Church in the Peak

20/06/21 // Freedom From Sin // Keith Byrne

Church in the Peak

Keith talked from Colossians 2v13-15.

Recognition of our previous position

I talked about the fact we had all missed the mark and fallen short of the glory of God.  I contrasted the 'sinful' woman (Luke 7v36-47) who recognised her need to be forgiven and Simon, the Pharisee, who could see sin in others but not himself.  Jesus said the woman had been forgiven for her many sins and therefore loved much.


How do you feel you're currently doing with understanding how much you're forgiven?


Redemption - Jesus paid the price

I contrasted our position of being previously spiritually DEAD with now being spiritually ALIVE


Spiritually DEAD
Sinners by nature - Psalm 51:5
Slaves to sin - Romans 6:17
In Adam - Romans 5:14
Hopelessly in debt to God  - Colossians 2:14
Separated/alienated from God - Ephesians 2:12
Without hope - Ephesians 2:12
Unable to save ourselves - Matthew 19:26

Spiritually ALIVE
Righteous by nature - Romans 5:19
Free from sin/Slaves to righteousness - Romans 6:18
In Christ - Romans 8:1; Ephesians 2:6
Free from debt forever - Colossians 2:14
Brought near to God, Children of God! - Ephesians 2:13; Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:4-7
Living with hope inside to share with the world - 1 Peter 1:3
Saved by grace through faith - Ephesians 2:8


Which part of being spiritually alive stands out as most exciting to you right now?


The Result / Our Response

I talked about us being set free from sin and needing the Holy Spirit to enable us to walk free.


How about asking the Holy Spirit to fill you and strengthen you right now?

Is there anything particular you want Him to help you with?