that are rotten
John 15:1‭-‬5

Early church

Acts 11:1‭-‬3
I'm a more authentic Christian than you because I was a Jew first.

Rom 3 starts regarding circumcision and it's value. Then....
Romans 3:11‭-‬12‭, ‬20
Galatians 6:14‭-‬15

It's going beyond law, to a place of love and obedience.
Acceptance of grace.

Romans 2:25
We could not keep all the law of God, and so the covenant with God was broken. So Christ had to come to make a covenant we could not break. Could not earn. Could not receive by a ceremony. We just have to accept.

Galatians 5:2
it's not about what you do, but about what he has done.
What do you believe in?
What do you trust in for your salvation?

It is finished
Not half done
Don't need to collect church attendance points like a giant Costa card to get a free place in heaven
Jesus plus NOTHING.

Response / Questions
What are you doing to try and earn your salvation? What do you need to let go of, like a worthless bit of skin, so you can accept that Jesus did it all?
Do you for the first time need to accept what Christ did on the cross, and let your sinful nature be taken away, leaving you clean and with access to God and a place in heaven, guaranteed?