Church in the Peak

27/06/21 // Freedom From Rules And New Life In Christ // Neal Garratt

Church in the Peak

Colossians 2:16-18 Freedom from Rules and New Life in Christ

This follows on from the previous verses in this chapter as it starts with So. We need to see what was written before to help in our understanding of this section.
The section deals with the lies and deception that had come into the early Church.
v10 is the Key Verse

If you are complete in Christ (and you are) then you do not need additions to your faith to make you holier or more acceptable to God.
It’s not Jesus plus circumcision and it’s not listening to empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking.
No. We are new creatures in Christ. We have been made alive by the Holy Spirit and our debt is paid.

Paul reminds them that having gained this new freedom in Christ they should be careful not to gain another debt, to the law! Things that are seen as adding to their spirituality end up as powers to which they are enslaved! v16 is Paul’s warning.
They are in danger of putting themselves back under the law and listening to people who are full of pride and their own achievements. They are no longer even listening to Christ the head of the body v19. They are disconnected.

Being super spiritual, better than others
Working your salvation by denying your body comforts
Proud of your gifting, visions of angels etc
Proud of your position
Proud of following the law to make yourself worthy to God.

What they have missed is that Christ is the reality. No longer dealing with shadows but Christ is here and lives in them! The reality has come!
We are all sinners. Romans 3 vs 23

BUT there is good news
Jesus came to save sinners. He came to save those who are sick not those who are well. Something the religious leaders of the day did not understand. Jesus had a meal with many tax collectors and disreputable sinners “Why does you teacher eat with such scum? They asked? Jesus reply in Matt 9:12-13 is wonderful.
You see all these rules and regulations are external to us but Jesus wants to change our heart, from being dead to being spiritually alive! He changes us from the inside out, not from the outside in.
Hebrews 10:16-17

Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to try and talk and find out who Jesus was and he initially
thinks that Jesus has come to save the Jews from the Romans. Jesus explains that his kingdom deals with our sinful nature.
Here is the link on Youtube.

1 Timothy 2:5-6
Jesus died to bring freedom to you. Be careful to not go back and condemn yourselves because you are not doing enough, you cannot earn your salvation. It is a gift from God
What is vital is that we are connected to Christ. It’s all about Jesus, as always!

Colossians 2:19
This is where you need to be - connected to Christ – let God nourish you and grow you as a believer in Christ.

1.Why is pride an issue for God? What areas of our lives to we need to be careful with so we don’t become proud?
2.We can so easily fall back under the law - laws that other people put on us and even laws we put on ourselves - that we think are ok for our spiritual growth! Think about some of these that you have experienced.
3.Colossians 2 vs 19 is an important verse so how can we ensure that we are always connected to Christ – so important if we are to grow and be nourished.
4.Perhaps watch the Nicodemus clip together – what speaks to you from this clip and do you see the freedom that it brings to Nicodemus? Nicodemus was a high ranking Jew – part of the Sanhedrin and well respected – Knew the law and the bible but didn’t know Jesus until now!